
Circuit:动态云编排。「 Circuit: Dynamic cloud orchestration 」

  • 所有者: gocircuit/circuit
  • 平台: Linux, Mac
  • 许可证: Apache License 2.0
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CIRCUIT 是一种新的思维方式。 它表面上与现有软件相似,但实际上却截然不同。

Circuit 是一种可编程平台即服务(PaaS)和/或基础架构即服务(IaaS),用于管理、发现、同步和编排包含云应用程序的服务和主机。

Circuit 的设计是为了在技术企业中实现清晰、可靠和安全的人机接口,最终提高生产力。上面说明了典型的基于 Circuit 的体系结构中的工程角色分离。

circuit 的用户是:

  • 运营工程师,负责在主机、进程和网络级别维护云应用程序
  • 数据科学家,他们通过连接和分发第三方实用程序来开发分布式计算管道
  • 分布式软件的制造商,他们希望以标准化的方式编写安装和维护过程的代码,而不是通过文档(即 MySQL)进行通信。

circuit 的一些技术特点:

  • 单一和多数据中心开箱即用
  • 系统流量的认证和安全
  • 基于 TCP 和 UDP 多播(类似于 mDNS)的内部节点发现
  • 零配置/盲重启,以便在主机配置端轻松重启
  • 全局的、视图一致的键值空间,其中键是分层的路径,值是数据、进程、同步等的控制对象。
  • 在物理主机的超高流失率下保持一致性
  • 对 API 的命令行和编程访问
  • 与 Docker 集成

在典型的 circuit 场景中:

  • 供应工程师确保新配置的计算机在启动时作为守护程序启动零配置 circuit 服务器。
  • 作工程师通过命令行工具或语言绑定来编程启动和动态响应行为。


  • 占用空间小:circuit 守护进程空闲时几乎不留下任何通信和内存占用。这使得 circuit 与已有的架构一起,成为增量采用的理想选择。
  • 直接影响:即使是简短而简单的 circuit 脚本也可以节省手动时间
  • 知识核算:circuit 脚本可以用可执行的发现、诊断、行动和不行动的方法来代替文本的事后分析报告。
  • circuit 服务器以执行顺序记录所有操作,从而在事后调试和分析期间实现最大的可见性。


  • circuit 程序(circuit API 的调用序列)不是声明性的(如 Puppet,Chef 等)。它们实际上是 CSP 并发模型中的命令式程序,该模型允许工程师编码跨越多个数据中心的复杂动态响应行为。

在 wiki 中查找与其他技术(如 Zookeeper,etcd,CoreOS,raft,Consul,Puppet,Chef 等)的比较。


这些相关产品都不认为集群是一个封闭的系统。在这种情况下,circuit 就不同了。下一节将以精确的术语解释这一点。


circuit 是一个微小的服务器进程,它在一组机器上运行实例,形成一个高效、灵活的网络,从而实现任何一台机器的分布式流程编排和同步。

circuit 的一些目标应用是:

  • 例如,在数值计算中,复杂计算流水线的自动动态编排
  • 打包和分发可以自组织成复杂云应用程序的通用分布式二进制文件
  • 小型和大型 OPS 工程工作流程的增量自动化


有关 The Circuit 的概念性介绍,请查看 GopherCon 2014 视频。由于录制了本视频,API-via-file-system 方法被抛弃,取而代之的是更简单的命令行工具和 Go 客户端库。

另请参阅高级教程:带有后通道的 Watchbot仿真动画演示

circuit 是通过命令行工具和客户端库在整个集群中执行和同步 UNIX 进程的工具。

circuit 是一个二进制文件,用于服务器和命令行客户端。


circuit 包含一个小二进制文件。它可以为 Linux 和 Darwin 构建。

假设已经安装了 Go 语言编译器,您可以使用一行构建和安装 circuit 二进制文件:

go get


可以使用该命令异步(并以任何顺序)启动 circuit 服务器

circuit start -a

所有实例都使用相同的命令。 -if 选项指定要绑定到的网络接口,而 -discover 命令指定要用于自动服务器 -- 服务器发现的 UDP 多播通道的 IP 地址。

