嵌入式JavaScript模板。(Embedded JavaScript templates. )


“E”是为了“有效”。 EJS是一种简单的模板语言,可让您使用纯JavaScript生成HTML标记。 没有关于如何组织事物的宗教信仰。 没有重塑迭代和控制流。 这只是简单的JavaScript。


  • 使用简单的JavaScript -- 我们喜欢JavaScript 这是一个完全友好的语言。 所有模板语言都是图灵完整的。 只要切出中间人,并用JS!
  • 开发时间快 -- 不要浪费时间和注意力,因为“优雅” - 或者如何预处理数据,从而实际渲染出来,就会产生神秘的新语法。
  • 简单的语法 -- JavaScript代码在简单直接的scriptlet标签中。 只需编写发出你想要的HTML的JavaScript,并完成你的操作。
  • 快速执行 -- 我们都知道V8和其他JavaScript运行时间有多快。 EJS缓存中间JS函数以便快速执行。
  • 调试简便 -- 调试EJS错误很简单:您的错误是纯JavaScript异常,包含模板行号。
  • 积极开发 -- EJS有大量的活跃用户社区,库正在积极发展。


  • 快速编译和渲染
  • 简单的模板标签:<%%>
  • 自定义分隔符(例如,使用<??>而不是<%%>)
  • 包括
  • 服务器JS和浏览器都支持
  • 中间JavaScript的静态缓存
  • 模板的静态缓存
  • 符合Express视图系统


編程語言JavaScript (語言數: 1)
許可證Apache License 2.0
最新版本名稱v3.1.10 (發布於 2024-04-12 08:23:02)
第一版名稱v2.0.1 (發布於 2015-01-03 23:02:18)
創建於2014-12-31 17:49:35
推送於2024-04-12 15:32:18

Embedded JavaScript templates
Build Status
Developing Dependencies
Known Vulnerabilities


$ npm install ejs


  • Control flow with <% %>
  • Escaped output with <%= %> (escape function configurable)
  • Unescaped raw output with <%- %>
  • Newline-trim mode ('newline slurping') with -%> ending tag
  • Whitespace-trim mode (slurp all whitespace) for control flow with <%_ _%>
  • Custom delimiters (e.g., use <? ?> instead of <% %>)
  • Includes
  • Client-side support
  • Static caching of intermediate JavaScript
  • Static caching of templates
  • Complies with the Express view system


<% if (user) { %>
  <h2><%= user.name %></h2>
<% } %>

Try EJS online at: https://ionicabizau.github.io/ejs-playground/.


let template = ejs.compile(str, options);
// => Rendered HTML string

ejs.render(str, data, options);
// => Rendered HTML string

ejs.renderFile(filename, data, options, function(err, str){
    // str => Rendered HTML string

It is also possible to use ejs.render(dataAndOptions); where you pass
everything in a single object. In that case, you'll end up with local variables
for all the passed options. However, be aware that your code could break if we
add an option with the same name as one of your data object's properties.
Therefore, we do not recommend using this shortcut.


  • cache Compiled functions are cached, requires filename
  • filename The name of the file being rendered. Not required if you
    are using renderFile(). Used by cache to key caches, and for includes.
  • root Set project root for includes with an absolute path (/file.ejs).
  • context Function execution context
  • compileDebug When false no debug instrumentation is compiled
  • client When true, compiles a function that can be rendered
    in the browser without needing to load the EJS Runtime
  • delimiter Character to use with angle brackets for open/close
  • debug Output generated function body
  • strict When set to true, generated function is in strict mode
  • _with Whether or not to use with() {} constructs. If false
    then the locals will be stored in the locals object. Set to false in strict mode.
  • destructuredLocals An array of local variables that are always destructured from
    the locals object, available even in strict mode.
  • localsName Name to use for the object storing local variables when not using
    with Defaults to locals
  • rmWhitespace Remove all safe-to-remove whitespace, including leading
    and trailing whitespace. It also enables a safer version of -%> line
    slurping for all scriptlet tags (it does not strip new lines of tags in
    the middle of a line).
  • escape The escaping function used with <%= construct. It is
    used in rendering and is .toString()ed in the generation of client functions.
    (By default escapes XML).
  • outputFunctionName Set to a string (e.g., 'echo' or 'print') for a function to print
    output inside scriptlet tags.
  • async When true, EJS will use an async function for rendering. (Depends
    on async/await support in the JS runtime.
  • beautify Make sure to set this to 'false' in order to skip UglifyJS parsing,
    when using ES6 features (const, etc) as UglifyJS doesn't understand them.

