
利用语法树搜索Go代码。(Search for Go code using syntax trees)

  • Owner: mvdan/gogrep
  • Platform: Linux, Mac, Windows
  • License:: BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Search for Go code using syntax trees. Work in progress.

gogrep -x 'if $x != nil { return $x, $*_ }'


usage: gogrep commands [packages]

A command is of the form "-A pattern", where -A is one of:

   -x  find all nodes matching a pattern
   -g  discard nodes not matching a pattern
   -v  discard nodes matching a pattern
   -a  filter nodes by certain attributes
   -s  substitute with a given syntax tree
   -w  write source back to disk or stdout

A pattern is a piece of Go code which may include wildcards. It can be:

   a statement (many if split by semicolons)
   an expression (many if split by commas)
   a type expression
   a top-level declaration (var, func, const)
   an entire file

Wildcards consist of $ and a name. All wildcards with the same name
within an expression must match the same node, excluding "_". Example:

   $x.$_ = $x // assignment of self to a field in self

If * is before the name, it will match any number of nodes. Example:

   fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, $*_) // all Fprintfs on stdout

* can also be used to match optional nodes, like:

for $*_ { $*_ }    // will match all for loops
if $*_; $b { $*_ } // will match all ifs with condition $b

The nodes resulting from applying the commands will be printed line by
line to standard output.

Here are two simple examples of the -a operand:

   gogrep -x '$x + $y'                   // will match both numerical and string "+" operations
   gogrep -x '$x + $y' -a 'type(string)' // matches only string concatenations


Name With Ownermvdan/gogrep
Primary LanguageGo
Program languageGo (Language Count: 1)
PlatformLinux, Mac, Windows
License:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
Release Count0
Created At2017-09-17 11:49:23
Pushed At2021-06-09 09:03:30
Last Commit At2021-06-09 10:03:16
Stargazers Count473
Watchers Count11
Fork Count16
Commits Count197
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count51
Issue Open Count14
Pull Requests Count11
Pull Requests Open Count1
Pull Requests Close Count1
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
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Is Private
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