
Java的可靠、通用、快速和灵活的日志框架。(The reliable, generic, fast and flexible logging framework for Java. )

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Logback的架构是非常通用的,以便在不同的情况下应用。 目前,logback分为三个模块:logback-core,logback-classic和logback-access。

对数核心模块为其他两个模块奠定了基础。 logback-classic模块可以被同化到显着改进的log4j版本。 此外,logback-classic本机实现SLF4J API,以便您可以轻松地在logback和log4j或java.util.logging(JUL)之类的日志记录框架之间来回切换。
回溯访问模块与Servlet容器(如Tomcat和Jetty)集成,以提供HTTP访问日志功能。 请注意,您可以轻松地在logback-core之上构建自己的模块。


Name With Ownerqos-ch/logback
Primary LanguageJava
Program languageHTML (Language Count: 10)
Release Count132
Last Release Namev_1.5.6 (Posted on 2024-04-17 19:44:03)
First Release Namerelease_0.9.1 (Posted on 2009-08-20 20:29:40)
Created At2009-08-20 18:48:24
Pushed At2024-04-17 17:44:09
Last Commit At2024-04-17 19:38:56
Stargazers Count2.9k
Watchers Count152
Fork Count1.2k
Commits Count4.5k
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count73
Issue Open Count52
Pull Requests Count226
Pull Requests Open Count208
Pull Requests Close Count235
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private

About logback

Thank you for your interest in logback, the reliable, generic, fast
and flexible logging library for Java.

The Logback documentation can be found on the project
as well as under
the docs/ folder of the logback distribution.

Building logback

Version 1.3.x requires Java 9 to compile and build.

More details on building logback is documented at:


In case of problems

In case of problems please do not hesitate to post an e-mail message
on the logback-user@qos.ch mailing list. However, please do not
directly e-mail logback developers. The answer to your question might
be useful to other users. Moreover, there are many knowledgeable users
on the logback-user mailing lists who can quickly answer your

Pull requests

If you are interested in improving logback, great! The logback community
looks forward to your contribution. Please follow this process:

  1. Please file a bug
    . Pull requests with
    an associated JIRA issue will get more attention.

    Optional: Start a discussion on the logback-dev mailing
    about your proposed

  2. Fork qos-ch/logback. Ideally, create a new branch from your fork for
    your contribution to make it easier to merge your changes back.

  3. Make your changes on the branch you hopefuly created in Step 2. Be
    sure that your code passes existing unit tests.

  4. Please add unit tests for your work if appropriate. It usually is.

  5. Push your changes to your fork/branch in github. Don't push it to
    your master! If you do it will make it harder to submit new changes

  6. Submit a pull request to logback from from your commit page on

Build Status

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