通过将环境变量 CIRCUIT_DISCOVER 设置为等于所需的多播地址,可以省略 -discover 选项。


要在第一台机器上运行 circuit 服务器,请选择一个公共 IP 地址和端口让它监听,并像这样启动它

circuit start -a

circuit 服务器将在其标准输出上打印自己的 circuit URL。应该是这样的:


复制它。我们需要它告诉下一个 circuit 服务器在网络中即 “join” 这个circuit,即 circuit。

登录到另一台机器,同样在那里启动一个 circuit 服务器。这次,使用 -j 选项告诉新服务器加入第一个:

circuit start -a -j circuit://

您现在有两个相互感知的 circuit 服务器,运行在集群中的两个不同主机上。

您可以以类似的方式将任意数量的附加主机连接到 circuit 环境,甚至是数十亿台主机。该 circuit 采用了一种基于扩展器的现代图形算法,实现了真实的分布式状态感知和有序通信;它很少使用通信和连接,空闲时几乎不留痕迹。


每个 circuit 服务器的目的是代表用户托管一组称为 elements 的控制原语。在每个服务器上,托管的元素都组织在一个层次结构中(类似于 Apache Zookeeper 中的文件系统),其节点称为锚。锚(类似于文件系统目录)有名称,每个锚可以承载一个 circuit 元素或为空。

所有服务器的层次结构在逻辑上由全局 circuit 根锚统一,其子节点是各个 circuit 服务器层次结构。一个典型的锚路径是这样的


路径的第一个组件是托管叶子锚点的 circuit 服务器的ID。

除了 circuit 根锚(其不对应于任何特定 circuit 服务器)之外,所有其他锚可以存储过程或信道元素,至多一个,并且另外可以具有任何数量的子锚。在某种程度上,锚点就像目录,可以有任意数量的子目录,但最多只有一个文件。

创建 circuit 元素并与之交互是用户控制和反映其分布式应用程序的机制。这可以通过包含的Go客户端库或使用 circuit 可执行文件本身中包含的命令行工具来完成。

过程元素用于在主机 circuit 服务器上执行,监视和同步 OS 级进程。它们允许从 circuit 集群中的任何机器查看和控制 OS 进程,而不管底层 OS 进程的物理位置如何。

通道元素是同步原语,类似于 Go 中的通道,其发送和接收侧可从 circuit 集群中的任何位置访问,而其数据结构存在于托管其锚点的 circuit 服务器上。


一旦 circuit 服务器启动,您就可以交互式地创建、观察和控制 circuit 元件(i)使用兼作命令行客户端的 circuit 二进制 -- 以及(ii)以编程方式使用 circuit Go 客户端软件包。事实上,circuit 命令行工具只是Go客户端库的前端。

客户端(工具或您自己的)拨入 circuit 服务器以与整个系统进行交互。所有服务器在各方面都是平等的公民,特别是任何一台服务器都可以作为拨入的选择。

该工具(稍后更详细地描述)本质上是一组命令,允许您遍历 circuit 元素的全局分层命名空间,并与它们交互,有点类似于使用 Zookeeper 命名空间的方式。

例如,要列出整个 circuit 集群锚点层次结构,请键入

circuit ls /



两个根级锚点对应于两个 circuit 服务器。

将工具指向 circuit 群

在使用 circuit 工具之前,您需要告诉它如何为我们找到一个 circuit 服务器拨入点。


如果使用 -discover 选项或 CIRCUIT_DISCOVER 环境变量启动 circuit 服务器,则命令行工具可以使用相同的方法查找 circuit 服务器。例如:

circuit ls -discover /...


circuit ls /...

