OpenJUMP,这个 "袋鼠兜里不止一招" 的开源 GIS,从sourceforge "跳" 到 github,帮你前所未有。「OpenJUMP, the Open Source GIS which has more than one trick in its kangaroo pocket, "jumps" from sourceforge to github to help you as never.」

Github stars Tracking Chart


OpenJUMP 是 "Java统一制图平台" GIS 软件 JUMP 的一个社区驱动的分叉。最初的 JUMP 是由 Vivid Solutions 开发的,在 2003 年以 GPL2 的方式发布,并在 2006 年停止使用。

在 2004 年期间,已经有一些热心的开发者联合起来,进一步增强 JUMP 的功能。他们推出了一个独立的开发分支,叫做 OpenJUMP。这个名字是对 JUMP 原始开发的肯定,同时也说明了这个项目的目标是完全开放的,可以让任何想要贡献的人参与进来。

如今,OpenJUMP 是由全球各地的(少数)志愿者开发和维护的。如果你需要功能或更好的贡献,我们非常欢迎你通过邮件列表联系我们。


  • 矢量地理信息系统(也能读取光栅)
  • 提供开放的 API 和 PlugIn 系统,通过 BeanShell 和 Java Python 编写脚本。
  • 编辑、保存、分析、混合和显示您的 GIS 数据。
  • 力求处理好空的几何体。
  • 精心设计的快捷键,撤销/重做。
  • 矢量格式。
  • 支持光栅格式读取。
  • 每个世界文件或 GeoTIFF 的地理参照。
  • ECW & JPEG2000 (在 Windows, Linux, MacOSX 上使用 32 位 Java)*包括在 Plus 中。
  • MrSID (在 Windows, Linux 上使用 oracle jre)*。
  • 支持光栅格式写入。
  • JPG, PNG
  • 数据库访问。
  • 读取 PostGIS、ArcSDE*、Oracle*、MySQL*、SpatialLite。
  • 编写 PostGIS*
  • 档案和压缩文件。
  • 从 zip、tar、tar.gz、tar.bz2 档案或 gz、bz2 压缩文件中读取已知数据格式。
  • 支持 OGC 标准 WMS 和 WFS(-T)、GML 2、SLD、SFS。
  • 拓扑工具:线节点、多边形器、平面图等。
  • 通过 SEXTANTE 连接器进行光栅分析
  • 属性转移工具(1:1转移,或n:1转移)
  • 计算长度、面积、中心点、缓冲区、凸壳、。
  • 空间和属性查询功能
  • 旋转,缩放,自动完成多边形,切割,合并,简化多边形和线条。
  • 翘曲、质量保证工具*
  • 映射泛化函数*
  • 完善的打印输出功能*。
  • * 通过额外的插件或本地库、二进制文件提供的功能。

(Translate from:


Name With Owneropenjump-gis/openjump
Primary LanguageJava
Program languageJava (Language Count: 11)
PlatformBSD, Cross-platform, Linux, Mac, Windows
License:GNU General Public License v2.0
Release Count40
Last Release Name2.2.1 (Posted on )
First Release Name1.2preC (Posted on 2007-08-12 22:45:56)
Created At2021-01-14 23:03:17
Pushed At2024-04-14 20:01:35
Last Commit At
Stargazers Count26
Watchers Count9
Fork Count15
Commits Count5.2k
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count47
Issue Open Count12
Pull Requests Count44
Pull Requests Open Count1
Pull Requests Close Count18
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private


OpenJUMP, the Open Source GIS which has more than one trick in its kangaroo pocket, "jumps" from sourceforge to github to help you as never.

This is the final release of the long lasting OJ version 1.x series.

The next release will introduce backward incompatible changes that'll
initially break all unmodified extensions/plugins. So enjoy this one and
look forward to OJ2 developed in a Git-repo using the latest locationtech JTS.

OpenJUMP ReadMe file

Version 1.16 release rev.6669

  1. January 2021


  1. Licensing

  2. Installation instructions

  3. Running OpenJUMP

  4. Support

  5. OpenJUMP history

  6. Credits

  7. Latest changes

  8. Licensing

OpenJUMP is distributed under the GNU General Public License version 2 (GPLv2).
The license text can be found in the file "licenses/gpl-2.txt".

