Advanced NLP with spaCy

使用 spaCy 做进阶 NLP:免费在线课程。「👩‍🏫 Advanced NLP with spaCy: A free online course」

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Advanced NLP with spaCy: A free online course

This repo contains both an online course, as well
as a modern web framework for building online courses with interactive code,
slides and multiple-choice questions. In the course, you'll learn how to use
spaCy to build advanced natural language understanding
systems, using both rule-based and machine learning approaches.

I originally developed the content for DataCamp, but I wanted to make a free
version so you don't have to sign up for their service. As a weekend project, I
ended up putting together my own little app to present the exercises and content
in a fun and interactive way. The front-end is powered by
Gatsby and Reveal.js and the
back-end code execution uses Binder ?

This course is mostly intended for self-study. Yes, you can cheat – the
solutions are all in this repo, there's no penalty for clicking "Show hints" or
"Show solution", and you can mark an exercise as done when you think it's done.

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✨ Features

  • Supports slides, interactive code exercises and multiple-choice
    pretty much out-of-the-box.
  • Executes code live and validates user submissions with tests functions using
    Jupyter kernels via Binder.
  • Allows authoring content in 100% Markdown with custom elements.
  • Uses the localStorage to keep track of which exercises were already (marked
    as) completed.
  • Runs super fast thanks to Gatsby and uses all the hip and modern web stuff
    like React Hooks, GraphQL and service workers under the hood.
  • Is open-source and published under the MIT license (code and framework) and CC
    BY-NC (spaCy course materials).

Starter repos for your own course


So should I not take your DataCamp course anymore? Probably not, no.

Can I use this to build my own course? Probably, yes! If you've been looking
for a DIY way to publish your materials, I hope that my little framework can be
useful. Because so many people expressed interest in this, I put together some
starter repos that you can fork and adapt.

Why the different licenses? The source of the app, UI components and Gatsby
framework for building interactive courses is licensed as MIT, like pretty much
all of my open-source software. The course materials themselves (slides and
chapters), are licensed under CC BY-NC. This means that you can use them freely
– you just can't make money off them.

? Usage & API

I mostly built this project for my own course, but it should be very easy to
fork and adapt. I made sure to strictly separate the content and the app
functionality and source. So if you want to fork the repo and create your own
course, you should only have to edit the chapters, exercises and meta.json,
update the visual assets in /static and optionally adjust the theme colours.
In theory, it should even work for languages other than Python – but I haven't
tested this yet. You can then build your repo with
Binder and deploy it via something like

How it works

When building the site, Gatsby will look for .py files and make their contents
available to query via GraphQL. This lets us use the raw code within the app.
Under the hood, the app uses Binder to serve up an image
with the package dependencies, including the spaCy models. By calling into
JupyterLab, we can then execute
code using the active kernel. This lets you edit the code in the browser and see
the live results. Also see my juniper repo
for more details on the implementation.

To validate the code when the user hits "Submit", I'm currently using a slightly
hacky trick. Since the Python code is sent back to the kernel as a string, we
can manipulate it and add tests – for example, exercise will
be validated using (if available). The user code and test are
combined using a string template. At the moment, the testTemplate in the
meta.json looks like this:

from wasabi import Printer
__msg__ = Printer()
__solution__ = """${solution}"""

except AssertionError as e:

If present, ${solution} will be replaced with the string value of the
submitted user code. In this case, we're inserting it twice: once as a string so
we can check whether the submission includes something, and once as the code, so
we can actually run it and check the objects it creates. ${test} is replaced
by the contents of the test file. I'm also making
wasabi's printer available as __msg__, so
we can easily print pretty messages in the tests. Finally, the try/accept
block checks if the test function raises an AssertionError and if so, displays
the error message. This also hides the full error traceback (which can easily
leak the correct answers).

A test file could then look like this:

def test():
    assert "spacy.load" in __solution__, "Are you calling spacy.load?"
    assert nlp.meta["lang"] == "en", "Are you loading the correct model?"
    assert nlp.meta["name"] == "core_web_sm", "Are you loading the correct model?"
    assert "nlp(text)" in __solution__, "Are you processing the text correctly?"
    assert "print(doc.text)" in __solution__, "Are you printing the Doc's text?"

        "Well done! Now that you've practiced loading models, let's look at "
        "some of their predictions."

With this approach, it's not always possible to validate the input perfectly –
there are too many options and we want to avoid false positives.

Running automated tests

The automated tests make sure that the provided solution code is compatible with
the test file that's used to validate submissions. The test suite is powered by
the pytest framework and runnable test
files are generated automatically in a directory __tests__ before the test
session starts. See the for implementation details.

# Install requirements
pip install -r binder/requirements.txt
# Run the tests (will generate the files automatically)
python -m pytest __tests__

Directory Structure

├── binder


Name With Ownerexplosion/spacy-course
Primary LanguagePython
Program languagePython (Language Count: 7)
PlatformLinux, Mac, Online, Windows
License:MIT License
Release Count0
Created At2019-04-15 11:17:06
Pushed At2023-08-30 15:56:55
Last Commit At2023-08-30 23:56:54
Stargazers Count2.3k
Watchers Count61
Fork Count366
Commits Count830
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count40
Issue Open Count11
Pull Requests Count79
Pull Requests Open Count0
Pull Requests Close Count11
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private
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