使用命令行选项 -d,例如

circuit ls -d circuit:// /

或者,等效地,通过将环境变量 CIRCUIT 设置为指向其内容是所需拨入地址的文件。例如,(在 bash 中):

echo circuit:// > ~/.circuit
export CIRCUIT="~/.circuit"
circuit ls /


circuit help

有关其含义和功能的更详细说明,请参见客户端软件包 的文档。



circuit ls /...

运行一个新的 ls 进程:

circuit mkproc /X88550014d4c82e4d/pippi << EOF
    "Path": "/bin/ls", 


circuit peek /X88550014d4c82e4d/pippi


cat /dev/null | circuit stdin /X88550014d4c82e4d/pippi


circuit stdout /X88550014d4c82e4d/pippi

从锚点层次结构中删除 process 元素

circuit scrub /X88550014d4c82e4d/pippi

示例:创建一个 docker 容器

与 OS 进程的情况非常相似,该 circuit 可以创建、管理和同步 Docker 容器,并将相应的 docker 元素附加到锚文件系统中的路径。

要允许创建 docker 元素,必须使用 -docker 开关启动任何单个服务器。 例如:

circuit start -if eth0 -discover -docker

要使用该工具创建和执行新的 docker 容器:

circuit mkdkr /X88550014d4c82e4d/docky << EOF
    "Image": "ubuntu",
    "Memory": 1000000000,
    "CpuShares": 3,
    "Lxc": ["lxc.cgroup.cpuset.cpus = 0,1"],
    "Volume": ["/webapp", "/src/webapp:/opt/webapp:ro"],
    "Dir": "/",
    "Entry": "",
    "Env": ["PATH=/usr/bin"],
    "Path": "/bin/ls",
    "Args": ["/"],

与 docker 命令行工具对应的命令行选项类似,可以省略这些字段中的大多数。

其余的 docker 元素命令与进程的命令相同:stdin、stdout、stderr、peek 和 wait。在一个异常中,peek 将返回容器的详细描述,该描述来自 docker inspect。



circuit ls /...

选一个。 假设是 X88550014d4c82e4d。 现在,让我们在 X88550014d4c82e4d 上创建一个频道:

circuit mkchan /X88550014d4c82e4d/this/is/charlie 3

该行的最后一个参数是通道缓冲容量,类似于在 Go 中创建通道的方式。


circuit peek /X88550014d4c82e4d/this/is/charlie


        "Cap": 3,
        "Closed": false,
        "Aborted": false,
        "NumSend": 0,
        "NumRecv": 0


circuit send /X88550014d4c82e4d/this/is/charlie < some_file

从上面命令的标准输入中读出消息的内容。 除非消息的通道缓冲区中有可用空间,否则此命令将阻塞,直到接收器可用。

当命令解除阻塞时,它将向接收器发送任何数据。 如果没有接收器,但消息缓冲区中有空格,该命令也将解除阻塞并消耗其标准输入(将其保存为最终接收器),但最多只能为32K字节。


circuit recv /X88550014d4c82e4d/this/is/charlie


示例:创建 DNS 服务器元素

Circuit 允许您在任何 circuit 服务器上创建和动态配置一个或多个DNS服务器元素。

和以前一样,选择一个可用的 circuit 服务器,比如 X88550014d4c82e4d。像这样创建一个新的DNS服务器元素

circuit mkdns /X88550014d4c82e4d/mydns

这将在给定 circuit 服务器的主机上启动新的 DNS 服务器,将其绑定到可用端口。或者,您可以提供指定绑定地址的IP地址参数,如

circuit mkdns /X88550014d4c82e4d/mydns

无论哪种方式,您都可以通过窥视相应的 circuit 元素来检索DNS服务器正在侦听的地址:

circuit peek /X88550014d4c82e4d/mydns


    "Address": "",
    "Records": {}

创建 DNS 服务器元素后,您可以使用一次一个地添加资源记录

circuit set /X88550014d4c82e4d/mydns " 3600 IN MX 10"

