
MW5 是一款可使用插件架构进行扩展的桌面地理信息系统。它使用的是 MapWinGIS 绘图控件,是在 2015 年从头开始创建的,使用了 MEF 和依赖注入等新技术,使其体积小、健壮、快速。「MW5 is a desktop GIS which is extendable using the plug-in architecture. It is using the MapWinGIS mapping control and is created from scratch in 2015 using new technologies like MEF and Dependency Injection making it small in size, robust and fast.」

  • Owner: MapWindow/MapWindow5
  • Platform: Windows
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MW5 是一款可使用插件架构进行扩展的桌面地理信息系统。它使用的是 MapWinGIS 绘图控件,是在 2015 年从头开始创建的,使用了MEF和依赖注入等新技术,使其体积小、健壮、快速。





  • JetBrains 为我们提供了 ReSharper 的免费许可证:一个用于 Microsoft Visual Studio 的开发者生产力工具。
  • Syncfusion 为我们免费提供了他们的企业级工具包的许可证,其中有 110 多个 Windows 窗体的独特控件。
  • 荷兰 TopX Geo-ICT 公司 为我们提供了开发人员在这个项目上的工作,并为 MapWindow GIS 提供了(付费)支持。


Name With OwnerMapWindow/MapWindow5
Primary LanguageC#
Program languageInno Setup (Language Count: 8)
Release Count10
Last Release Namev5.6.3 (Posted on 2020-07-31 14:52:17)
First Release Namev5.1.1.0 (Posted on 2016-06-14 17:22:39)
Created At2016-06-09 10:29:56
Pushed At2022-12-08 10:56:19
Last Commit At2020-07-31 14:52:16
Stargazers Count282
Watchers Count45
Fork Count98
Commits Count1k
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count71
Issue Open Count14
Pull Requests Count22
Pull Requests Open Count12
Pull Requests Close Count42
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private


MW5 is a desktop GIS which is extendable using the plug-in architecture.
It is using the MapWinGIS mapping control and is created from scratch in 2015 using new technologies like MEF and Dependency Injection making it small in size, robust and fast.


We're always looking for C#, C++ and OpenCL/OpenGL developers.
If you have design skills we need you as well ;)

To stay updated follow these links:


We have several companies that support this project:

  • JetBrains for giving us a free license of ReSharper: A Developer Productivity Tool for Microsoft Visual Studio;
  • Syncfusion for giving us a free license of their Enterprise class toolkit with 110+ unique controls for Windows Forms;
  • TopX Geo-ICT, The Netherlands for providing developers to work on this project and give (paid) support for MapWindow GIS.
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