
使用客户端监控(CSM)或嵌入式代理从 AWS 调用生成 IAM 策略。「Generate an IAM policy from AWS calls using client-side monitoring (CSM) or embedded proxy」

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Generate an IAM policy from AWS calls using client-side monitoring (CSM) or embedded proxy


Pre-built binaries

Pre-built binaries for Windows, macOS and Linux are available for download in the project releases.

Once downloaded, place the extracted binary in your $PATH (or execute in-place). For macOS users, you may need to allow the application to run via System Preferences.

Build with Go

To build and install this application, clone this repository and execute the following from it's base:

go install

You must have Go 1.16 or later installed for the build to work.


You may also install this application using a Homebrew tap with the following command:

brew install iann0036/iamlive/iamlive

Other Methods


To start the listener, simply run iamlive in a separate window to your CLI / SDK application. You can use Ctrl+C to exit when you are done.

CLI Arguments

You can optionally also include the following arguments to the iamlive command:

--set-ini: when set, the .aws/config file will be updated to use the CSM monitoring or CA bundle and removed when exiting (default: false)

--profile: use the specified profile when combined with --set-ini (default: default)

--fails-only: when set, only failed AWS calls will be added to the policy, csm mode only (default: false)

--output-file: specify a file that will be written to on SIGHUP or exit (default: unset)

--refresh-rate: instead of flushing to console every API call, do it this number of seconds (default: 0)

--sort-alphabetical: sort actions alphabetically (default: false)

--host: host to listen on for CSM (default:

--background: when set, the process will return the current PID and run in the background without output (default: false)

--force-wildcard-resource: when set, the Resource will always be a wildcard (default: false)

--mode: the listening mode (csm,proxy) (default: csm)

--bind-addr: the bind address for proxy mode (default:

--ca-bundle: the CA certificate bundle (PEM) to use for proxy mode (default: ~/.iamlive/ca.pem)

--ca-key: the CA certificate key to use for proxy mode (default: ~/.iamlive/ca.key)

--account-id: the AWS account ID to use in policy outputs within proxy mode (default: 123456789012 unless detected)

Basic Example (CSM Mode)

iamlive --set-ini

Basic Example (Proxy Mode)

iamlive --set-ini --mode proxy

Comprehensive Example (CSM Mode)

iamlive --set-ini --profile myprofile --fails-only --output-file policy.json --refresh-rate 1 --sort-alphabetical --host --background

Comprehensive Example (Proxy Mode)

iamlive --set-ini --mode proxy --profile myprofile --output-file policy.json --refresh-rate 1 --sort-alphabetical --bind-addr --ca-bundle ~/.iamlive/ca.pem --ca-key ~/.iamlive/ca.key --account-id 123456789012 --background --force-wildcard-resource

The arguments may also be specified in an INI file located at ~/.iamlive/config.

CSM Mode

Client-side monitoring mode is the default behaviour and will use metrics delivered locally via UDP to capture policy statements with the Action key only (Resource is only available in proxy mode).


To enable CSM in the AWS CLI, you should either use the --set-ini option or add the following to the relevant profile in .aws/config:

csm_enabled = true

Alternatively, you can run the following in the window executing your CLI commands:

export AWS_CSM_ENABLED=true


To enable CSM in the various AWS SDKs, you can run the following in the window executing your application prior to it starting:

export AWS_CSM_ENABLED=true
export AWS_CSM_PORT=31000
export AWS_CSM_HOST=

Proxy Mode

Proxy mode will serve a local HTTP(S) server (by default at that will inspect requests sent to the AWS endpoints before forwarding on to generate IAM policy statements with both Action and Resource keys. The CA key/certificate pair will be automatically generated and stored within ~/.iamlive/ by default.


To set the appropriate CA bundle in the AWS CLI, you should either use the --set-ini option or add the following to the relevant profile in .aws/config:

ca_bundle = ~/.iamlive/ca.pem

Alternatively, you can run the following in the window executing your CLI commands:

export AWS_CA_BUNDLE=~/.iamlive/ca.pem

You must also set the proxy settings for your session by running the following in the window executing your CLI commands:

export HTTP_PROXY=


To enable CSM in the various AWS SDKs, you can run the following in the window executing your application prior to it starting:

export HTTP_PROXY=
export AWS_CA_BUNDLE=~/.iamlive/ca.pem

Check the official docs for further details on setting the CA bundle.


I get a message "package embed is not in GOROOT" when attempting to build myself

This project requires Go 1.16 or above to be built correctly (due to embedding feature).


This project makes use of Parliament and was assisted by Scott Piper's CSM explainer. Thanks also to Noam Dahan's research into missing iam:PassRole dependant actions.


Name With Owneriann0036/iamlive
Primary LanguageGo
Program languageGo (Language Count: 1)
License:MIT License
Release Count67
Last Release Namev1.1.8 (Posted on )
First Release Namev0.1-beta (Posted on )
Created At2021-02-04 10:57:02
Pushed At2024-02-28 23:13:29
Last Commit At
Stargazers Count3k
Watchers Count22
Fork Count103
Commits Count175
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count61
Issue Open Count32
Pull Requests Count14
Pull Requests Open Count2
Pull Requests Close Count0
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private
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