资源记录使用各种 RFC 中描述的规范语法。您可以在 DNS Go 库中找到此类 RFC 的列表以及作为我们实施基础的示例


circuit unset /X88550014d4c82e4d/mydns


circuit peek /X88550014d4c82e4d/mydns

假设一个名称有多个与之关联的记录,peek 会产生类似于这个的输出:

    "Address": "",
    "Records": {
        "": [

示例:在服务器上侦听 join 和 leave 通知

该 circuit 提供了两种特殊的元素类型 @join 和 @leave,称为订阅。他们的工作是在新的 circuit 服务器加入系统或其他人离开时通知您。它们都表现得像只接收频道。

circuit mk@join /X88550014d4c82e4d/watch/join
circuit mk@leave /X88550014d4c82e4d/watch/leave


circuit recv /X88550014d4c82e4d/watch/join

同样,每次 circuit 服务器从系统中消失时,休假订阅都会发送一条新消息。

circuit peek /X88550014d4c82e4d/watch/join


该 circuit 允许在流程编排中具有不寻常的灵活性。例如,看看两个“watchbot”教程,它们演示了如何在集群中实现半弹性自持机制。在这里找到更简单的一个



默认情况下, circuit 服务器和客户端通过纯文本TCP进行通信。支持基于 HMAC 的对称认证,其后是非对称RC4流密码。

要启用加密,请使用 -hmac 命令行选项将 circuit 可执行文件指向包含 circuit 私钥的文件。例如:

circuit start -a -hmac .hmac


circuit ls -hmac .hmac /...

或者,您可以将环境 CIRCUIT_HMAC 设置为指向私钥文件。

要为 circuit 生成新的私钥,请使用该命令

circuit keygen


从网络和协议的角度来看, circuit 服务器和客户端是对等的:所有通信(服务器 - 服务器和服务器 - 客户端)都使用通用的 RPC 框架,这通常需要服务器能够反向拨入客户端。

出于这个原因, circuit 客户端( circuit 工具或您的应用程序)不能在他们拨入的服务器的防火墙后面。


The Circuit 用户组 提问。

用于编写 circuit 应用程序的 Go 客户端包

该软件包的公共接口是独立的。 circuit 仓库中的其他封装是内部的。


此外, circuit 二进制目录包含 circuit 工具的实现, circuit 工具本身是使用客户端构建的,是 circuit 应用程序的另一个综合示例。它可以在

要及时了解最新的开发,文档和文章,请关注Twitter @gocircuit 上的 The Circuit Project 或 @maymounkov


请关于 circuit 的推文(提及 @gocircuit)。推文是一种非常受欢迎的捐赠,它们帮助我们和我们的赞助商衡量对这种非常规想法的兴趣。

(First edition: vz edited at 2019.09.07)


编程语言Go (语言数: 6)
平台Linux, Mac
许可证Apache License 2.0
创建于2014-04-10 20:46:06
推送于2023-10-18 05:43:30
最后一次提交2016-11-21 15:35:24


Build Status GoDoc

Engineering role separation.

The CIRCUIT is a new way of thinking. It is deceptively similar to existing software,
while being quite different.

Circuit is a programmable platform-as-a-service (PaaS) and/or Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS),
for management, discovery, synchronization and orchestration of services and
hosts comprising cloud applications.

Circuit was designed to enable clear, accountable and safe interface between the human engineering
roles in a technology enterprise, ultimately increasing productivity. Engineering role separation
in a typical circuit-based architecture is illustrated above.

A circuit-managed cloud.

