
Seesaw v2 is a Linux Virtual Server (LVS) based load balancing platform.

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Seesaw v2


Note: This is not an official Google product.


Seesaw v2 is a Linux Virtual Server (LVS) based load balancing platform.

It is capable of providing basic load balancing for servers that are on the
same network, through to advanced load balancing functionality such as anycast,
Direct Server Return (DSR), support for multiple VLANs and centralised

Above all, it is designed to be reliable and easy to maintain.


A Seesaw v2 load balancing cluster requires two Seesaw nodes - these can be
physical machines or virtual instances. Each node must have two network
interfaces - one for the host itself and the other for the cluster VIP. All
four interfaces should be connected to the same layer 2 network.


Seesaw v2 is developed in Go and depends on several Go packages:

Additionally, there is a compile and runtime dependency on
libnl and a compile time dependency on
the Go protobuf compiler.

On a Debian/Ubuntu style system, you should be able to prepare for building
by running:

apt-get install golang
apt-get install libnl-3-dev libnl-genl-3-dev

If your distro has a go version before 1.5, you may need to fetch a newer
release from

If you are running go version 1.11 and above, you can use go modules to avoid
installing go packages manually. By go 1.12, GO111MODULE defaults to auto,
so remember to enable go module by export GO111MODULE=on.

If you are running before go version 1.11 or you don't want to enable
GO111MODULE, after setting GOPATH to an appropriate location (for example ~/go):

go get -u
go get -u
go get -u
go get -u
go get -u
go get -u

Ensure that ${GOPATH}/bin is in your ${PATH} and in the seesaw directory:

make test
make install

If you wish to regenerate the protobuf code, the protobuf compiler and Go
protobuf compiler generator are also needed:

apt-get install protobuf-compiler
go get -u{proto,protoc-gen-go}

The protobuf code can then be regenerated with:

make proto


After make install has run successfully, there should be a number of
binaries in ${GOPATH}/bin with a seesaw_ prefix. Install these to the
appropriate locations:


INIT=`ps -p 1 -o comm=`

install -d "${SEESAW_BIN}" "${SEESAW_ETC}" "${SEESAW_LOG}"

install "${GOPATH}/bin/seesaw_cli" /usr/bin/seesaw

for component in {ecu,engine,ha,healthcheck,ncc,watchdog}; do
  install "${GOPATH}/bin/seesaw_${component}" "${SEESAW_BIN}"

if [ $INIT = "init" ]; then
  install "etc/init/seesaw_watchdog.conf" "/etc/init"
elif [ $INIT = "systemd" ]; then
  install "etc/systemd/system/seesaw_watchdog.service" "/etc/systemd/system"
  systemctl --system daemon-reload
install "etc/seesaw/watchdog.cfg" "${SEESAW_ETC}"

# Enable CAP_NET_RAW for seesaw binaries that require raw sockets.
/sbin/setcap cap_net_raw+ep "${SEESAW_BIN}/seesaw_ha"
/sbin/setcap cap_net_raw+ep "${SEESAW_BIN}/seesaw_healthcheck"

The setcap binary can be found in the libcap2-bin package on Debian/Ubuntu.


Each node needs a /etc/seesaw/seesaw.cfg configuration file, which provides
information about the node and who its peer is. Additionally, each load
balancing cluster needs a cluster configuration, which is in the form of a
text-based protobuf - this is stored in /etc/seesaw/cluster.pb.

An example seesaw.cfg file can be found in
etc/seesaw/seesaw.cfg.example - a minimal
seesaw.cfg provides the following:

  • anycast_enabled - True if anycast should be enabled for this cluster.
  • name - The short name of this cluster.
  • node_ipv4 - The IPv4 address of this Seesaw node.
  • peer_ipv4 - The IPv4 address of our peer Seesaw node.
  • vip_ipv4 - The IPv4 address for this cluster VIP.

The VIP floats between the Seesaw nodes and is only active on the current
master. This address needs to be allocated within the same netblock as both
the node IP address and peer IP address.

An example cluster.pb file can be found in
etc/seesaw/cluster.pb.example - a minimal
cluster.pb contains a seesaw_vip entry and two node entries. For each
service that you want to load balance, a separate vserver entry is
needed, with one or more vserver_entry sections (one per port/proto pair),
one or more backends and one or more healthchecks. Further information
is available in the protobuf definition - see

On an upstart based system, running restart seesaw_watchdog will start (or
restart) the watchdog process, which will in turn start the other components.


Seesaw v2 provides full support for anycast VIPs - that is, it will advertise
an anycast VIP when it becomes available and will withdraw the anycast VIP if
it becomes unavailable. For this to work the Quagga BGP daemon needs to be
installed and configured, with the BGP peers accepting host-specific routes
that are advertised from the Seesaw nodes within the anycast range (currently
hardcoded as

Command Line

Once initial configuration has been performed and the Seesaw components are
running, the state of the Seesaw can be viewed and controlled via the Seesaw
command line interface. Running seesaw (assuming /usr/bin is in your path)
will give you an interactive prompt - type ? for a list of top level
commands. A quick summary:

  • config reload - reload the cluster.pb from the current config source.
  • failover - failover between the Seesaw nodes.
  • show vservers - list all vservers configured on this cluster.
  • show vserver <name> - show the current state for the named vserver.


A Seesaw should have five components that are running under the watchdog - the
process table should show processes for:

  • seesaw_ecu
  • seesaw_engine
  • seesaw_ha
  • seesaw_healthcheck
  • seesaw_ncc
  • seesaw_watchdog

All Seesaw v2 components have their own logs, in addition to the logging
provided by the watchdog. If any of the processes are not running, check the
corresponding logs in /var/log/seesaw (e.g. seesaw_engine.{log,INFO}).


Name With Ownergoogle/seesaw
Primary LanguageGo
Program languageMakefile (Language Count: 2)
License:Apache License 2.0
Release Count0
Created At2015-12-04 07:49:07
Pushed At2024-04-23 10:00:14
Last Commit At2024-04-23 11:00:06
Stargazers Count5.6k
Watchers Count288
Fork Count510
Commits Count211
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count45
Issue Open Count16
Pull Requests Count80
Pull Requests Open Count1
Pull Requests Close Count9
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private
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