
VaaS -- Varnish即服务。「VaaS - Varnish as a Service」

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VaaS -- Varnish 即服务

VaaS 使您能够通过 Web GUI 或 REST API 从一个地方管理 Varnish 服务器集群。有关 Varnish 服务器及其后台、主管和探针的信息被保存到数据库中。然后,它被用来自动生成和分发 VCL。


我们厌倦了手动编辑 VCL,将它们存储在版本控制下,并等待 puppet 发布它们。随着我们 SOA 架构的发展,我们发现自己做的越来越多。所以我们写了 VaaS。现在,每个团队都可以自己管理他们的服务后端。而且他们不需要等待 30 分钟等待 puppet 来分发变化。它立即应用在所有的 Varnish 服务器上。

我们已经厌倦了手工编辑 VCL,将它们存储在版本控制下,并等待 puppet 发布它们。随着我们 SOA 架构的发展,我们发现自己越来越频繁地使用它。所以我们写了 VaaS。现在,每个团队都可以自己管理其服务的后端。他们不需要等上30分钟,puppet 就可以分发这些变化。它被立即应用在所有 Varnish 服务器上。


请参阅 VaaS 文档,了解如何使用 GUIAPI 以及如何 VaaS in Vagrant的几个简单步骤来熟悉 VaaS。


VaaS 是一个用 Python 编写的应用程序,基于 Django 和其他一些库。这些库都是开源的,并受其许可证的约束。VaaS 的代码是在 Apache 2.0 版本许可下发布的。


Name With Ownerallegro/vaas
Primary LanguagePython
Program languagePython (Language Count: 7)
PlatformDocker, Linux, Mac, Vagrant, Windows
Release Count0
Created At2015-09-02 06:02:15
Pushed At2024-02-07 21:17:23
Last Commit At2023-10-17 10:11:27
Stargazers Count227
Watchers Count20
Fork Count31
Commits Count1.1k
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count58
Issue Open Count5
Pull Requests Count416
Pull Requests Open Count3
Pull Requests Close Count30
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private

VaaS - Varnish as a Service

Build Status

VaaS enables you to manage cluster(s) of Varnish servers from one place, via a web GUI or a REST API. Information about
your Varnish servers and their backends, directors and probes is saved into a database. It is then used to automatically
generate and distribute VCLs.

VaaS logo

Why we wrote it

We got tired of having to edit VCLs manually, storing them under version control and waiting for puppet to distribute
them. As our SOA architecture grew, we found ourselves doing it more and more. So we wrote VaaS. Now each team can
administer their service's backends by themselves. And they don't have to wait 30 minutes for puppet to distribute the
change. It is applied instantly on all Varnish servers.


See VaaS documentation for examples how to use
API and how to familiarize yourself with VaaS in
a few simple steps using VaaS in Vagrant.


VaaS is an application written in Python based on Django and several other libraries. These libraries are Open Source
and subject to their licenses. VaaS code is published under Apache Version 2.0 License.

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