Users of circuit are

  • Operations engineers, who sustain cloud applications at host, process and network level
  • Data scientists, who develop distributed compute pipelines by linking together and distributing third-party utilities
  • Manufacturers of distributed software, who wish to codify installation and maintenance procedures in a standardized
    fashion instead of communicating them through documentation (viz. MySQL)

A few technical features of circuit:

  • Single- and multi-datacenter out-of-the-box
  • Authentication and security of system traffic
  • TCP- and UDP multicast-based (similarly to mDNS) internal node discovery
  • Zero-configuration/blind-restart for ease on the host provisioning side
  • Global, point-of-view consistent key/value space, where keys are hierarchical paths and
    values are control objects for data, processes, synchronizations, and so on.
  • Consistency guarantees at ultra-high churn rates of physical hosts
  • Command-line and programmatic access to the API
  • Integration with Docker

In a typical circuit scenario:

  • Provisioning engineers ensure newly provisioned
    machines start the zero-configuration circuit server as a daemon on startup.
  • Operations engineers program start-up as well as dynamic-response
    behavior via command-line tool or language bindings.

Adoption considerations:

  • Small footprint: Circuit daemons leave almost no communication and memory footprint when left idle.
    This makes circuit ideal for incremental adoption alongside pre-existing architectures
  • Immediate impact: Even short and simple circuit scripts save manual time going forward
  • Knowledge accounting: Circuit scripts can replace textual post-mortem reports with
    executable discovery, diagnosis, action and inaction recipes.
  • Circuit servers log all operations in their execution orders, enabling maximum visibility
    during post-factum debugging and analysis.

Programming environment:

  • Circuit programs (sequences of invocations of the circuit API) are not
    declarative (as in Puppet, Chef, etc.). They are effectively imperative
    programs in the CSP concurrency model,
    which allows engineers to encode complex dynamic response behavior, spanning multiple data centers.

Find comparisons to other technologies—like Zookeeper, etcd, CoreOS, raft, Consul, Puppet, Chef, and
so forth—in the wiki.

None of these related products sees the cluster as a closed system. In this way,
the circuit is different than all. This is explained in precise terms in the next section.


The circuit is a tiny server process which runs instances on a cluster of
machines to form an efficient, churn-resilient network, which enables distributed process orchestration
and synchronization from any one machine.

Some of the target applications of the circuit are:

  • Automatic dynamic orchestration of complex compute pipelines, as in numerical computation, for instance
  • Packaging and distribution of universal distributed binaries that can self-organize into complex cloud apps
  • Incremental automation of small and large OPS engineering workflows

Dive straight into it with the Quick Start slide deck.

For a conceptual introduction to The Circuit, check out the
GopherCon 2014 Video.
Since this video was recorded, the API-via-file-system approach was abandoned
in favor of a simpler command-line tool and a Go client library.

Also take a look at the faux animated illustration
of the Advanced Tutorial: Watchbot with a back channel.

The circuit is a tool for executing and synchronizing UNIX processes across entire clusters
by means of a command-line tool and a client library.

The circuit comes as one binary, which serves the purpose of a server
and a command-line client.


The Circuit comprises one small binary. It can be built for Linux and Darwin.

Given that the Go Language compiler is installed,
you can build and install the circuit binary with one line:

go get

Run the servers

Circuit servers can be started asynchronously (and in any order)
using the command

circuit start -if eth0 -discover

The same command is used for all instances. The -if option specifies the
desired network interface to bind to, while the -discover command
specifies a desired IP address of a UDP multicast channel to be used for automatic
server-server discover.

The -discover option can be omitted by setting the environment variable
CIRCUIT_DISCOVER to equal the desired multicast address.

Alternative advanced server startup

To run the circuit server on the first machine, pick a public IP address and port for it to
listen on, and start it like so

circuit start -a

The circuit server will print its own circuit URL on its standard output.
It should look like this:


Copy it. We will need it to tell the next circuit server to “join” this one
in a network, i.e. circuit.

Log onto another machine and similarly start a circuit server there, as well.
This time, use the -j option to tell the new server to join the first one:

circuit start -a -j circuit://

You now have two mutually-aware circuit servers, running on two different
hosts in your cluster.

