
Modern framework to print the web correctly.

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Modern framework to print web pages correctly

npm (scoped)
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How to use

Simply include the right stylesheet(s) in your html and load it only for a printer.
Gutenberg.css is the base stylesheet but there are themes available in the themes folder.

Example with Gutenberg and "old style" theme :

<link rel="stylesheet" href="dist/gutenberg.css" media="print">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="dist/themes/oldstyle.css" media="print"> <!-- optional -->


Comparison between standard print (left) and Gutenberg (middle, Modern style and right, Old style)


Gutenberg is available on npm

npm install gutenberg-css

(or yarn add gutenberg-css for yarn users)


You can also use the unpkg service as a CDN.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="" media="print">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" media="print">

What does the framework do ?

Hide elements

To hide elements to be printed you can simply add the class no-print.

Force break page

Gutenberg provides two ways to break a page, the class page-break-before will to break before and page-break-after to break after.


<!-- The title will be on a new page -->
<h1 class="page-break-before">My title</h1>

<p class="page-break-after">I will break after this paragraph</p>
<!-- Break here, the next paragraph will be on a new page -->
<p>I am on a new page</p>

If you do not want to reformat the links, acronym or abbreviation to show the full url or title, you
can use the class no-reformat.

Force to print background

To force backgrounds to be printed (can be useful when you "print" a pdf), add this CSS (compatible with Safari and Chrome) :

-webkit-print-color-adjust: exact;
        print-color-adjust: exact;


  • npm i to install the dependencies
  • npm run watch to "watch" the scss folder and compile to css
  • npm run build to compile gutenberg to css


Name With OwnerBafS/Gutenberg
Primary LanguageSCSS
Program languageJavaScript (Language Count: 2)
License:MIT License
Release Count12
Last Release Namev0.7.0 (Posted on )
First Release Namev0.1.0 (Posted on )
Created At2015-10-20 15:16:35
Pushed At2024-02-03 04:40:43
Last Commit At2023-02-22 23:57:29
Stargazers Count4.8k
Watchers Count73
Fork Count140
Commits Count78
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count18
Issue Open Count6
Pull Requests Count12
Pull Requests Open Count1
Pull Requests Close Count9
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private
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