
Snowflake is a network service for generating unique ID numbers at high scale with some simple guarantees.

  • Owner: twitter-archive/snowflake
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We have retired the initial release of Snowflake and working on open sourcing
the next version based on
Twitter-server, in a form that can
run anywhere without requiring Twitter's own infrastructure services.

The initial version, released in 2010, was based on Apache Thrift and it
predated Finagle, our building
block for RPC services at Twitter. The Snowflake we're using internally is a
full rewrite and heavily relies on existing infrastructure at Twitter to run.
We cannot commit to a date but we're doing our best to add necessary features to
make Snowflake fit for many environments outside of Twitter.

Source code is still in the repository and is reachable from

We won't be accepting pull requests or responding to issues for the retired


Name With Ownertwitter-archive/snowflake
Primary LanguageScala
Program language (Language Count: 0)
Release Count1
Last Release Namesnowflake-2010 (Posted on 2014-05-29 09:42:39)
First Release Namesnowflake-2010 (Posted on 2014-05-29 09:42:39)
Created At2010-06-01 20:32:15
Pushed At2020-07-22 18:08:14
Last Commit At2014-05-30 22:30:20
Stargazers Count7.6k
Watchers Count521
Fork Count1.1k
Commits Count333
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count22
Issue Open Count2
Pull Requests Count0
Pull Requests Open Count2
Pull Requests Close Count4
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private
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