Jboss WildFly

Wildfly 是一个灵活、轻量级、托管的应用程序运行时,可帮助您构建令人惊叹的应用程序。(WildFly is a flexible, lightweight, managed application runtime that helps you build amazing applications.)

  • 所有者: wildfly/wildfly
  • 平台: BSD, Linux, Mac, Solaris, Unix-like, Windows
  • 許可證: Apache License 2.0
  • 分類:
  • 主題:
  • 喜歡:


Wildfly 是一个灵活、轻量级、托管的应用程序运行时,可帮助您构建令人惊叹的应用程序。

  • 快速启动(服务同时启动,以消除不必要的等待并利用多核处理器的强大功能。)
  • 终极Web性能和可伸缩性(Undertow高性能Web服务器,能够扩展到超过一百万个连接)
  • 占用内存很少(基本运行时服务以最小化堆分配;模块化类加载的使用可防止重复类和加载超出系统配置要求;管理控制台是100%无状态的,纯粹是客户端驱动的。)
  • 模块化设计(Slimable/Customizable运行时:基于可插拔子系统,可根据需要添加或删除。)
  • 统一配置和管理(集中、简单且以用户为中心。子系统使用智能默认设置。)
  • 域和独立管理(两种模式:传统的单一JVM,独立模式和多JVM选项。)
  • 支持最新标准和技术(Java EE 8)
  • 现代网站(支持最新的Web开发标准。Web Socket支持;基于REST的数据访问标准包括JAX-RS 2和JSON-P;异步和非阻塞API;容错,集群,会话复制和高效的Web代理。)
  • 模块化Java(理智的类加载;快速链接和并发加载)
  • 易于测试(秘诀在于:arquillian, 一种集成测试的组件模型,在实际运行时环境中执行;更智能的开发。)
  • 基于最佳开源(建立在许多最佳的独立OSS项目之上:Hibernate、Narayana、Infinispan、IronJacamar、RESTEasy、Weld、HornetQ、JGroups、Mojarra、Apache CXF、Arquillian等等)

当然还有Java EE!

WildFly背后的技术也可以在JBoss企业应用程序平台7中使用。JBoss EAP是一个强化的企业订阅,具有Red Hat的世界级支持,长期的多年维护和独家内容。 您可以免费下载EAP,以供开发使用。

2018/12/25 基于 http://wildfly.org/about/ 内容编辑整理。


編程語言Java (語言數: 10)
平台BSD, Linux, Mac, Solaris, Unix-like, Windows
許可證Apache License 2.0
最新版本名稱32.0.0.Final (發布於 )
第一版名稱7.0.0.Alpha1-final (發布於 )
創建於2010-07-08 20:46:07
推送於2024-04-28 07:51:42

WildFly Application Server


  • Fast Startup
  • Small Footprint
  • Modular Design
  • Unified Configuration and Management

And of course Jakarta EE!



  • JDK 8 or newer - check java -version
  • Maven 3.3.1 or newer - check mvn -v
  • On *nix systems, make sure that the maximum number of open files for the user running the build is at least 4096
    (check ulimit -n) or more, depending on what other i/o intensive processes the user is running.

To build with your own Maven installation:

mvn install

Alternatively, you can use the Maven Wrapper script that downloads and installs (if necessary) the required Maven version to
~/.m2/wrapper and runs it from there. On Linux, run

./mvnw install

On Windows

mvnw install

Starting and Stopping WildFly

Change to the bin directory after a successful build

$ cd build/target/wildfly-[version]/bin

Start the server in domain mode


Start the server in standalone mode


To stop the server, press Ctrl + C, or use the admin console

./jboss-cli.sh --connect command=:shutdown

Check 'Getting Started Guide' in the WildFly documentation for more information about how to start and stop WildFly.



Build vs. Dist directories

After running mvn install, WildFly will be available in two distinct directories, build and dist.

  • The build directory contains a build of WildFly that is based on Maven artifact resolution for module configuration
  • The dist directory, on the other hand, contains a full distributable build of WildFly

Using the build directory makes iterating with subsystem or module development easier since there is no need to rebuild the whole of WildFly or copy JAR files around on every change.

The dist directory is better suited when a full build of WildFly is needed for development or test purposes.

Running the Testsuite

The testsuite module contains several submodules including the following:

  • "smoke" -- core tests that should be run as part of every build of the AS. Failures here will fail the build.
  • "api" -- tests of features that involve end user use of the public JBoss AS 8 API. Should be run with no failures before any major commits.
  • "cluster" -- tests of the WildFly HA clustering features. Should be run with no failures before any major commits.
  • "domain" -- tests of the domain management features. Should be run with no failures before any major commits.
  • "integration" -- tests of a WildFly standalone server's internals. Should be run with no failures before any major commits.
  • "spec" -- tests of features that only involve end user use of the Jakarta EE spec APIs. Should be run with no failures before any major commits.

For basic smoke tests, simply: mvn test

To run all the tests

mvn install -DallTests

Using Eclipse

  1. Install the latest version of eclipse
  2. Make sure Xmx in eclipse.ini is at least 1280M, and it's using Java 8
  3. Launch eclipse and install the m2e plugin, make sure it uses your repo configs
    (get it from: http://www.eclipse.org/m2e/
    or install "Maven Integration for Eclipse" from the Eclipse Marketplace)
  4. In eclipse preferences Java->Compiler->Errors/Warnings->Deprecated and restricted
    set forbidden reference to WARNING
  5. In eclipse preferences Java->Code Style, import the cleanup, templates, and
    formatter configs in ide-configs/eclipse in the wildfly-core repository.
  6. In eclipse preferences Java->Editor->Save Actions enable "Additional Actions",
    and deselect all actions except for "Remove trailing whitespace"
  7. Use import on the root pom, which will pull in all modules
  8. Wait (m2e takes a while on initial import)

