gvSIG Online

用于简化创建和管理地理门户和空间数据基础设施的网络平台(来自官方 SVN 的镜像)。「Web platform for simplified creation and management of geoportals and Spatial Data Infrastructures (mirror from official SVN)」

  • Owner: gvSIGAssociation/gvsig-online
  • Platform: Linux
  • License:: GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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gvSIG Online

gvSIG Online 是一个用于发布和管理地理信息的平台,为发布新图层、定义符号学、创建新的地图查看器和定义每个发布资源的权限提供了一个综合界面。它与 Geoserver 集成,也可选择与 Geonetwork 集成。

gvSIG Online 由 ScolabgvSIG 协会 开发,采用 Affero GPL 许可


用户手册 可在我们的 演示服务器 中在线获取。它是由 docs 子文件夹 下的资源生成的。

还有一些关于 gvSIG Online 平台的在线演示和视频,以及它如何应用于不同的场景和组织类型:



gvSIG Online 已经在 CentOS 7 和 Debian 8 上进行了测试。


git clone https://github.com/gvSIGAssociation/gvsig-online.git
cd gvsigol
# 包括默认样式和欢迎页
ln -s ../app_dev/gvsigol_app_dev
# 包括编辑插件
ln -s ../plugin_edition/gvsigol_plugin_edition
# 为每个你想使用的插件做一个 ln -s。



sudo aptitude install python-dev libxml2 libxml2-dev libxslt-dev

(以上命令适用于 Debian 8)。

gvSIG Online 需要在系统中安装 Geoserver 和 Postgres(含 PostGIS)。LDAP 不是必须的,但它能使 gvSIG Online 更加有用。请参考这些项目的文档来安装它们。

创建一个 Python 虚拟环境

sudo aptitude install python-virtualenv virtualenvwrapper python-pip
cd /home/user
mkdir virtualenvs
cd virtualenvs
virtualenv gvsigonline

这些命令将在 /home/user/virtualenvs/gvsigonline 路径下创建一个虚拟环境。现在我们需要激活这个虚拟环境。

cd /home/user/virtualenvs/gvsigonline
source bin/activate

然后我们就可以开始安装 Python 依赖项了:

cd $INSTALL_DIR/gvsig-online
pip install -r requirements.txt

接下来,我们需要通过创建一个 settings_passwords.py 文件来配置一些设置:

cd $INSTALL_DIR/gvsig-online/gvsigol/gvsigol
cat > settings_passwords.py << EOF

然后,编辑 settings.py 来决定哪些 Django 应用和 gvSIG 插件必须被启用(INSTALLED_APPS 是你的朋友)。根据你的安装情况,你可能需要自定义一些附加a属性,比如你的数据库主机和端口。

最后,我们需要应用 Django 迁移来创建DB结构。这必须在每次更新 gvSIG Online 时进行(如果数据模型有任何变化)。

cd $INSTALL_DIR/gvsig-online
manage.py migrate


gvSIG Online 可以从 Eclipse 的 PyDev 插件中作为 PyDev Django 应用程序执行。

在生产中,通常使用 uWSGI 应用服务器与 Apache 和 Tomcat(Geoserver)结合执行。

专业支持和云端的 gvSIG Online

gvSIG 协会 提供 gvSIG Online 托管和维护服务。

  • SaaS:软件即服务(托管+维护)
  • 现场:在客户服务器上安装。

它还提供专业的服务,开发额外的插件和定制。请联系我们 info@gvsig.com 了解更多信息。


Name With OwnergvSIGAssociation/gvsig-online
Primary LanguageJavaScript
Program languagePython (Language Count: 8)
License:GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
Release Count105
Last Release Namegvsigol_v3.5.1 (Posted on )
First Release Namegvsigol_20160824_v2.0.1 (Posted on )
Created At2018-06-02 17:22:26
Pushed At2024-04-18 18:00:10
Last Commit At2024-04-18 14:28:35
Stargazers Count29
Watchers Count6
Fork Count19
Commits Count5k
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count4
Issue Open Count4
Pull Requests Count0
Pull Requests Open Count0
Pull Requests Close Count14
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private


gvSIG Online is a platform for the publication and management of geographic information, by providing
an integrated interface for publishing new layers, defining symbology, creating new mapviewers and defining
permissions for each published resource. gvSIG Online is a web application written in Python using the
Django framework. It integrates with Geoserver and optionally also with Geonetwork.

gvSIG Online has been developed by Scolab and the gvSIG Association and it is available under the Affero GPL license.

User documentation

The user manual is available online in our
demo server. It is generated from the sources contained
under the docs subfolder.

There is also a number of online presentations and videos about the gvSIG Online platform and how it has been
applied for very different scenarios and organization types:


Warning: this section is a work in progress.

gvSIG Online has been tested on CentOS 7 and Debian 8.

Downloading the code:

git clone https://github.com/gvSIGAssociation/gvsig-online.git
cd gvsigol
# include the default styles and welcome page
ln -s ../app_dev/gvsigol_app_dev
# include edition plugin
ln -s ../plugin_edition/gvsigol_plugin_edition
# do a ln -s for each plugin you want to use


The following libraries must be installed:

sudo aptitude install python-dev libxml2 libxml2-dev libxslt-dev

(The command above is valid for Debian 8).

gvSIG Online requires Geoserver and Postgres (with PostGIS) to be installed on the system.
LDAP is not mandatory, but it makes gvSIG Online much more useful.
Please refer to the documentation of these projects to install them.

Creating a Python virtual env

sudo aptitude install python-virtualenv virtualenvwrapper python-pip
cd /home/user
mkdir virtualenvs
cd virtualenvs
virtualenv gvsigonline

These commands will create a virtual env in the path /home/user/virtualenvs/gvsigonline.
Now we need to activate the virtual env.

cd /home/user/virtualenvs/gvsigonline
source bin/activate

Then we can start installing the Python dependencies:

cd $INSTALL_DIR/gvsig-online
pip install -r requirements.txt

Next, we need to configure some settings, by creating a settings_passwords.py file:

cd $INSTALL_DIR/gvsig-online/gvsigol/gvsigol
cat > settings_passwords.py << EOF

Then, edit settings.py to decide which Django applications and gvSIG plugins must be enabled
(INSTALLED_APPS is your friend). Depending on your particular installation, you might need to
customize some additiona properties, such as your database host and port.

Finally, we need to apply Django migrations to create the DB structure.
This has to be done every time gvSIG Online is updated (if there is any change on the data model).

cd $INSTALL_DIR/gvsig-online
manage.py migrate

Execution: development and production

gvSIG Online can be executed from Eclipse PyDev plugin as a PyDev Django application.

In production, it is usually executed using uWSGI application server
combined with Apache and Tomcat (Geoserver).

Professional support and gvSIG Online in the cloud

The gvSIG Association provides gvSIG Online hosting and maintenance services:

  • SaaS: software as a service (hosting+maintenance)
  • In Situ: installation on client server(s)

It also offers professional services for develoment of additional plugins and customizations. Please contact
us at info@gvsig.com for additional information.

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