
Free Material Admin Template

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  • Google Material Design Framework
  • Material Design Icons
  • jQuery
  • Gulp
  • Chart.js

Material Admin is designed to work flawlessly with all the latest and modern web browsers.

  • Chrome (latest)
  • FireFox (latest)
  • Safari (latest)
  • Opera (latest)
  • IE10+

Material Admin is released under MIT license. Material Admin is a free Material Design admin template developed by BootstrapDash. Feel free to download it, use it, share it, and get creative with it.

1 - Click the Clone or Download button in GitHub and download as a ZIP file or you can enter the command git clone in you terminal to get a copy of this template.

2 - After the files have been downloaded you will get a folder with all the required files

3 - You can install all the dependencies in the template by running the command npm install. All the required files are in the node modules.

4 - Find the file named index.html, check what all components you need. Open the file in a text editor and you can start editing.

5 - Now that your project has now kick-started, all you need to do now is to code, code, and code to your heart's content.

We love your contributions and we welcome them wholeheartedly. We believe the more the merrier.
To contribute make sure you have a Node.js and npm installed. Now run the command gulp --version. If the command returns with the Gulp version number, it means you have Gulp installed. If not you need to run the command npm install --global gulp-cli to install Gulp.

After Gulp has been installed, follow the steps below to contribute.

1 - Fork and clone the repo of Material Admin.

2 - Run the command npm install to install all the dependencies.

3 - Enter the command gulp serve. This will open Material Admin in your default browser.

4 - Make your valuable contribution

5 - Submit a pull request.


Name With OwnerBootstrapDash/Material-Admin
Primary LanguageCSS
Program languageCSS (Language Count: 4)
Release Count0
Created At2018-02-15 06:09:20
Pushed At2020-11-19 14:44:58
Last Commit At2020-11-19 20:13:57
Stargazers Count275
Watchers Count21
Fork Count195
Commits Count9
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count9
Issue Open Count3
Pull Requests Count0
Pull Requests Open Count2
Pull Requests Close Count0
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private
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