
A fork of Node.js. Humans before technology.



Build Status

(Note: Ayo.js is forked from [Node.js][]. Currently, a lot of the documentation
still points towards the Node.js repository.)

Ayo.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. It
uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and
efficient. Ayo.js, like the rest of the JavaScript
implementations, benefits from the npm package ecosystem, the largest set
of open source libraries in the world.

Contributions, policies, and releases are managed under an
open governance model.

This project is bound by a Code of Conduct.

Table of Contents

Resources for Newcomers

Official Resources

Unofficial Resources

To be written

Release Types

The Ayo.js project maintains multiple types of releases:

  • Current: Released from active development branches of this repository,
    versioned by SemVer and signed by a member of the
    Release Team.
    Code for Current releases is organized in this repository by major version
    number. For example: v4.x.
    The major version number of Current releases will increment every 6 months
    allowing for breaking changes to be introduced. This happens in April and
    October every year. Current release lines beginning in October each year have
    a maximum support life of 8 months. Current release lines beginning in April
    each year will convert to LTS (see below) after 6 months and receive further
    support for 30 months.
  • LTS: Releases that receive Long-term Support, with a focus on stability
    and security. Every second Current release line (major version) will become an
    LTS line and receive 18 months of Active LTS support and a further 12
    months of Maintenance. LTS release lines are given alphabetically
    ordered codenames, beginning with v4 Argon. LTS releases are less frequent
    and will attempt to maintain consistent major and minor version numbers,
    only incrementing patch version numbers. There are no breaking changes or
    feature additions, except in some special circumstances.
  • Nightly: Versions of code in this repository on the current Current
    branch, automatically built every 24-hours where changes exist. Use with

More information can be found in the LTS README.


To be written

Verifying Binaries

To be written

Building Ayo.js

See BUILDING.md for instructions on how to build
Ayo.js from source. The document also contains a list of
officially supported platforms.


To be written

There are no hard and fast rules to determine if a bug is worth reporting as
a security issue. The general rule is any issue worth reporting
must allow an attacker to compromise the confidentiality, integrity
or availability of the Node.js application or its system for which the attacker
does not already have the capability.

To illustrate the point, here are some examples of past issues and what the
Security Reponse Team thinks of them. When in doubt, however, please do send
us a report nonetheless.

Public disclosure preferred

  • #14519: Internal domain
    function can be used to cause segfaults
    . Causing program termination using
    either the public Javascript APIs or the private bindings layer APIs requires
    the ability to execute arbitrary Javascript code, which is already the highest
    level of privilege possible.

  • #12141: buffer: zero fill
    Buffer(num) by default
    . The buffer constructor behaviour was documented,
    but found to be prone to mis-use.
    It has since been changed, but despite much debate, was not considered misuse
    prone enough to justify fixing in older release lines and breaking our
    API stability contract.

Private disclosure preferred

  • CVE-2016-7099:
    Fix invalid wildcard certificate validation check. This is a high severity
    defect that would allow a malicious TLS server to serve an invalid wildcard
    certificate for its hostname and be improperly validated by a Node.js client.

  • #5507: Fix a defect that makes
    the CacheBleed Attack possible
    . Many, though not all, OpenSSL vulnerabilities
    in the TLS/SSL protocols also effect Node.js.

  • CVE-2016-2216:
    Fix defects in HTTP header parsing for requests and responses that can allow
    response splitting
    . While the impact of this vulnerability is application and
    network dependent, it is remotely exploitable in the HTTP protocol.

When in doubt, please do send us a report.

Current Project Team Members

The Ayo.js project team is comprised of a core team, a moderation team, and
various sub-teams. For more information, see GOVERNANCE.md.

Core Team, Github, Name, Email, Pronouns, ---, ---, ---, ---, ---, addaleax, addaleax, Anna Henningsen, anna@addaleax.net, she/her, aqrln, aqrln, Alexey Orlenko, eaglexrlnk@gmail.com, he/him, pup, pup, Olivia Hugger, olivia@fastmail.com, she/her, Qard, Qard, Stephen Belanger, admin@stephenbelanger.com, he/they, sandfox, sandfox, James Butler, james.butler@sandfox.co.u, they/he, TimothyGu, TimothyGu, Timothy Gu, timothygu99@gmail.com, he/him, varjmes, varjmes, James Spencer, hello@jmes.tech, they/them, ### Moderation Team, Github, Name, Email, Pronouns, ---, ---, ---, ---, ---, AgentAntelope, AgentAntelope, Fell Sunderland, agentantelope+github@gmail.com, he/him, janl, janl, Jan Lehnardt, jan@apache.org, he/him, NoahDragon, NoahDragon, Abner Chou, hi@abnerchou.me, he/him, scotttrinh, scotttrinh, Scott Trinh, scott@scotttrinh.com, he/him, siddharthkp, siddharthkp, Siddharth Kshetrapal, siddharth.kshetrapal@gmail.com, he/him, SomeHats, SomeHats, Alex Dytrych, alex@dytry.ch, she/they, srilq, srilq, Stef, stef@srilq.email, they/them, zkat, zkat, Kat Marchán, kzm@sykosomatic.org, they/them, [Node.js]: https://github.com/nodejs/node


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创建于2017-08-21 22:28:13
推送于2018-08-02 15:00:32