A circuit system of two hosts.

You can join any number of additional hosts to the circuit environment in a
similar fashion, even billions. The circuit uses a modern expander
-based algorithm for
presence awareness and ordered communication, which is genuinely distributed;
It uses communication and connectivity sparingly, hardly leaving a footprint
when idle.

Programming metaphor

The purpose of each circuit server is to host a collection of control
primitives, called elements, on behalf of the user. On each server the
hosted elements are organized in a hierarchy (similarly to the file system in
Apache Zookeeper), whose nodes are called anchors. Anchors (akin to file
system directories) have names and each anchor can host one circuit element or
be empty.

The hierarchies of all servers are logically unified by a global circuit root
anchor, whose children are the individual circuit server hierarchies. A
typical anchor path looks like this


The first component of the path is the ID of the circuit server hosting the leaf anchor.

Except for the circuit root anchor (which does not correspond to any
particular circuit server), all other anchors can store a process or a
channel element, at most one, and additionally can have any number of sub-
anchors. In a way, anchors are like directories that can have any number of
subdirectories, but at most one file.

Creating and interacting with circuit elements is the mechanism through which
the user controls and reflects on their distributed application.
This can be accomplished by means of the included Go client library, or using
the command-line tool embodied in the circuit executable itself.

Process elements are used to execute, monitor and synchronize OS-level
processes at the hosting circuit server. They allow visibility and control
over OS processes from any machine in the circuit cluster, regardless
of the physical location of the underlying OS process.

Channel elements are a synchronization primitive, similar to the channels in Go,
whose send and receive sides are accessible from any location in the
circuit cluster, while their data structure lives on the circuit server hosting
their anchor.


Once the circuit servers are started, you can create, observe and control
circuit elements (i) interactively—using the circuit binary which doubles as a command-line client—as
well as (ii) programmatically—using the circuit Go client package
In fact, the circuit command-line tool is simply a front-end for the Go client library.

Clients (the tool or your own) dial into a circuit server in order to
interact with the entire system. All servers are equal citizens in every respect and,
in particular, any one can be used as a choice for dial-in.

Circuit client connected to a server

The tool (described in more detail later) is essentially a set of commands that
allow you to traverse the global hierarchical namespace of circuit elements,
and interact with them, somewhat similarly to how one uses the Zookeeper

For example, to list the entire circuit cluster anchor hierarchy, type in

circuit ls /

So, you might get something like this in response


The two root-level anchors correspond to the two circuit servers.

Circuit servers correspond to root-level anchors

Pointing the tool to your circuit cluster

Before you can use the circuit tool, you need to tell it how to locate
one circuit server for us a dial-in point.

There are two ways to provide the dial-in server address to the tool:

  1. If the circuit servers were started with the -discover option or the
    CIRCUIT_DISCOVER environment variable, the command-line tool
    can use the same methods for finding a circuit server. E.g.

    circuit ls -discover /...


circuit ls /...
  1. With the command-line option -d, like e.g.

     circuit ls -d circuit:// /

Or, equivalently, by setting the environment variable CIRCUIT to point to a file
whose contents is the desired dial-in address. For example, (in bash):

	echo circuit:// > ~/.circuit
	export CIRCUIT="~/.circuit"
	circuit ls /

A list of available tool commands is shown on the help screen

circuit help

A more detailed explanation of their meaning and function can be found
in the documentation of the client package,

Example: Make a process

Here are a few examples. To run a new process on some chosen
cluster machine, first see what machines are available:

circuit ls /...

Run a new ls process:

circuit mkproc /X88550014d4c82e4d/pippi << EOF
	"Path": "/bin/ls", 

Process elements execute OS processes on behalf of the user

See what happened:

circuit peek /X88550014d4c82e4d/pippi

Close the standard input to indicate no intention to write to it:

cat /dev/null