Xamarin Workbooks

工作簿是一个交互式编程环境,非常适合实验,学习和文档化:一种用于学习无数.NET平台、API和库的教育工具。(Workbooks is an interactive programming environment that’s perfect for experimentation, learning, and documentation: an educational tool for learning the myriad of .NET platforms, APIs, and libraries.)


Xamarin Workbooks


Xamarin Workbooks provide a blend of documentation and code that is perfect
for experimentation, learning, and creating guides and teaching aids.

Create a rich C# workbook for .NET Core, Android, iOS, Mac, or WPF, and get
instant live results as you learn these APIs. Workbooks also have access to
the vast NuGet package ecosystem to make learning new APIs a breeze.




Provide Feedback

Continuous Integration Status, Service, macOS, Windows, Linux, --------, --------------, ------------------, ------------------, VSTS, ![][vstsmacbs], , AppVeyor, , Travis, , [vstsmacbs]: https://devdiv.visualstudio.com/_apis/public/build/definitions/0bdbc590-a062-4c3f-b0f6-9383f67865ee/6539/badge "VSTS: macOS Build Status"

Build & Run

Ensure git submodules are up-do-date:

git submodule sync
git submodule update --recursive --init

Now simply run:

msbuild /restore

Or for the strict .NET Core subset:

dotnet build

Configuring the Build

The top-level build system can be driven either by the system msbuild or by
the installed .NET Core SDK dotnet build. When using dotnet build, only
projects that can run on .NET Core will be built.

Additionally, the build can be shaped via profiles. Any number of profiles
may be selected. By default, all profiles will be selected.


Profiles are specified via the MSBuild Profile property and may be
combined with a + delimiter:

msbuild /restore /p:Profile=Console+Web
```, Name, Description, Minimum Dependencies, :--------, :----------------------------------------, :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------, `Web`, Build the ASP.NET Core Workbooks server, [.NET Core ≥ 2.1][dep_dnc], [Node.js ≥ 8.10][dep_node], [Yarn ≥ 1.5.1][dep_yarn], `Console`, Build the Console client, [.NET Core ≥ 2.1][dep_dnc], `Desktop`, Build the macOS or Windows desktop client, [Visual Studio 2017 ≥ 15.6][dep_vs], _Note: Support for Xamarin platforms will be detected automatically and built
if available. On macOS, the "macOS" platform (Xamarin.Mac) must be installed
to build the client. Xamarin/mobile is entirely optional on Windows._

[dep_dnc]: https://www.microsoft.com/net/learn/get-started
[dep_node]: https://nodejs.org/
[dep_yarn]: https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/install
[dep_mono]: http://www.mono-project.com/download/stable/
[dep_vs]: https://www.visualstudio.com/vs/

#### Properties

Many properties that can be specified on the command line will be persisted
for subsequent runs. For example:

# "Configure" and perform initial build:
msbuild /restore \
  /p:Profile=Web \
  /p:Configuration=Release \

# Rebuild with the same configuration as above, implied
# thanks to _build/Configuration.props:

The following properties will persist and do not need to be specified on
the command line on subsequent runs:, Name, Description, Default Value, :-------------------, :--------------------------------------------------------------------, :--------------------, Profile, The set of profiles to build, Web+Console+Desktop, Configuration, The build configuration (Debug or Release), Debug, Environnment:, WithoutXamarin, A shortcut for setting all HaveXamarin* properties below to false, unset, HaveXamarinMac, Whether or Xamarin.Mac is available to the build, auto-detected, HaveXamarinIos, Whether or Xamarin.iOS is available to the build, auto-detected, HaveXamarinAndroid, Whether or Xamarin.Android is available to the build, auto-detected, External Tools:, NuGet, Path to nuget.exe, resolved via PATH, Node, Path to node, resolved via PATH, Yarn, Path to yarn, resolved via PATH, Npm, Path to npm, resolved via PATH, #### Windows Nuances

If you want to build a Release build on Windows (for example, you want to
build an installer), you will need to build in a slightly different fashion.
First, make sure that you connect to a Mac build host via Visual Studio at
least once. You can do this by doing the following:

  • Open Visual Studio
  • Go to Tools → Options → Xamarin → iOS Settings
  • Click "Find Xamarin Mac Agent"
  • Select a Mac on your network, or add one by name
  • Enter credentials when prompted

Once the connection completes, click OK to close all the dialogs. Then,
build the Release configuration by running the following:

msbuild \
  /p:MacBuildHostAddress="<hostname-or-ip-of-your-mac>" \
  /p:MacBuildHostUser="<mac-username>" \
  /p:Configuration=Release /t:Build,Install

This is needed because the installer build now needs a zipped copy of the
Xamarin.iOS workbook app from the server. The Xamarin.Workbooks.iOS project
will do the build and copy automatically when a Mac build host is used. If you
are building in Debug, you can omit those properties unless you need the
Workbook app to be copied locally, in which case, include them there as well.

Note: the build will read properties from Build/Local.props as well,
for example:



This project welcomes contributions and suggestions. Most contributions require
you to agree to a Contributor License Agreement (CLA) declaring that you have
the right to, and actually do, grant us the rights to use your contribution.
For details, visit https://cla.microsoft.com.

When you submit a pull request, a CLA-bot will automatically determine whether
you need to provide a CLA and decorate the PR appropriately (e.g., label,
comment). Simply follow the instructions provided by the bot. You will only
need to do this once across all repositories using our CLA.

This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct.
For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ
or contact opencode@microsoft.com with any
additional questions or comments.



Official builds and releases of Xamarin Workbooks & Inspector from Microsoft
collect usage data and send it to Microsoft to help improve our products
and services. Read our privacy statement to learn more.

Users may opt out of telemetry and usage data collection from the Preferences

Non-Microsoft builds do not enable telemetry collection at all.

Third Party Code

Xamarin Workbooks & Inspector incorporates open source code from external
projects. See ThirdPartyNotices.txt for attribution.


编程语言C# (语言数: 10)
平台Mac, Windows
许可证MIT License
最新版本名称v1.5.0 (发布于 2018-11-27 17:57:58)
第一版名称interactive-1.4.0-alpha1-0-release (发布于 2017-11-14 17:01:26)
创建于2017-09-06 18:13:35
推送于2022-06-22 15:34:25
最后一次提交2018-11-28 11:48:14