
MonetDB 数据库系统是一个用于查询密集型应用的高性能数据库内核。这是 MonetDB Mercurial 仓库的官方镜像。「The MonetDB database system is a high-performance database kernel for query-intensive applications. This is the official mirror of the MonetDB Mercurial repository. 」

Github stars Tracking Chart

The MonetDB Database System

The MonetDB database was originally developed by the CWI__ database research group__ (see Development has now
shifted to the spin-off company MonetDB Solutions__.

Via the MonetDB project we have brought the MonetDB system in open
source, where it is accessible at
Even though development happens mostly in a company, the MonetDB
database system will remain open source. It is available under the
Mozilla Public License 2.0__.

The MonetDB database system is a high-performance database kernel for
query-intensive applications. The MonetDB source can be found at our
Mercurial server. There is also a github mirror that is updated
once an hour.

.. CWI:
__ CWI

.. DA:
__ DA

.. solutions:
__ solutions

.. mpl:
__ mpl

.. MonetDB:
__ MonetDB

.. github:
__ github


MonetDB is built using the cmake program. It is recommended to
build in a directory that is not inside the source tree. In order to
build, use the following commands when inside your build directory::

cmake [options] /path/to/monetdb/source
cmake --build .
cmake --build . --target install

In order to install into a different directory than the default
/usr/local, add the option -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX::

cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/install/monetdb /path/to/monetdb/source
cmake --build .
cmake --build . --target install

Build Options

There are many options that can be used to select how MonetDB is to be
built. Options can be turned ON or OFF using a -D flag on
the first of the cmake command lines. Except when specified
otherwise, options are ON when the relevant libraries can be found.
Available options are:

============== ===============================================================================================
Option Explanation
============== ===============================================================================================
ASSERT Enable asserts (default=ON for development sources, OFF for tarball installation)
CINTEGRATION Enable support for C UDFs (default=ON except on Windows)
CMAKE_SUMMARY Show a summary of the cmake configuration (for debug purposes, default=OFF)
CMAKE_UNITTEST Build and run the unittest for the build system (default=OFF)
FITS Enable support for FITS
GEOM Enable support for geom module
INT128 Enable support for 128-bit integers
NETCDF Enable support for netcdf
ODBC Compile the MonetDB ODBC driver
PY3INTEGRATION Enable support for Python 3 integration into MonetDB
RINTEGRATION Enable support for R integration into MonetDB
SANITIZER Enable support for the GCC address sanitizer (default=OFF)
SHP Enable support for ESRI Shapefiles
STRICT Enable strict compiler flags (default=ON for development sources, OFF for tarball installation)
TESTING Enable support for testing
WITH_BZ2 Include bz2 support
WITH_CMOCKA Include cmocka support (default=OFF)
WITH_CURL Include curl support
WITH_LZMA Include lzma support
WITH_PCRE Include pcre support
WITH_PROJ Include proj support
WITH_READLINE Include readline support
WITH_UUID Include uuid support
WITH_VALGRIND Include valgrind support
WITH_XML2 Include xml2 support
WITH_ZLIB Include zlib support
============== ===============================================================================================

Required packages

On Fedora, the following packages are required:
bison, cmake, gcc, pkgconf, python3.

The following packages are optional but recommended:
bzip2-devel, libuuid-devel, pcre-devel, readline-devel,
xz-devel, zlib-devel.

The following packages are optional:
cfitsio-devel, gdal-devel, geos-devel, libasan,
libcurl-devel, libxml2-devel, netcdf-devel, proj-devel,
python3-devel, python3-numpy, R-core-devel,
unixODBC-devel, valgrind-devel.

On Ubuntu and Debian the following packages are required:
bison, cmake, gcc, libssl-dev, pkg-config,

The following packages are optional but recommended:
libbz2-dev, uuid-dev, libpcre3-dev, libreadline-dev,
liblzma-dev, zlib1g-dev.

The following packages are optional:
libasan5, libcfitsio-dev, libcurl4-gnutls-dev,
libgdal-dev, libgeos-dev, libnetcdf-dev, libproj-dev,
libxml2-dev, python3-dev, python3-numpy, r-base-dev,
unixodbc-dev, valgrind.

cmake must be at least version 3.12, python must be at least
version 3.5.


We of course hope there aren't any, but if you do find one, you can
report bugs in our github__ repository.

Please note that we do not accept github Pull Requests. See the
developers__ page for instructions.

.. github:
__ github

.. developers:
__ developers

Copyright Notice

This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
file, You can obtain one at

Copyright 1997 - July 2008 CWI, August 2008 - 2021 MonetDB B.V.


Name With OwnerMonetDB/MonetDB
Primary LanguageC
Program languageShell (Language Count: 17)
PlatformLinux, Mac, Windows
Release Count761
Last Release NameDec2023_7 (Posted on )
First Release Nameautogen-init (Posted on )
Created At2020-11-28 08:35:36
Pushed At2024-04-20 07:00:10
Last Commit At2024-04-19 16:33:33
Stargazers Count337
Watchers Count19
Fork Count52
Commits Count75.3k
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count7491
Issue Open Count101
Pull Requests Count0
Pull Requests Open Count0
Pull Requests Close Count1
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private
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