
用 JavaScript 管理会话历史记录。「Manage session history with JavaScript」

  • Owner: remix-run/history
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history · npm package

The history library lets you easily manage session history anywhere JavaScript runs. A history object abstracts away the differences in various environments and provides a minimal API that lets you manage the history stack, navigate, and persist state between sessions.


Documentation for version 5 can be found in the docs directory. This is the current stable release. Version 5 is used in React Router version 6.

Documentation for version 4 can be found on the v4 branch. Version 4 is used in React Router versions 4 and 5.


To see the changes that were made in a given release, please lookup the tag on the releases page.

For changes released in version 4.6.3 and earlier, please see the CHANGES.md file.


Development of the current stable release, version 5, happens on the main branch. Please keep in mind that this branch may include some work that has not yet been published as part of an official release. However, since main is always stable, you should feel free to build your own working release straight from main at any time.

If you're interested in helping out, please read our contributing guidelines.


history is developed and maintained by Remix. If you're interested in learning more about what React can do for your company, please get in touch!


A big thank-you to BrowserStack for providing the infrastructure that allows us to run our build in real browsers.

Also, thanks to Dan Shaw for letting us use the history npm package name. Thanks, Dan!


Name With Ownerremix-run/history
Primary LanguageJavaScript
Program languageJavaScript (Language Count: 3)
License:MIT License
Release Count102
Last Release Namev5.3.0 (Posted on 2022-02-22 09:11:17)
First Release Namev1.0.0 (Posted on )
Created At2015-07-18 23:31:47
Pushed At2022-11-24 08:40:15
Last Commit At
Stargazers Count8.2k
Watchers Count97
Fork Count1k
Commits Count1.1k
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count587
Issue Open Count105
Pull Requests Count162
Pull Requests Open Count15
Pull Requests Close Count199
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private
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