
高度可定制的响应式 (S)CSS网格。(A highly-customizable, responsive (S)CSS grid.)

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Toast 框架是一个网格而已。 很快,它可能有类型样式,而且它的功能在于其高度可定制的设计。

设置任意数量的列,所需的任何 gutter 大小,以及您需要的任何类。 只需编辑_grid.scss文件的变量即可。


使用 Toast 很容易。首先,在HTML文档的头部中链接到grid.css:
<link rel ="stylesheet"href ="css /toast /grid.css">


<div class="container">  <div class="grid">        <div class="grid__col grid__col--1-of-4">        </div>        <div class="grid__col grid__col--3-of-4">        </div>        <div class="grid__col grid__col--6-of-12">        </div>  </div></div>


Name With Ownerdaneden/Toast
Primary LanguageCSS
Program languageCSS (Language Count: 1)
License:MIT License
Release Count2
Last Release Name1.1.0 (Posted on 2016-02-02 16:29:54)
First Release Name1.0.0 (Posted on 2014-08-07 11:48:18)
Created At2011-11-21 13:22:45
Pushed At2018-12-15 20:22:20
Last Commit At2015-07-21 09:41:17
Stargazers Count2k
Watchers Count95
Fork Count277
Commits Count45
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count42
Issue Open Count11
Pull Requests Count7
Pull Requests Open Count2
Pull Requests Close Count6
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private

Toast Framework

The Toast framework is a grid. That's it. Soon, it might have type styles and whatnot, but its power is in its highly customisable design.

Set any number of columns, any gutter size you want, and whatever classes you need. Just edit the _grid.scss file’s variables to your needs.

You should also know that you’d be insane to use Toast’s grid.

To learn more, go to

Quick-start guide

Using Toast is easy. First, link to grid.css in your HTML document's head:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/toast/grid.css">

Then, to use the grid, you'll need a wrap (provided in your own CSS) and a .grid container.

<div class="container">
  <div class="grid">
        <div class="grid__col grid__col--1-of-4">

        <div class="grid__col grid__col--3-of-4">

        <div class="grid__col grid__col--6-of-12">



$toast-grid-namespace and $toast-grid-column-namespace adjusts the class names for the grid. With default values, grid wrappers have a class of .grid and columns .grid__col.

$toast-col-groups(n) adjusts column divisions. For example, $toast-col-groups(12) will produce a 12-column grid. $toast-col-groups(3,6,8) will produce a 3-, 6-, and 8-column grid.

$toast-gutter-width is—you guessed it—the gutter
width. Accepts any unit.

$toast-breakpoint-medium and $toast-breakpoint-small are breakpoint placeholders. Columns have hooks to change their behaviour under these breakpoints. See the “Modifiers” section below.


Toast has some modifiers to make different kinds of layouts easier. There are breakpoint hooks to have columns behave differently than their default behaviour under breakpoints:

<div class="grid">
  <div class="grid__col--1-of-3 grid__col--m-1-of-2 grid__col--s-1-of-2 grid__col">
    This column will behave like a 1-of-2 column under the medium breakpoint and the small breakpoint.

  <div class="grid__col--1-of-3 grid__col--ab grid__col">
    This column aligns to the bottom of its row.

  <div class="grid__col--1-of-3 grid__col--am grid__col">
    This column aligns to the middle of its row.

  <div class="grid__col--3-of-5 grid__col--centered grid__col">
    This column is centered and alone in its row.

  <div class="grid__col--1-of-2 grid__col--d-last grid__col">
    This column comes first in the DOM, but appears last in its row.

  <div class="grid__col--1-of-2 grid__col--d-first grid__col">
    This column appears last in the DOM, but appears first in its row.

That’s it. Have fun.

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