
Metrics是一个Java库,它让您对代码在生产中所做的事情有了无与伦比的洞察力。(Metrics is a Java library which gives you unparalleled insight into what your code does in production.)

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Metrics提供了一种强大的工具包,用于衡量生产环境中关键组件的行为。Metrics捕获JVM和应用程序级指标。 所以你知道发生了什么。
对于常见的库,如Jetty、Logback、Log4j、Apache HttpClient、Ehcache、JDBI、Jersey等,和报告后端如Ganglia和Graphite,Metrics提供了全栈的可见性。


Name With Ownerdropwizard/metrics
Primary LanguageJava
Program languageJava (Language Count: 3)
License:Apache License 2.0
Release Count171
Last Release Namev4.2.25 (Posted on 2024-01-24 22:52:20)
First Release Namev1.0.0 (Posted on 2010-02-27 12:57:19)
Created At2010-02-26 19:44:42
Pushed At2024-04-21 04:13:18
Last Commit At
Stargazers Count7.8k
Watchers Count372
Fork Count1.8k
Commits Count3.8k
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count653
Issue Open Count3
Pull Requests Count2531
Pull Requests Open Count11
Pull Requests Close Count875
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private


Build Status
Maven Central
Code Climate

Capturing JVM- and application-level metrics. So you know what's going on.

For more information, please see the documentation.


Version 4.x.x (Javadoc)

Version 4.x.x (the last release is 4.0.5) is Java 8/9 compatible and the most fresh release of Metrics. The version targets Java 8 and removes a lot of internal cruft from 3.2.x (for instance, there's no dependency on the Unsafe API and custom LongAdder and ThreadLocalRandom implementations). It's mostly compatible with the 3.2 API and the update should be painless in Java 8 environments. If you have a 3rd party application which is dependent on an old version of Metrics, you can force a new version by adding metrics-bom to your Maven configuration. Check out the release notes for 4.0.0.

Source code for 4.1.x resides in the 4.1-development branch.

Source code for 4.0.x resides in the 4.0-maintenance branch.

Version 3.2.x (Javadoc)

Version 3.2.x (the last release is 3.2.6) is Java 6 compatible and the most stable release of Metrics. 3.2.* was actively developed in 2017 and has many new features compared to 3.1.x (check out the release notes). Currently 3.2.x version is in maintenance mode. No future development is planned, but bugfixes are ported and you can expect maintenance releases.

Source code for 3.2.x resides in the 3.2-maintenance branch.

Version 3.1.x (Javadoc)

Version 3.1.x (the last release is 3.1.5) is a Java 6 compatible release of Metrics. It's the most common distribution of Metrics, albeit not actively developed and maintained. Version 3.1.2 was released in April, 2015 and since then there's been only a handful of bugfixes ported to this branch. If you're using Metrics 3.1.* , please strongly consider upgrading to 3.2.* or 4.0.* , because this version is practically EOL. No future releases of 3.1.* are expected.

Source code for 3.1.x resides in the 3.1-maintenance branch.

Future development

New not-backward compatible features (for example, support for tags) will be implemented in a 5.x.x release. The release will have new Maven coordinates, a new package name and a backwards-incompatible API.

Source code for 5.x.x resides in the 5.0-development branch.


Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Coda Hale,, 2014-2018 Dropwizard Team

Published under Apache Software License 2.0, see LICENSE

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