OpenJUMP uses and distributes the following (in alphabetical order) formatted
as (Component name - License name - License file in "licenses/" folder or link)
BeanShell - LGPL2.1 - lgpl-2.1.txt
Buoy Framework - Public Domain
Code2000 Unicode font - GPL2 - gpl-2.txt
Commons Codec, Compress, Imaging, IO, Lang, Logging

  • Apache License Version 2.0 - apache_license-2.0.txt
    CTS - GNU Lesser General Public License (GNU LGPL)
    Extensible-TIFF-JAI (xtiff jai) - MIT License - MIT-license.txt
    Icons (some original or based fully or in part on the following)
    FAMFAMFAM Silk by - CC BY 2.5
  • jai-imageio-core-LICENSE.txt
    JAMA - Public Domain
    Jdom - Apache-style open source jdom license, with the acknowledgment
    clause removed - jdom_license.txt
    JMath and its successor projects JMathTools (IO,Plot,Array)
  • BSD license - jmath_license.txt
    Javascript library RHINO - GPL2 - gpl-2.txt
    JSON-simple - Apache License Version 2.0 - apache_license-2.0.txt
    JTS Topology Suite - LGPL2 - lgpl-2.1.txt
    JUnit - Eclipse Public License v1.0 - epl-v10.txt
    Jython - Jython license - jython_license.txt
    Log4J - Apache License Version 2.0 - apache_license-2.0.txt
    Splash Logo designed by Paola Zanetti (
    Vertical Design used in the installer by Stefan Steiniger 2012
    Netbeans swing outline - Apache License Version 2.0 - apache_license-2.0.txt
    Postgresql JDBC driver - Postgresql BSD license - postgresql-BSD_license.txt
    Simple Logging Facade for Java (SLF4J) - MIT License - MIT-license.txt
    Xerces2 Java Parser - Apache License Version 2.0 - apache_license-2.0.txt
    XZ for Java - Public Domain
    Outline Swing Component by, GPL2 - gpl-2.txt

and the following plugins
( Component name - License name - License file in "licenses/" folder
list of files and dependencies with license if any )
Oracle Datastore (Nicolas Ribot) - GPL2 - gpl-2.txt
SkyPrinter - GPL2 - gpl-2.txt
.jar - LGPL2.1 - lgpl-2.1.txt

Additionally PLUS distribution contains
( Component name (Author) - License name - License file in "licenses/" folder
list of files and dependencies with license if any )
Batik SVG Toolkit - Apache License Version 2.0 - apache_license-2.0.txt
ECW and JPEG2000 Read Support based on ECW SDK 3.3 for
Windows x86/x64, Linux, Mac OSX with 32bit java runtime -
ERDAS ECW JPEG2000 SDK license - ecw license.txt
Geoarbores Vertex Symbols Collection (Giuseppe Aruta) - GPL2 - gpl-2.txt
ImageIO Ext - LGPL3 - lgpl-3.0.txt (imageio-ext-tiff removed)
except the following dependencies/components:
commons-codec, commons-io, commons-lang, commons-logging (see above)
imageio-ext-streams - partly LGPL2 or 3 - imageio-ext-streams-LICENSE.txt
imageio-ext-tiff - BSD style license - imageio-ext-tiff-BSD-LICENSE.txt
imageio-ext-imagereadmt - BSD style license -
turbojpeg-wrapper - BSD style license - LICENSE.libjpegturbo.txt
JEdit (1999) - GPL2 - gpl-2.txt
JGraphT - LGPL2 - lgpl-2.1.txt
Postgis driver (postgis-.jar) - LGPL2 - lgpl-2.1.txt
MariaDB Connector/J (mariadb-java-client-
.jar) - LGPL2 - lgpl-2.1.txt
MySQL Connector/J (mysql-connector-java--bin.jar) - GPL2 - gpl-2.txt
Xerial SQLite JDBC driver (sqlite-jdbc-
.jar) - apache_license-2.0.txt

