
“所有演示应用程序之母” -- 由React,Angular,Node,Django等提供支持的示例性fullstack Medium.com克隆。("The mother of all demo apps" — Exemplary fullstack clone powered by React, Angular, Node, Django, and many more ?)

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RealWorld Example Applications

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See how the exact same clone (called Conduit) is built using any of our supported frontends and backends. Yes, you can mix and match them, because they all adhere to the same API spec ??

While most "todo" demos provide an excellent cursory glance at a framework's capabilities, they typically don't convey the knowledge & perspective required to actually build real applications with it.

RealWorld solves this by allowing you to choose any frontend (React, Angular 2, & more) and any backend (Node, Django, & more) and see how they power a real world, beautifully designed fullstack app called "Conduit".

Read the full blog post announcing RealWorld on Medium.


Sorted by popularity on Sat Jan 11 2020, ?, ?, ?, :---:, :---:, :---:, React / Redux React / Redux Star Fork, Angular Angular Star Fork, Elm Elm Star Fork, Vue Vue Star Fork, React / MobX React / MobX Star Fork, Svelte / Sapper Svelte / Sapper Star Fork, PureScript + Halogen PureScript + Halogen Star Fork, AngularJS AngularJS Star Fork, ClojureScript + re-frame ClojureScript + re-frame Star Fork, Angular + ngrx + nx Angular + ngrx + nx Star Fork, Aurelia Aurelia Star Fork, Ember.js Ember.js Star Fork, AppRun AppRun Star Fork, ClojureScript + Keechma ClojureScript + Keechma Star Fork, Hyperapp 1 Hyperapp 1 Star Fork, Stencil.js Stencil.js Star Fork, Rust + Yew + WebAssembly Rust + Yew + WebAssembly Star Fork, Dojo 2 Dojo 2 Star Fork, Riot.js v4 Riot.js v4 Star Fork, Imba Imba Star Fork, Crizmas MVC Crizmas MVC Star Fork, Bridge.Spaf Bridge.Spaf Star Fork, Riot.js v3 Riot.js v3 Star Fork, Riot.js + Universal + Effector Riot.js + Universal + Effector Star Fork

Work In Progress:
Implement GraphQL + Apollo/Relay for the Node + React codebases, ? ? ClojureScript, ? ? Mithril, ? ? Vanilla JS (Web Components), Angular 4+ / MobX, AngularJS 1.2 , Vanilla Backbone.js, Ractive, Preact, Quasar framework, Blazor, ReasonReact (ReasonML), $mol, Surplus wip, Slim.js, Nuxt.js, Typescript + Web Components, React + NextJS


Sorted by popularity on Sat Jan 11 2020, ?, ?, ?, :---:, :---:, :---:, Node / Express Node / Express Star Fork, Go + Gin Go + Gin Star Fork, ASP.NET Core ASP.NET Core Star Fork, Django Django Star Fork, Laravel Laravel Star Fork, Elixir + Phoenix Elixir + Phoenix Star Fork, NestJS + TypeORM NestJS + TypeORM Star Fork, Flask Flask Star Fork, Spring Spring Star Fork, Slim Slim Star Fork, Rails Rails Star Fork, Kotlin / Spring Kotlin / Spring Star Fork, Rust Rust Star Fork, Rust / Rocket Rust / Rocket Star Fork, Koa / Knex Koa / Knex Star Fork, Go Clean Architecture Go Clean Architecture Star Fork, Clojure / Polylith Clojure / Polylith Star Fork, Go / Echo Go / Echo Star Fork, Serverless AWS Lambda DynamoDB Serverless AWS Lambda DynamoDB Star Fork, Scala & Play Framework Scala & Play Framework Star Fork, Haskell / Yesod Haskell / Yesod Star Fork, GCP Cloud Functions + Datastore GCP Cloud Functions + Datastore Star Fork, CakePHP CakePHP Star Fork, Moleculer Moleculer Star Fork, Functional ASP.NET Core Functional ASP.NET Core Star Fork, Hapi.js Hapi.js Star Fork, F# F# Star Fork, Kotlin + Javalin + Exposed Kotlin + Javalin + Exposed Star Fork, Crystal (Onyx) Crystal (Onyx) Star Fork, Node / hapi pal Node / hapi pal Star Fork, Kotlin + http4k Kotlin + http4k Star Fork, Express w/ Bookshelf.js Express w/ Bookshelf.js Star Fork, Ruby & Colmena Ruby & Colmena Star Fork, QEWD.js QEWD.js Star Fork, Feathers Feathers Star Fork, Kotlin + Ktor Kotlin + Ktor Star Fork, Akka HTTP Akka HTTP Star Fork, Spincast Spincast Star Fork, AWS Lambda Go + DynamoDB AWS Lambda Go + DynamoDB Star Fork, Java Quarkus Java Quarkus Star Fork

