
一个由研究人员创建并为研究人员服务的开放源码地理信息系统。「An open-source Geographic Information System (GIS) created by research and for research.」

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经过几年的发展,现在是时候重组 OrbisGIS 架构,为用户和开发者提供强大的库和框架,更好的文档和更友好的图形用户界面。因为 OrbisGIS 团队是开源社区的核心,因为它支持集体工作和工具方法的共享,而不是重新发明轮子,所以我们决定将 OrbisGIS 分为两个主要的库。

这些库利用 FOSS 生态系统,下一个 OrbisGIS 用户界面将在 Eclipse RCP 框架和 dbeaver 工具的基础上开发。许多 dbeaver 功能都符合 OrbisGIS 用户的需求和它的功能(SQL 编辑器,树型数据库浏览器,表查看器...)。因此,我们正在考虑将 OrbisGIS 的功能添加到 dbeaver 中,用来替代目前的 OrbisGIS(基于 DockingFrames)。OrbisRCP 汇集了所有适用于 DBeaver 的 OrbisGIS 插件。参见:https://github.com/orbisgis/orbisrcp

请注意,H2GIS 扩展和 CTS 库仍在由 OrbisGIS 团队积极开发中。


OrbisGIS 是一个跨平台的开放源码地理信息系统(GIS),由研究人员创建并用于研究。它由法国国家科学研究中心(CNRS)在法国 Lab-STICC 实验室(Vannes 的 DECIDE 团队)内领导,并以 GPLv3 的方式进行许可。OrbisGIS 提出了新的方法和技术,用于空间数据的建模、表示、处理和共享,使其易于监测地理区域和管理其演变。在这个世界上,人们越来越意识到生态足迹和可持续发展的重要性,一个系统化的公共政策评估方法是至关重要的。这种方法必须考虑到相关的环境、社会和经济因素,以促进有效的决策和规划。作为一个包含分析工具的综合建模平台,用于计算不同空间和时间尺度的各种指标,OrbisGIS 已经是很多人不可或缺的工具。快来看看这一切是怎么回事吧!

有关一般信息,请访问我们的网站。欢迎 联系我们 或使用 邮件列表

开发者,请查看我们的 GitHub Wiki

用户,请查阅 doc.orbisgis.org 上的在线文档。


OrbisGIS 使用 Maven。要启动一个完整的构建(包括测试),请运行以下命令:

$ mvn clean install

使用 Maven 运行 OrbisGIS:

$ cd orbisgis-dist
$ mvn exec:exec


cd orbisgis-dist
mvn package assembly:single


Name With Ownerorbisgis/orbisgis
Primary LanguageJava
Program languageJava (Language Count: 5)
PlatformLinux, Mac, Windows
Release Count18
Last Release Name5.1.0-SNAPSHOT (Posted on )
First Release Nameorbisgis-1.0 (Posted on 2012-06-20 18:57:26)
Created At2012-06-21 06:59:24
Pushed At2021-12-05 14:01:18
Last Commit At2020-06-10 15:30:33
Stargazers Count84
Watchers Count19
Fork Count40
Commits Count10.7k
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count587
Issue Open Count1
Pull Requests Count763
Pull Requests Open Count1
Pull Requests Close Count60
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private


After several years of development, it is time to reorganize the OrbisGIS architecture to offer to the users and the developers a robust libraries and framework, a better documentation and a more user-friendly GUI. Because the OrbisGIS team is at the heart of open source communities, because it supports collective work and the sharing of tools and methods rather than reinventing the wheel, we have decided to split OrbisGIS in a two main libraries :

These libraries take profit of the FOSS ecosystem and the next OrbisGIS user interface will be developped on top of the Eclipse RCP framework and the dbeaver tool. Many dbeaver features are in line with the needs of the OrbisGIS users and its functions (SQL editor, tree database explorer, table viewer...). We are therefore thinking of adding OrbisGIS features to dbeaver and use it in replacement to the current OrbisGIS (based on DockingFrames).
OrbisRCP aggregates all OrbisGIS plugins available for DBeaver. See : https://github.com/orbisgis/orbisrcp

Note that the H2GIS extension and the CTS library are still being actively developed by the OrbisGIS team.

OrbisGIS Build Status

OrbisGIS is a cross-platform open-source Geographic Information System (GIS) created by research and for research. It is leaded by CNRS within the French Lab-STICC laboratory (DECIDE team of Vannes) and licensed under GPLv3. OrbisGIS proposes new methods and techniques to model, represent, process and share spatial data, making it easy to monitor geographical territories and manage their evolution.
In a world ever-increasingly aware of its ecological footprint and the relevance of sustainable development, a systematic approach to evaluating public policies is of paramount importance. Such an approach must take into account relevant environmental, social and economic factors to facilitate efficient decision making and planning. As an integrated modeling platform containing analytical tools for computing various indicators at different spatial and temporal scales, OrbisGIS is already an indispensable instrument for many. Come see what all the buzz is about!

For general information, visit our website. Feel free to contact us or use the mailing list.

Developers, check out our GitHub Wiki.

Users, please consult the on-line documentation on doc.orbisgis.org.

Quick build instructions

OrbisGIS uses Maven. To launch a full build (including the tests), run the following command:

$ mvn clean install

To run OrbisGIS using Maven:

$ cd orbisgis-dist
$ mvn exec:exec

To build a release as a standalone zip file:

cd orbisgis-dist
mvn package assembly:single
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