and the following plugins
Aggregation PlugIn (Micha雔 Michaud) - GPL2 - gpl-2.txt
BeanShell Editor (Micha雔 Michaud) - GPL2 - gpl-2.txt
.jar, buoy.jar(see above)
CAD Tools (Giuseppe Aruta) - GPL3 - gpl-3.0.txt
CSV driver (Micha雔 Michaud) - GPL2 - gpl-2.txt
Concave Hull (Eric Grosso) - LGPL2.1, GPL2 - lgpl-2.1.txt, gpl-2.txt
CTS extension (Micha雔 Michaud) - GPL2 - gpl-2.txt
.jar - LGPL3 - lgpl-3.0.txt
SLF4J (see above)
DXF driver (Micha雔 Michaud) - GPL2 - gpl-2.txt
Five Color Map Coloring (Larry Reeder) - GPL3 - gpl-3.0.txt
SLF4J (see above), JGraphT (see above)
Graph Extension (Micha雔 Michaud) - GPL2 - gpl-2.txt
.jar, lib/jump-jgrapht-.jar
JGraphT (see above)
Jump Chart (com.cadplan.jump) - GPL2 - gpl-2.txt
JUMP DB Query Plugin (Larry Reeder) - GPL3 - gpl-3.0.txt
jsyntaxpane-.jar - Apache License Version 2.0 - apache_license-2.0.txt
.jar - LGPL2.1 - lgpl-2.1.txt
mysql-connector-java-.jar - GPL2 - gpl-2.txt
.jar - Apache License Version 2.0 - apache_license-2.0.txt
Jump Fill Pattern (com.cadplan.jump) - GPL2 - gpl-2.txt
KML Driver (skyjump) - GPL2 - gpl-2.txt
Matching (Micha雔 Michaud) - GPL2 - gpl-2.txt
Measure Toolbox (Giuseppe Aruta) - GPL3 - gpl-3.0.txt
OpenKLEM (Geomatica) - GPL2 - gpl-2.0.txt
topographic and hydrological analysis
OSM Driver (Stefan Steiniger) - GPL2 - gpl-2.txt
Printer (com.cadplan.jump) - GPL2 - gpl-2.txt
jumpPrinter.jar (needs Vertex Symbols extension)
itext-.jar - LGPL2.1 - lgpl-2.1.txt
Pirol Csv Dataset
(de.fhOsnabrueck.jump.pirol.datasources.pirolCSV) - GPL2 - gpl-2.txt
PirolCsv.jar, pbaseClasses.jar
SetAttributes (Micha雔 Michaud) - GPL2 - gpl-2.txt
Sextante Tools (es.unex.sextante.openjump.extensions) - GPL3 - gpl-3.0.txt
sextante-binding-.jar, sextante/.*
Sextante algorithms ( - GPL3 - gpl-3.0.txt
TableLayout-.jar - Clearthought License - clearthought-2.0.txt
.jar - Apache License Version 2.0 - apache_license-2.0.txt
Topology Extension (Micha雔 Michaud) - GPL2 - gpl-2.txt
Vertex Note (com.cadplan.jump) - GPL2 - gpl-2.txt
Vertex Symbols (com.cadplan.jump) - GPL2 - gpl-2.txt
.jar - LGPL2.1 - lgpl-2.1.txt
View Manager Extension (Micha雔 Michaud) - GPL2 - gpl-2.txt
WFS Plugin

  1. Installation instructions

Try the shiny installers
OpenJUMP-Installer-.exe (for windows)
.jar (for linux & mac)
Extract the portable zip file distribution.

  1. Running OpenJUMP

To start OpenJUMP run the launcher for your platform from the
/bin directory.

  • On Windows, double-click on oj_windows.bat or OpenJUMP.exe
  • On Linux/Unix, launch
  • On MacOSX, launch oj_mac.command or

Additionally, if you used the installer you should have

  • On Windows, a start menu entry.
  • On Linux, a link on the desktop.
  • On MacOSX, a self contained app on the desktop.
    Move it to 'Applications' folder if you like.

