
该存储库跟踪所有 OpenStack 存储库作为子模块。代码的镜像维护在。OpenStack 是一个可互操作的组件的集合,可以被部署以提供计算、网络和存储资源。然后,这些基础设施资源可以被终端用户通过可编程的 API 访问。「Repository tracking all OpenStack repositories as submodules. Mirror of code maintained at OpenStack is a collection of interoperable components that can be deployed to provide computing, networking and storage resources. Those infrastructure resources can then be accessed by end users through programmable APIs.」

Github stars Tracking Chart


OpenStack 是一个可互操作的组件的集合,可以被部署以提供计算、网络和存储资源。然后,这些基础设施资源可以被终端用户通过可编程的 API 访问。

这个存储库只是代表 OpenStack 作为 git 子模块的集合。你可以在以下网站找到各个组件的存储库:





我们的持续集成系统 Zuul 在一个有效的单一时间轴上管理所有包含的项目。这意味着 OpenStack,在所有的项目中,确实已经有一连串已经明确测试过的组合,但从某个项目的单一提交到与之测试过的提交,这是非难事。

Gerrit 的子模块跟踪功能将在每次更新子项目时更新超级项目,因此 zuul 创建的特定序列将被超级项目的提交所捕获。

这个 repo 是以只读方式使用的。如果这种事情对你来说很重要的话,这个 repo 中的任何提交都会得到其他 repos 中已经明确地相互测试过的提交的集合。


Name With Ownercobbler/cobbler
Primary LanguagePython
Program languagePython (Language Count: 5)
PlatformLinux, Kubernetes
License:GNU General Public License v2.0
Release Count121
Last Release Namev3.3.4 (Posted on 2024-02-26 21:32:13)
First Release Namev0.4.0 (Posted on 2007-04-03 11:21:26)
Created At2011-11-08 15:01:00
Pushed At2024-04-12 19:10:31
Last Commit At2022-03-11 09:59:35
Stargazers Count2.5k
Watchers Count136
Fork Count648
Commits Count9.5k
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count1528
Issue Open Count283
Pull Requests Count1768
Pull Requests Open Count18
Pull Requests Close Count223
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private


OpenStack is a collection of interoperable components that can be
deployed to provide computing, networking and storage resources. Those
infrastructure resources can then be accessed by end users through
programmable APIs.

This repository just represents OpenStack as a collection of git
submodules. You can find the repositories for individual components at:

You can learn more about the various components in OpenStack at:

To learn more about how to contribute to OpenStack, please head to our
Contributor portal:

To learn more about how OpenStack is governed, you can visit:

Why this repository ?

Our continuous integration system, Zuul, gates all of the contained
projects in an effective single timeline. This means that OpenStack,
across all of the projects, does already have a sequence of combinations
that have been explicitly tested, but it's non-trivial to go from a
single commit of a particular project to the commits that were tested
with it.

Gerrit's submodule tracking feature will update a super project every
time a subproject is updated, so the specific sequence created by zuul
will be captured by the super project commits.

This repo is intended to be used in a read-only manner. Any commit in
this repo will get a collection of commits in the other repos that have
explicitly been tested with each other, if that sort of thing is
important to you.

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