
持续分析 CPU 和内存的使用情况,精确到行号和整个时间。节省基础设施成本,提高性能,增加可靠性。「Continuous profiling for analysis of CPU and memory usage, down to the line number and throughout time. Saving infrastructure cost, improving performance, and increasing reliability.」

Github stars Tracking Chart


  • eBPF Profiler: A single profiler, using eBPF, automatically discovering targets from Kubernetes or systemd across the entire infrastructure with very low overhead. Supports C, C++, Rust, Go, and more!

  • Open Standards: Both producing pprof formatted profiles with the eBPF based profiler, and ingesting any pprof formatted profiles allowing for wide language adoption and interoperability with existing tooling.

  • Optimized Storage & Querying: Efficiently storing profiling data while retaining raw data and allowing slicing and dicing of data through a label-based search. Aggregate profiling data infrastructure wide, view single profiles in time or compare on any dimension.


  • Save Money: Many organizations have 20-30% of resources wasted with easily optimized code paths. The Parca Agent aims to lower the entry bar by requiring 0 instrumentation for the whole infrastructure. Deploy in your infrastructure and get started!
  • Improve Performance: Using profiling data collected over time, Parca can with confidence and statistical significance determine hot paths to optimize. Additionally it can show differences between any label dimension, such as deploys, versions, and regions.
  • Understand Incidents: Profiling data provides unique insight and depth into what a process executed over time. Memory leaks, but also momentary spikes in CPU or I/O causing unexpected behavior, is traditionally difficult to troubleshoot are a breeze with continuous profiling.

Feedback & Support

If you have any feedback, please open a discussion in the GitHub Discussions of this project.
We would love to learn what you think!

Installation & Documentation

Check Parca's website for updated and in-depth installation guides and documentation!


You need to have Go, Node and Yarn installed.

Clone the project

git clone

Go to the project directory

cd parca

Build the UI and compile the Go binaries

make build

Running the compiled Parca binary

The binary was compiled to bin/parca .


Now Parca is running locally and its web UI is available on http://localhost:7070/.

By default Parca is scraping it's own pprof endpoints and you should see profiles show up over time.
The scrape configuration can be changed in the parca.yaml in the root of the repository.



Usage: parca

  -h, --help                    Show context-sensitive help.
                                Path to config file.
      --mode="all"              Scraper only runs a scraper that sends to a
                                remote gRPC endpoint. All runs all components.
      --log-level="info"        log level.
      --port=":7070"            Port string for server
                                Allowed CORS origins.
      --otlp-address=STRING     OpenTelemetry collector address to send traces
      --version                 Show application version.
      --path-prefix=""          Path prefix for the UI
                                How long to retain samples in storage.
                                Mode to demangle C++ symbols. Default mode is
                                simplified: no parameters, no templates, no
                                return type
                                Number of tries to attempt to symbolize an
                                unsybolized location
                                Which metastore implementation to use
                                Upstream debuginfod servers. Defaults to
                       It is an
                                ordered list of servers to try. Learn more at
                                Timeout duration for HTTP request to upstream
                                debuginfod server. Defaults to 5m
      --store-address=STRING    gRPC address to send profiles and symbols to.
      --bearer-token=STRING     Bearer token to authenticate with store.
                                File to read bearer token from to authenticate
                                with store.
      --insecure                Send gRPC requests via plaintext instead of TLS.
      --insecure-skip-verify    Skip TLS certificate verification.
                                Label(s) to attach to all profiles in
                                scraper-only mode.


Parca was originally developed by Polar Signals. Read the announcement blog post:


Check out our Contributing Guide to get started!
It explains how compile Parca, run it with Tilt as container in Kubernetes and send a Pull Request.

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!


Name With Ownerparca-dev/parca
Primary LanguageTypeScript
Program languageGo (Language Count: 11)
PlatformDocker, Kubernetes, Linux, Mac, Windows
License:Apache License 2.0
Release Count2368
Last Release Name@parca/web@0.16.657 (Posted on 2024-04-26 15:56:35)
First Release Namev0.0.0 (Posted on )
Created At2018-11-27 14:53:43
Pushed At2024-04-27 05:10:58
Last Commit At
Stargazers Count3.8k
Watchers Count31
Fork Count205
Commits Count6.9k
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count455
Issue Open Count147
Pull Requests Count3878
Pull Requests Open Count22
Pull Requests Close Count196
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private
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