Further information can be found in the OJ wiki:

Startup/Command line options

Several startup options are available, either for the Java Virtual Machine,
or for the OpenJUMP application. To change them, edit the startup script
accordingly. The scripts contain documentation comments, don't be afraid.

Useful Java VM options
-Xms defines the allocated memory for the virtual machine at startup.
Example: -Xms256M will allocate 256M of memory for OpenJUMP
-Xmx defines the maximum allocated memory for the virtual machine.
Example: -Xmx256M
-Dproperty=value set a jvm system property.

OpenJUMP command line syntax:

oj_starter -option ... <[data|project]_file>...

OpenJUMP options:

-default-plugins <file.xml>
Specifies the configuration file of a standard set of functions realized
as plugins. For example almost all functions of the "Tools" menu.
This is configured as
-default-plugins bin\default-plugins.xml

-h, -help
show the help information

Overrides the operating systems default locale setting (language,
number format etc.) For example:
- For starting OpenJUMP in French: use -i18n fr
- languages available (09/2011):
cz (czech)
de (german)
en (english)
es (spanish)
fi (finnish)
fr (french)
hu (hungarian)
it (italian)
ja_JP (japanese)
ml (malayalam)
pt (portuguese)
pt_BR (brazilian portuguese)
ta_IN (indian tamil)
te (telugu)
zh_CN (chinese simplified)
zh_HK (chinese Hong Kong)
ATTENTION: If the specified language is not available then
the language used is english (en).

Sets the location of the plugin directory.
Default: JUMP_HOME/lib/ext

-project <path/>
DEPRECATED: simply add the path as mentioned in the syntax above
Open a project located on the file system at starting time

-properties <file.xml>
specifies the file where OpenJUMP persistent properties are stored.
See Wiki article "How to use a plugin with a properties file in ECLIPSE".
Default: JUMP_HOME\bin\workbench-properties.xml

-state <some/folder>
specifies the folder where OpenJUMP stores data between executions

-v, -version
show version information

  1. Support

for a general overview visit - the OpenJUMP web site - alternative domain to the above
for support
consult the OJ wiki
use mailing list or trackers

For commercial support, e.g. paid plugin development, contact the developer
mailing list .

  1. OpenJUMP history

OpenJUMP is a "fork" of the JUMP "Java Unified Mapping Platform" software,
developed by Vividsolutions and released in 2003.
During 2004, some enthusiastic developers joined together to enhance further
the features of JUMP. They launched an independent development branch called
OpenJUMP. This name gives credit to the original JUMP development, and at the
same time describes the objectives of this project to be fully open to anyone
wanting to contribute.
Since May 2005 a complete development source is available at:

  1. Credits

Many thanks to all the contributors of OpenJUMP for their time and efforts:

Original development team of JUMP was:
at Vividsolutions (
Martin Davis
Jon Aquino
Alan Chang
at Refractions Research Inc (
David Blasby
Paul Ramsey

OpenJUMP project team (in alphabetical order):
Edgar Soldin (edso,
Giuseppe Aruta
Jukka Rahkonen
Micha雔 Michaud

Continuous or recent contributors (in alphabetical order):
Nicolas Ribot

Past contributors (in alphabetical order):
Alberto de Luca (
Andreas Schmitz (
Axel Orth
Basile Chandesris
Bing Ran
Eric Lemesre
Erwan Bocher
Ezequias Rodrigues da Rocha
Fco Lavin
Geoffrey G Roy
Hisaji Ono
Jaakko Ruutiainen
Jan Ruzicka
Joe Desbonet
John Clark
Jonathan Aquino
Kevin Neufeld
Landon Blake (Sunburned Surveyor)
Larry Becker (
Larry Reeder
Martin Davis (
Matthias Scholz
Mohammed Rashad
Ole Rahn
Paolo Rizzi
Paul Austin
Pedro Doria Meunier
Sascha Teichmann (
Stefan Steiniger (on hiatus)
Stephan Holl
Steve Tanner
Ugo Taddei
Uwe Dall黦e

