LDtk 关卡编辑器 Haxe API

LDtk 关卡编辑器 Haxe API(可从 HaxeLib 获取)。「LDtk level editor Haxe API (available on HaxeLib)」

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What is this?

This is the Haxe API to load LDtk Project JSON files.

LDtk is a modern and open-source 2D level editor.

Issue tracker (shared) |
API documentation |
LDtk official page

Unit tests


  • Compatible with all Haxe based frameworks and engines.
  • Dedicated API for the following frameworks:
  • Completely typed at compilation: if you rename any element in your project (ie. level, layer, entity, etc.), the corresponding references in your code will break accordingly, avoiding typical errors or mistypings.
  • Full completion in VScode: if you have vs-haxe installed, you will get full completion while exploring your project file, based on its actual content, right from VScode.



haxelib install ldtk-haxe-api


Please check the full documentation and tutorials here:



You can check some examples in samples folder.

Samples are built to WebGL (Javascript) and Hashlink targets, but you can try them on other compatible platforms too.


You need a standard Haxe install, and the following libraries installed: heaps (from source), deepnightLibs (from source), hlsdl:

haxelib git heaps https://github.com/HeapsIO/heaps.git

haxelib git deepnightLibs https://github.com/deepnight/deepnightLibs.git

haxelib install hlsdl

Building samples

Open a folder in the samples folder (eg. samples\Generic - Generic - Read project) and run:

haxe build.hxml

You can also build all samples in one go. Go in samples folder and run:

haxe buildAll.hxml

Rebuild samples HXMLs

If you modify the API, you might need to rebuild samples HXMLs files themselves. In the root of the repo, run:

haxe genSamples.hxml

Unit tests

You can build and run unit tests manually using the following commands from the repository root.

JS/WebGL target

You will need Node interpreter to run the tests.

haxe tests\js.hxml

Neko target

You will need Neko VM interpreter to run the tests.

haxe tests\neko.hxml


Name With Ownerdeepnight/ldtk-haxe-api
Primary LanguageHaxe
Program languageHTML (Language Count: 2)
License:MIT License
Release Count53
Last Release Name1.5.3-rc1 (Posted on 2024-01-15 16:13:17)
First Release Name0.0.1 (Posted on 2020-08-28 15:55:07)
Created At2020-07-10 19:06:49
Pushed At2024-04-12 23:06:08
Last Commit At2024-01-22 16:22:36
Stargazers Count91
Watchers Count7
Fork Count29
Commits Count1k
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count17
Issue Open Count5
Pull Requests Count10
Pull Requests Open Count6
Pull Requests Close Count1
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private
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