This project uses JSDoc. For the full public API
documentation, clone the repository and run npm run doc. This will run JSDoc
with the proper options and output the documentation to out/. If you want
the both the public & private API docs, run npm run devdoc instead.


  • <% 'Scriptlet' tag, for control-flow, no output
  • <%_ 'Whitespace Slurping' Scriptlet tag, strips all whitespace before it
  • <%= Outputs the value into the template (escaped)
  • <%- Outputs the unescaped value into the template
  • <%# Comment tag, no execution, no output
  • <%% Outputs a literal '<%'
  • %%> Outputs a literal '%>'
  • %> Plain ending tag
  • -%> Trim-mode ('newline slurp') tag, trims following newline
  • _%> 'Whitespace Slurping' ending tag, removes all whitespace after it

For the full syntax documentation, please see docs/syntax.md.


Includes either have to be an absolute path, or, if not, are assumed as
relative to the template with the include call. For example if you are
including ./views/user/show.ejs from ./views/users.ejs you would
use <%- include('user/show') %>.

You must specify the filename option for the template with the include
call unless you are using renderFile().

You'll likely want to use the raw output tag (<%-) with your include to avoid
double-escaping the HTML output.

  <% users.forEach(function(user){ %>
    <%- include('user/show', {user: user}) %>
  <% }); %>

Includes are inserted at runtime, so you can use variables for the path in the
include call (for example <%- include(somePath) %>). Variables in your
top-level data object are available to all your includes, but local variables
need to be passed down.

NOTE: Include preprocessor directives (<% include user/show %>) are
not supported in v3.0+.

Custom delimiters

Custom delimiters can be applied on a per-template basis, or globally:

let ejs = require('ejs'),
    users = ['geddy', 'neil', 'alex'];

// Just one template
ejs.render('<?= users.join(", "); ?>', {users: users}, {delimiter: '?'});
// => 'geddy, neil, alex'

// Or globally
ejs.delimiter = '$';
ejs.render('<$= users.join(", "); $>', {users: users});
// => 'geddy, neil, alex'


EJS ships with a basic in-process cache for caching the intermediate JavaScript
functions used to render templates. It's easy to plug in LRU caching using
Node's lru-cache library:

let ejs = require('ejs'),
    LRU = require('lru-cache');
ejs.cache = LRU(100); // LRU cache with 100-item limit

If you want to clear the EJS cache, call ejs.clearCache. If you're using the
LRU cache and need a different limit, simple reset ejs.cache to a new instance
of the LRU.

Custom file loader

The default file loader is fs.readFileSync, if you want to customize it, you can set ejs.fileLoader.

let ejs = require('ejs');
let myFileLoad = function (filePath) {
  return 'myFileLoad: ' + fs.readFileSync(filePath);

ejs.fileLoader = myFileLoad;

With this feature, you can preprocess the template before reading it.


EJS does not specifically support blocks, but layouts can be implemented by
including headers and footers, like so:

<%- include('header') -%>
  My page
<%- include('footer') -%>

Client-side support

Go to the Latest Release, download
./ejs.js or ./ejs.min.js. Alternately, you can compile it yourself by cloning
the repository and running jake build (or $(npm bin)/jake build if jake is
not installed globally).

Include one of these files on your page, and ejs should be available globally.


<div id="output"></div>
<script src="ejs.min.js"></script>
  let people = ['geddy', 'neil', 'alex'],
      html = ejs.render('<%= people.join(", "); %>', {people: people});
  // With jQuery:
  // Vanilla JS:
  document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = html;


Most of EJS will work as expected; however, there are a few things to note:

  1. Obviously, since you do not have access to the filesystem, ejs.renderFile() won't work.
  2. For the same reason, includes do not work unless you use an include callback. Here is an example:
let str = "Hello <%= include('file', {person: 'John'}); %>",
    fn = ejs.compile(str, {client: true});

fn(data, null, function(path, d){ // include callback
  // path -> 'file'
  // d -> {person: 'John'}
  // Put your code here
  // Return the contents of file as a string
}); // returns rendered string

See the examples folder for more details.

IDE Integration with Syntax Highlighting

VSCode:Javascript EJS by DigitalBrainstem

There are a number of implementations of EJS:


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0

EJS Embedded JavaScript templates copyright 2112