Translation contributors are
Chinese: Elton Chan
Czech: Jan Ruzicka
English: Landon Blake
Finnish: Jukka Rahkonnen
French: Basile Chandesris, Erwan Bocher, Steve Tanner, Micha雔 Michaud
German: Florian Rengers, Stefan Steiniger, Edgar Soldin
Hungarian: Zoltan Siki
Italian: Giuseppe Aruta
Japanese: Hisaji Ono
Malayalam : Mohammed Rashad
Portuguese (brazilian):
Ezequias Rodrigues da Rocha,
Cristiano das Neves Almeida
Giuseppe Aruta, Steve Tanner, Fco Lavin,
Nacho Uve, Agustin Diez-Castillo
Tamil: Vikram Santhanam
Telugu: Ravi Vundavalli

Contributing projects and companies:

  • Intevation GmbH
    Nightly Build process, collaborative PlugIn development (Print Layout PlugIn)
    contact: Jan Oliver Wagner/Stephan Holl
  • Larry Becker and Robert Littlefield (SkyJUMP team)
    partly at Integrated Systems Analysts, Inc.
    for providing their Jump ISA tools code and numerous other improvements
  • Lat/Lon GmbH (deeJUMP team)
    for providing some plugins and functionality (i.e. WFS and WMS Plugins)
    contact: Markus M黮ler/Andreas Schmitz
  • Pirol Project from University of Applied Sciences Osnabr點k
    for providing the attribute editor. Note that the project is finished now.
    (contact: Arnd Kielhorn)
  • VividSolutions Inc. & Refractions Inc.
    for support and answering the never ending stream of questions, especially:
    Martin Davis (now at Refractions Inc.)
    David Zwiers


  • L. Paul Chew for providing the Delaunay triangulation algorithm to
    create Voronoi diagrams
  1. Latest changes

Version 1.16 release rev.6669 (released on 03. January 2021)

This is the final release of the long lasting OJ version 1.x series.

The next release will introduce backward incompatible changes that'll
initially break all unmodified extensions/plugins. So enjoy this one and
look forward to OJ2 developed in a Git-repo using the latest locationtech JTS.

New Features

  • Added RasterizePlugIn. A plugin to rasterize vector layer according to
    an attribute value and cell size (plugin located under Tools>Generate)
  • Raster Pixel Inspection. Added capability to retrieve a set of pixel
    values in a table dragging on an area of the raster (like pixel inspector
    in ArcGIS) - currently limited to the first band
  • Add an interiorBorder option to BasicStyle
  • Added new tools in SextanteGIS :
  • Under "DEM Processing" menu (Raster analisys)
    a) Map pits. Tool to map pits and sinks to verify the quality of a raster
    for hydrological analisys
    b) Remove single-cell pits. To remove single pits in order to speed sink
    filling of a DEM
    c) Remove sinks. Modified from "Sink Filling" Sextante tool, to solve
    a bug (Schr鰀er et al,, 2010, 6 International gvSIG Conference) and
    to speed the process
  • Under "Rasterization and interpolation" menu
    d) Rasterize vector layer (2). Modified version of "Rasterize vector layer"
    to solve a bug on rasterize polygons
  • EditOptionPanel : Added option to automatically open a feature attributes
    Info Frame after a new feature is created. Workaround to Feature request
    #245 "Create form to edit attribute values"
  • CadTools Plugin version 0.9: added capability to load Python console and
    tools: added Align and Distribute selected features tools


