
Postgres Explain Visualizer

  • Owner: AlexTatiyants/pev
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  • License:: MIT License
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Postgres Explain Visualizer (pev)

Postgres Explain Visualizer (dev) is designed to make EXPLAIN output easier to grok. It creates a graphical representation of the plan. You can see it in action at, or read about it on my blog.

Pev is heavily influenced by the excellent

Pev is written in angular 2 with TypeScript. The project is based on angular2 seed. It requires npm, gulp, tsd, and compass.


npm install
npm start

You may also need to install tsd and compass:

npm install tsd -g
gem install compass


To build, run the build command for a specific environment. For example, the following will create a production distribution:

npm start


Name With OwnerAlexTatiyants/pev
Primary LanguageCSS
Program languageCSS (Language Count: 4)
License:MIT License
Release Count0
Created At2016-01-04 01:19:52
Pushed At2020-07-15 20:27:50
Last Commit At2016-10-03 08:39:15
Stargazers Count2.7k
Watchers Count55
Fork Count193
Commits Count37
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count47
Issue Open Count28
Pull Requests Count2
Pull Requests Open Count5
Pull Requests Close Count2
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private
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