
Mifos X是一个开源技术平台,帮助金融机构向全球25亿穷人和无银行账户提供服务。(Mifos X is an open source technology platform helping financial institutions deliver services to the world’s 2.5 billion poor & unbanked.)

  • 所有者: openMF/community-app
  • 平台: Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), Linux, Microsoft Azure, Windows
  • 许可证: Mozilla Public License 2.0
  • 分类:
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Mifos X是一个开源技术平台,帮助金融机构向全球25亿穷人和无银行账户提供服务。它解决了目前面临的核心银行系统面临的挑战,这些挑战过于昂贵,过于复杂,并且/或者缺乏当地利益相关者和机构的支持。得益于硅谷的慷慨支持,Mifos Initiative经过重新设计,围绕以API为中心,基于云的软件架构而构建,Mifos X平台现已成为一个现代化的互联核心银行系统,可帮助全球负责任的金融服务机构为穷人提供基本的金融服务。

Mifos X可以部署在任何环境中:云端或内部部署,在线或离线,在移动设备或PC上;它可以适用于支持任何类型的组织,交付渠道,产品,服务或方法。对于任何组织,无论大小,它提供的服务包括客户数据管理,贷款和储蓄组合管理,集成的实时会计以及在现代互联世界中将数字金融服务结合在一起所需的社会和财务报告。该平台通过Mozilla Public License 2.0完全开放。

Mifos X是Fineract的标准发行版,包含Fineract上的平台,Web客户端和移动客户端。如果您希望贡献并在Apache Fineract平台上构建,请在GitHub上获取源代码。如果您要部署包含平台以及Web和移动客户端的生产就绪版本,请在此处下载。


编程语言HTML (语言数: 7)
平台Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), Linux, Microsoft Azure, Windows
许可证Mozilla Public License 2.0
最新版本名称MIFOSX-21.07.01.RELEASE (发布于 )
第一版名称v0.1 (发布于 )
创建于2013-05-21 09:09:38
推送于2024-05-02 12:09:56
最后一次提交2018-03-29 09:13:05

MifosX Community App Join the chat at https://gitter.im/openMF/community-app Build Status Docker Hub Docker Build

This is the default web application built on top of the MifosX platform for the mifos user community. It is a Single-Page App (SPA) written in web standard technologies like JavaScript, CSS and HTML5. It leverages common popular frameworks/libraries such as AngularJS, Bootstrap and Font Awesome.

Online Demo

Access the online demo version here

Building from source

  1. Ensure you have

    npm installed - goto http://nodejs.org/download/ to download installer for your OS.
    ruby installed - goto https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/documentation/installation/ to download latest version of ruby.

Note: On Ubuntu Linux you can use 'sudo apt-get install npm nodejs-legacy' (nodejs-legacy is required to avoid the ""/usr/bin/env: node: No such file or directory" problem).
Tip: If you are using Ubuntu/Linux, then doing npm config set prefix ~ prevents you from having to run npm as root.

  1. Clone this repository to your local filesystem (default branch is 'develop')

     git clone https://github.com/openMF/community-app.git
  2. To download the dependencies, and be able to build, first install bower & grunt

     npm install -g bower
     npm install -g grunt-cli
  3. Next pull the runtime and build time dependencies by running bower, npm, and gem bundler install commands on the project root folder

     bower install
     npm install
     gem install bundler
     bundle install
  4. To preview the app, run the following command on the project root folder

     grunt serve

    or open the 'index.html' file in FIREFOX browser

    Note: If you see a warning similar to the one shown below on running grunt serve , try increasing the number of open files limit as per the suggestions at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/34588/how-do-i-change-the-number-of-open-files-limit-in-linux/

     Waiting...Warning: EMFILE, too many open files
  5. You can use these credentials to log in

     Username: mifos
     Password: password

You are done.

Connecting to a MifosX Platform using OAuth 2 authentication:

Edit the value of property "security" in configurations.js to "oauth"

Connecting to a MifosX Platform running on a different host:

By default, when the app is running from the local filesystem, it will connect to the platform (fineract-provider REST API) deployed on demo.openmf.org.

The app connects to the platform running on the same host/port when deployed on a server.

If you want to connect to the API running elsewhere, then append the baseApiUrl and tenantIdentifier as query parameters,

e.g. http://localhost:9002/?baseApiUrl=https://localhost:8443&tenantIdentifier=default

e.g. http://localhost:9002/?baseApiUrl=https://demo.openmf.org&tenantIdentifier=default

Adding dependencies

You can also add more dependencies on bower.json.
You can search for them in http://sindresorhus.com/bower-components/ or even:

bower search <package>

Running grunt tasks

Grunt tasks are used to automate repetitive tasks like minification, compilation, unit testing, linting, production builds, etc

Following are the tasks integrated.

Validate JS and HTML files

Validate the JS files to detect errors and potential problems in JavaScript code. All errors output will be written to jshint-log.xml file which get created under project base directory.
Checks the markup validity of HTML files. All errors output will be written to console.

grunt validate


Build the code for production deployment.

grunt prod


Use this for development.
Start a static server and open the project in the default browser. The application will hit the demo server.

grunt serve


To build a Docker image for the current repo, run:

docker build -t mifos-community-app .

You can then run a Docker Container from the image above like this:

docker run --name mifos-ui -it -d -p 80:80 mifos-community-app

Access the webapp on http://localhost in your browser.
The Dockerfile uses a ruby and node base image to build the current repo and deploys the app on nginx which is exposed
on port 80 within the container.

Compile sass to css

grunt compass:dev

Running the tests

Just open test/SpecRunner.html in the browser.

Getting Started doc


Contribution guidelines

Please read the contribution guidelines

Note: This application will hit the demo server by default.
