
项目为各种平台自动创建Vagrant安装程序。(Project to automatically create Vagrant installers for various platforms.)

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Vagrant Installer Generators

This project is able to build installers for Vagrant. The installers
contain the full-stack of Vagrant dependencies: Ruby, RubyGems, Vagrant,

Current status: Production quality. This project has generated the
installers and packages in use by Vagrant on Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X
since March, 2012.

How it Works

  1. Substrate Layer - This contains all the pre-compiled software
    for the various platforms that Vagrant has installers for. These are
    generated whenever dependencies change and are built/distributed by
    HashiCorp. You likely won't need to build these yourself.

  2. Package Layer - This is a set of scripts that can install a
    specific version of Vagrant into a substrate and package it up for
    the running operating system. You'll invoke this layer, most likely.


The Vagrant Installer Generators use Vagrant to generate both the
substrate layer and package layer. The boxes used for generating
these layers can be built using the packer templates located in

Building Substrates and Packages

By default, Vagrant will build substrate layers. The result of Vagrant's
provisioning step is controlled by an environment variable:

  • VAGRANT_BUILD_TYPE - substrate or package

The substrate layers must be built prior to building packages. To
build substrates:

$ VAGRANT_BUILD_TYPE="substrate" vagrant up

Once the generation of the substrate layers has completed, the
packages can be generated. This can be done by either first destroying
the running VMs:

$ vagrant destroy --force
$ VAGRANT_BUILD_TYPE="package" vagrant up

or by simply re-provisioning the running VMs:

$ VAGRANT_BUILD_TYPE="package" vagrant provision


Name With Ownerhashicorp/vagrant-installers
Primary LanguageShell
Program languageShell (Language Count: 8)
PlatformLinux, Mac, Windows
License:MIT License
Release Count58
Last Release (Posted on )
First Release Namev2.2.5+build-test (Posted on )
Created At2012-01-15 04:32:24
Pushed At2024-03-22 15:14:24
Last Commit At2020-10-19 15:38:11
Stargazers Count170
Watchers Count18
Fork Count68
Commits Count1.9k
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count68
Issue Open Count4
Pull Requests Count195
Pull Requests Open Count1
Pull Requests Close Count25
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private
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