Work In Progress:
Implement GraphQL + Apollo/Relay for the Node + React codebases, ?? Go + net/http, ?? Node + GraphQL, ?? Clojure, ?? Falcon and GAE, ?? Nim, ?? Symfony, ?? Haskell / Servant, ?? Phalcon, ?? Dropwizard, ?? Go + Gorilla mux, ?? Loopback 3.0, ? ? Crystal + Kemal, ? ? Erlang + Cowboy, ? ? Nancy, ?? Sanic, Haskell / Scotty, Typescript + node + express, typescript + node.js(koa), Vanilla PHP, Vert.x (Java), Lumen + MongoDB , Go + net/http Package , Swift Vapor, Egg.js, Serverless python (AWS Lambda), Serverless Typescript + Mongodb (implementation done), Azure Functions + CosmosDb, Serverless+Typescript with AWS as the provider (Lambda, SSM, DynamoDB), Vertx + Reactive + MongoDB, Fullstack Golang (tgram), Zend Framework, Rust / Rocket / Diesel / Mysql - Backend Application, Golang + Revel, Masonite, Turbolinks, Actix, Lucky, Symfony 4 with API Platform, Kotlin + Hexagon, Scala + Finch, Holochain


Sorted by popularity on Sat Jan 11 2020, ?, ?, ?, :---:, :---:, :---:, NativeScript (Angular) NativeScript (Angular) Star Fork

Work In Progress:
?? React Native, ?? Jasonette, ?? Swift, ?? C# on Xamarin, ? ? Kotlin/Android, ?? Onymos, Quasar framework, Swift Perfect, Flutter


Since these implementations are responsible for the entire stack, they obviously cannot be mixed and matched but they still adhere to the same functionality & UX specs.

Work In Progress: Meteor, Ruby Hyperloop, Firebase

Create a new stack

Create a new stack

Know any of these frameworks (or one that isn't listed)?Create a new framework implementation >>>

Or you can view upcoming stacks (WIPs)

Note: All stacks that are a WIP are experimental and incomplete.

Don't expect everything to work perfectly out of the box!

How do I get up & running?

Simply follow the instructions in the README of whatever frontend and/or backend repo's you want to get up and running.

Can you teach me how to build each stack from scratch?

Yup! We've built step-by-step tutorials for all of our stacks that teach you how to go from git init all the way to the production ready application. Start learning now >>>

Community created resources

Forks, tutorials, workshops, and other resources based on the RealWorld project:

Learn more

  • "Introducing RealWorld ?" by Eric Simons
  • Every tutorial is built against the same API spec to ensure modularity of every frontend & backend
  • Every frontend utilizes the same hand crafted Bootstrap 4 theme for identical UI/UX
  • There is a hosted version of the backend API available for public usage, no API keys required
  • Interested in creating a new RealWorld stack? View our starter guide & spec

Who made this?

RealWorld would not be possible without the open source community continuously helping push the project forward. In addition, we have a core project team composed of:

Anish Karandikar - Core Maintainer

MathWorker, ex-Google, ex-Computational Fluid Dynamicist, forever lover of tech & humanities ❤️

Cameron Chapman - Core Maintainer

Cameron Chapman is a Software Engineer at FanThreeSixty. He's an open source enthusiast and is helping to teach a local web development boot camp at Kansas University.

Eric Simons - Founder/Maintainer

Eric is a Software Engineer, UI Designer, and author of many technical books & tutorials. He oversees the project direction, maintenance and organizes the planning and development efforts of the team.

Albert Pai - Founder/Maintainer

Albert is a Software Engineer, DevOps ninja, and author of many technical books & tutorials. He oversees the project direction, maintenance and organizes the planning and development efforts of the team.

Thinkster - Funding/Support

Thinkster creates high quality resources that help Javascript developers succeed. The RealWorld project wouldn't exist without their funding, so please consider investing in a Pro subscription to help support us!

James Brewer - Admin

James is a Software Engineer at Square and a contributor to the Django project. He created & maintains the RW Django codebase and continually provides guidance for the RealWorld project itself.

Sandeesh S. - Admin

Full stack developer, Laravel enthusiast, Digital marketing specialist and an avid gamer.

Special thanks to...

RealWorld wouldn't be possible without the help of the open source community reviewing codebases, creating new app implementations, and many other tasks that help push this project forward. We especially appreciate the OSS leaders who have helped contribute to RealWorld:

  • Dan Abramov (creator of Redux) for helping spark the initial idea, getting the Redux community involved, as well as graciously taking the time to provide feedback on the Redux codebase
  • Max Lynch (creator of Ionic) for taking the time to provide guidance in the early days of this project
  • Addy Osmani (creator of TodoMVC) for helping spark the initial idea and his amazing work with TodoMVC
  • TodoMVC (team & contributors) for their exemplary & successful work; their project & org has been an invaluable analogy for us as we've built out RealWorld
  • James Brewer (docs contributor to Django) for countless brainstorming sessions, helping name this project, and creating the Django codebase + tutorial


All of the codebases are MIT licensed unless otherwise specified.

Brought to you by Thinkster


Name With Ownergothinkster/realworld
Primary LanguageTypeScript
Program languageShell (Language Count: 7)
License:MIT License
Release Count0
Created At2016-02-26 20:49:53
Pushed At2024-03-08 15:06:07
Last Commit At
Stargazers Count78.4k
Watchers Count1.5k
Fork Count7.2k
Commits Count1k
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count528
Issue Open Count55
Pull Requests Count427
Pull Requests Open Count22
Pull Requests Close Count367
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private
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