
适合所有人的开源机器学习框架。她使用数据流图进行计算,以实现可扩展的机器学习。(An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone. Computation using data flow graphs for scalable machine learning.)

Github stars Tracking Chart

TensorFlow 是一个使用数据流图进行数值计算的开源软件库。图形节点表示数学运算,而图形边缘表示在它们之间流动的多维数据阵列(张量)。这种灵活的体系结构使您可以将计算部署到桌面,服务器或移动设备中的一个或多个 CPU 或 GPU,而无需重写代码。 TensorFlow 还包括 TensorBoard,一种数据可视化工具包。

TensorFlow最初是由研究人员和工程师在Google机器智能研究组织的Google Brain团队开发的,目的是进行机器学习和深度神经网络研究。该系统通用性足以适用于各种其他领域。

TensorFlow为C ++,Go,Java,JavaScript和Swift提供稳定的Python和C API以及无保证的向后兼容API。




pip install tensorflow


pip install tensorflow-gpu

有关详细说明以及如何从源构建,请参阅 安装TensorFlow


夜间 pip 包*我们很高兴地宣布,TensorFlow现在在 PyPi 上的 tf-nightly 和 tf-nightly-gpu 项目下提供夜间 pip 包。 只需在干净的环境中运行 pip install tf-nightly 或 pip install tf-nightly-gpu 即可安装每晚 TensorFlow 版本。 我们支持 Linux,Mac 和 Windows 上的 CPU 和 GPU 包。

试试你的第一个 TensorFlow 程序:

$ python
>>> import tensorflow as tf
>>> tf.enable_eager_execution()
>>> tf.add(1, 2).numpy()
>>> hello = tf.constant('Hello, TensorFlow!')
>>> hello.numpy()
'Hello, TensorFlow!'

tensorflow.org 的教程页面中了解有关如何在 TensorFlow 中执行特定任务的更多示例。


Name With Ownertensorflow/tensorflow
Primary LanguageC++
Program languagePython (Language Count: 25)
PlatformAndroid, Linux, Mac, Raspbian, Windows
License:Apache License 2.0
Release Count208
Last Release Namev2.15.1 (Posted on )
First Release Name0.5.0 (Posted on 2015-11-08 19:08:54)
Created At2015-11-07 01:19:20
Pushed At2024-04-22 17:37:48
Last Commit At2024-04-22 10:22:07
Stargazers Count182.4k
Watchers Count7.6k
Fork Count73.9k
Commits Count163.2k
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count39108
Issue Open Count1913
Pull Requests Count17958
Pull Requests Open Count421
Pull Requests Close Count8116
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private

Documentation, -------------------, Documentation, TensorFlow is an end-to-end open source platform
for machine learning. It has a comprehensive, flexible ecosystem of
libraries, and
community resources that lets
researchers push the state-of-the-art in ML and developers easily build and
deploy ML-powered applications.

TensorFlow was originally developed by researchers and engineers working on the
Google Brain team within Google's Machine Intelligence Research organization to
conduct machine learning and deep neural networks research. The system is
general enough to be applicable in a wide variety of other domains, as well.

TensorFlow provides stable Python
and C++ APIs, as well as
non-guaranteed backward compatible API for
other languages.

Keep up-to-date with release announcements and security updates by subscribing
See all the mailing lists.


See the TensorFlow install guide for the
pip package, to
enable GPU support, use a
Docker container, and
build from source.

To install the current release, which includes support for
CUDA-enabled GPU cards (Ubuntu and

$ pip install tensorflow

A smaller CPU-only package is also available:

$ pip install tensorflow-cpu

To update TensorFlow to the latest version, add --upgrade flag to the above

Nightly binaries are available for testing using the
tf-nightly and
tf-nightly-cpu packages on PyPi.

Try your first TensorFlow program

$ python
>>> import tensorflow as tf
>>> tf.add(1, 2).numpy()
>>> hello = tf.constant('Hello, TensorFlow!')
>>> hello.numpy()
'Hello, TensorFlow!'

For more examples, see the
TensorFlow tutorials.

Contribution guidelines

If you want to contribute to TensorFlow, be sure to review the
contribution guidelines. This project adheres to TensorFlow's
code of conduct. By participating, you are expected to
uphold this code.

We use GitHub issues for
tracking requests and bugs, please see
TensorFlow Discuss
for general questions and discussion, and please direct specific questions to
Stack Overflow.

The TensorFlow project strives to abide by generally accepted best practices in
open-source software development:

CII Best Practices
Contributor Covenant

Continuous build status

Official Builds

Build Type, Status, Artifacts
------------------------, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, ---------
Linux CPU, Status, PyPI
Linux GPU, Status, PyPI
Linux XLA, Status, TBA
macOS, Status, PyPI
Windows CPU, Status, PyPI
Windows GPU, Status, PyPI
Android, Status, Download
Raspberry Pi 0 and 1, Status Status, Py2 Py3
Raspberry Pi 2 and 3, Status Status, Py2 Py3

Community Supported Builds

Build Type, Status, Artifacts
-----------------------------------------------------------------, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, ---------
Linux AMD ROCm GPU Nightly, Build Status, Nightly
Linux AMD ROCm GPU Stable Release, Build Status, Release 1.15 / 2.x
Linux s390x Nightly, Build Status, Nightly
Linux s390x CPU Stable Release, Build Status, Release
Linux ppc64le CPU Nightly, Build Status, Nightly
Linux ppc64le CPU Stable Release, Build Status, Release 1.15 / 2.x
Linux ppc64le GPU Nightly, Build Status, Nightly
Linux ppc64le GPU Stable Release, Build Status, Release 1.15 / 2.x
Linux CPU with Intel® MKL-DNN Nightly, Build Status, Nightly
Linux CPU with Intel® MKL-DNN Stable Release, Build Status, Release 1.15 / 2.x
Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® 7.6 CPU & GPU Python 2.7, 3.6, Build Status, 1.13.1 PyPI


Learn more about the
TensorFlow community and how to


Apache License 2.0

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