FreeNAS®是一个基于FreeBSD的嵌入式开源网络连接存储(NAS)操作系统,根据2-clause BSD 许可证发布。NAS具有针对文件存储和共享进行了优化的操作系统。(FreeNAS® is an embedded open source network-attached storage (NAS) operating system based on FreeBSD and released under a 2-clause BSD license. A NAS has an operating system optimized for file storage and sharing.)


FreeNAS®是一个基于FreeBSD的嵌入式开源网络连接存储(NAS)操作系统,根据2-clause BSD 许可证发布。 NAS具有针对文件存储和共享进行了优化的操作系统。

FreeNAS®提供基于浏览器的图形配置界面。 内置网络协议提供对多个操作系统的存储访问。 提供了一个插件系统,用于通过安装附加软件来扩展内置功能。

FreeNAS是一种操作系统,几乎可以安装在任何硬件平台上,通过网络共享数据。 FreeNAS是为数据创建集中且易于访问的位置的最简单方法。 将FreeNAS与ZFS一起使用可以保护、存储、备份您的所有数据。 FreeNAS随处可用,适用于家庭,小型企业和企业。

FreeNAS is an operating system that can be installed on virtually any hardware platform to share data over a network. FreeNAS is the simplest way to create a centralized and easily accessible place for your data. Use FreeNAS with ZFS to protect, store, backup, all of your data. FreeNAS is used everywhere, for the home, small business, and the enterprise.



编程语言Shell (语言数: 8)
许可证GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
最新版本名称TN-13.3-BETA1 (发布于 )
第一版名称8.0-RC1 (发布于 )
创建于2013-03-07 13:23:20
推送于2024-05-12 12:51:01
最后一次提交2024-05-10 14:14:36

FreeNAS 12 Source

Build Status

IMPORTANT NOTE: This is the master branch of freenas, which is used for the creation and testing of 11-Nightlies builds. Submit Pull Requests here if you want to get changes into the next major release of FreeNAS. To build this source repo, checkout

Pull Request Instructions / Jenkins Commands

When submitting a pull-request, Jenkins will attempt to verify the changes to ensure it does not break our builds and/or passes QA tests.

The following commands may be used to interact with that service:

"ok to test" to accept this pull request for testing
"test this please" for a one time test run
"add to whitelist" to add the author to the whitelist

If the build fails for other various reasons you can rebuild.

"retest this please" to start a new build
"retest this please CLEAN" to start a new build, non-incremental

If your Pull-Request depends upon another repo / branch to build properly, you can specify that using the following syntax in the Pull-Request description:


An example would be, sending a pull-request for the freenas/samba repo, but it depends upon port changes in the freenas/ports repo. You would first
push your port changes to a branch in freenas/ports (kris/testbranch in this example). Then when creating your pull-request for freenas/samba, you would
insert text into the pull-request description field as shown above.

If your Pull-Request needs to build aginst another build profile (I.E. fn_head) add the following to the PR description:

PROFILE: fn_head

Build Branch / Version Matrix

FreeNAS 11 Master / Nightlies

(This branch will become the next feature release, I.E. 11.1), Repo, Branch, Description, :-------------, :-----------------:, -------------, build, master, FreeNAS Build System (build profile: freenas), freenas, master, Core FreeNAS Sources - Legacy UI and Middleware/API, os, freenas/11-stable, FreeBSD Operating System - Upstream, ports, freenas/master, FreeBSD Ports Tree - Upstream, webui, master, New Angular UI, freenas-docs, master, Handbook, samba, freenas/master, Samba Sources, py-libzfs, master, Python interface to libzfs, #### FreeNAS 12 Nightlies
(This branch will become the FreeNAS 12.0 feature release), Repo, Branch, Description, :-------------, :-----------------:, -------------, trueos, freenas/12-stable, FreeNAS / TrueOS Build System, ports, freenas/12-stable, TrueOS Ports Tree, freenas, freenas/12-devel, Core FreeNAS Sources - Middleware/API, webui, master, New Angular UI, freenas-docs, master, Handbook, samba, freenas/master, Samba Sources, py-libzfs, master, Python interface to libzfs, #### FreeNAS HEAD Nightlies
(This branch will become the next major OS feature release, I.E. 13.0), Repo, Branch, Description, :-------------, :-----------------:, -------------, trueos, freenas/master, FreeNAS / TrueOS Build System, ports, freenas/master, TrueOS Ports Tree, freenas, master, Core FreeNAS Sources - Legacy UI and Middleware/API, webui, master, New Angular UI, freenas-docs, master, Handbook, samba, freenas/master, Samba Sources, py-libzfs, master, Python interface to libzfs, #### FreeNAS STABLE Branch
(This branch will become the next minor update release, I.E. 11.0-U4), Repo, Branch, Description, :-------------, :-----------------:, -------------, build, freenas/11.0-stable, FreeNAS Build System (build profile: freenas), freenas, freenas/11.0-stable, Core FreeNAS Sources - Legacy UI and Middleware/API, os, freenas/11.0-stable, FreeBSD Operating System - Upstream, ports, freenas/11.0-stable, FreeBSD Ports Tree - Upstream, webui, freenas/11.0-stable, New Angular UI, freenas-docs, master, Handbook, samba, freenas/11.0-stable, Samba Sources, py-libzfs, master, Python interface to libzfs