  • reorder app exit handlers, do not run if exit is cancelled
  • replaced MergeSelectedPolygonsWithNeighbourPlugIn by
    MergePolygonsWithNeighbourPlugIn :faster, transactional, more
  • Updated CadTool plugin to ver. 1.0: activated Add and remove area plugin
  • add support for gdal/spatialite via homebrew on macOS
  • spatialite works if homebrew java is installed and used via JAVA_HOME
    above e.g. usr/local/opt/java11
  • home-brew gdal on mac mini-howto
    1. Install home-brew according to
    2. Add osgeo4mac repo 'brew tap osgeo/osgeo4mac'
    3. Install gdal 'brew install osgeo-gdal'
    4. run OJ
  • added gdal support for debian/ubuntu, installing package libgdal-java
    suffices now to have gdal image loaders up and running, tested on Ubuntu 20
  • tested spatialite DB Datastore support on Ubuntu 20, works with package
    libsqlite3-mod-spatialite installed
  • installer
    • added a FinishPanel to installer as requested in featreq #270
    • disable shortcut creation on linux, not working properly anymore
    • enable run-privileged for all windows versions
  • add multiple extension dirs support eg.
    -plug-in-directory "lib\plus" -plug-in-directory "lib\ext"
  • Update GraphToolBox extension to 0.8.0 : improve strahler order
    calculation and add shreve, horton and hack orders
  • SpatialDBDSDriver
    • fix sqlite not loading mod_spatialite anymore because
      connection properties were not delegated properly
    • keep one caching Dateparser instance per result dataset to speed up date
      parsing by magnitudes
  • beautify selected menu item icons (checkboxed) on windows
    by ticking them visually
  • make geoimg framework more robust if imageio-ext or gdal is missing
  • add jai-imageio.core (oss successor of sun's jai-core) to OJ CORE
  • prefer jai-imageio.core readers over all (primarily just TIF n BMP)
  • upgrade imageio-ext to latest greatest 1.3.2
  • ImageLayerManagerPlugin shows actually used loader if none was preselected
  • upgrade commons imaging to 1.0-alpha2
  • update postgresql and sqlite jdbc drivers
  • converted Sextante Toolbox as OpenJUMP Detached InternaFrame
  • Update and fixes BeanShell Editor PlugIn and dependencies
  • Updated CadPlan Jump Printer plugin
  • Updated VertexSymbols plugin to version 0.20:
    a) Extended capability of the plugin to feature classification by attribute
    b) Added capability to style linestrings with symbols at user-defined
    distance between each other, offset to the line, and rotation according
    to segments orientation
    c) better visual and command organization
    d) activated capability to read/use pure WKT files as symbols (already
    embedded by Geoff)
    e) integration with some basic style parameters (line/fill colors, global
    f) improved panels, commands and GUI
  • Correct text preview panel of TextEditor for wrapped text
  • upgrade apache-commons jars codec, compress, imaging, lang3 to latest stable
  • WMS client
  • text request fetches encoding from header content-type now
  • save trusted url that needs no cert verification only per session
  • fix http auth on cert unverified requests
  • rework allow cert unverified dialog, properly wraps and resizes now
  • Now tolerate an empty cpg file along with shapefile


  • Added a valid plugin to export the view to several file formats (Raster,
    SVG, PDF). Export view to scale: style elements will be resized according
    to the selected scale. This plugin substitutes SaveViewAsRaster and
    SaveViewAsSVG plugins in OpenJUMP PLUS version
  • PLUS upgrade ojmapcoloring, added Hungarian translation
    (thanks to JJnos Tam醩 Kis), polish translation

Bug Fixes

  • fix #517 : raster styling of float32 image
  • fix #516 modeler, z-interpolation was incorrect and transaction
    management was error-prone
  • fix #512 about georeferencing (introduced by r6523)
  • fix #503 again (half-pixel shift)
  • fix #508 : java2xml with setInteriorBorder/hasInteriorBorder property
  • fix #382 : deleting warping vectors was not possible with incremental mode
  • fix #451 : Add image layer throwing NPE
  • fix IllegalAccessException when using Sun TIFF reader with java9+
  • fix #502 : fatal bug in ColorThemingStyle
  • small fix in csv driver -> v1.1.1
  • bugfix #385 RasterImageLayer was not cloneable
  • Protection against null GeometryColumn when building spatial filter for Spatialite
  • bugfix #491 WMS getCapability without title
  • Fix a bug in spatialite loader preventing loading anything exported
    from QGis using spatialite format (OGC_OGR_LAYOUT)
  • fix #497 : read dates from database as java.util.Date, not String
  • fix #494 : csv driver 1.0.3 : fix serialization problem
  • Fix #492 GetFeatureInfo without certificate + encoding
To the top