
Node backend

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HospitalRun Server

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Node.js backend for HospitalRun: free software for developing world hospitals. To contribute, follow the guidelines in this readme or alternatively ask for details on the community Slack channel: #contributors.

This repository is for the HospitalRun v2 and it is currently under heavy development. If you are searching for the no longer supported version 1.0.0-beta, you can find it here.


Contributions are always welcome. Before contributing please read our contributor guide. Then follow these steps:

  1. Fork this repository to your own GitHub account
  2. Clone it to your local machine
  3. Navigate to the cloned folder: cd hospitalrun-server
  4. Install the dependencies: npm install or yarn install
  5. Run npm run dev or yarn dev to build and watch for code changes:
    • a development database will start on http://localhost:5984
    • you can access its Admin interface on http://localhost:5984/_utils, username: dev and password: dev

Working on Issues

In order to optimize the workflow and to prevent multiple contributors working on the same issue without interactions, a contributor must ask to be assigned to an issue by one of the core team members: it's enough to ask it inside the specific issue.


In order to run hospitalrun-server you need to set the correct environment variables. Since dotenv is already included, it is just matter of renaming .env.example file to .env: this file include all of the mandatory defaults.


This project uses pouchdb-server for development and you, as contributor, don't need to provide your own CouchDB instance. Upon first run of the dev script (npm run dev or yarn dev), a new data folder will be created inside the ./db folder. The database credentials are: username: dev and password: dev. The file ./db/config.json contains the DB's configuration: you can change it if you want, but please don't commit any changes to it.

Note: PouchDB-server is meant to be use only during development. Please don't deploy any production/testing HospitalRun instances on it. For production deployments please follow the deployment guide.


Every code additions or fixs on the existing code, has to be tested. This project uses node-tap as test runner. To run all tests use npm run test or yarn test.

How to commit

This repo uses Conventional Commits. Commitizen is mandatory for making proper commits. Once you have staged your changes, can run npm run commit or yarn commit from the root directory in order to commit following our standards.



Read more on HospitalRun Plugins.


Read more on HospitalRun Services.

Behind HospitalRun

Hosted by





Lead Maintainer

Maksim Sinik

Core Team

M.D. Daniele Piccolo




Released under the MIT license.


Name With OwnerHospitalRun/hospitalrun-server
Primary LanguageJavaScript
Program languageJavaScript (Language Count: 2)
License:MIT License
Release Count24
Last Release Namev2.0.0-alpha.5 (Posted on 2020-11-07 11:11:34)
First Release Name0.9.0 (Posted on )
Created At2014-04-02 15:29:37
Pushed At2023-01-09 09:53:11
Last Commit At2023-01-09 10:52:39
Stargazers Count864
Watchers Count63
Fork Count629
Commits Count1.3k
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count109
Issue Open Count11
Pull Requests Count400
Pull Requests Open Count1
Pull Requests Close Count287
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private
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