
wazero:Go 开发者的零依赖性 WebAssembly 运行时。「wazero: the zero dependency WebAssembly runtime for Go developers」

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wazero: the zero dependency WebAssembly runtime for Go developers

WebAssembly Core Specification Test Go Reference License

WebAssembly is a way to safely run code compiled in other languages. Runtimes
execute WebAssembly Modules (Wasm), which are most often binaries with a .wasm

wazero is a WebAssembly 1.0 spec compliant runtime written in Go. It has
zero dependencies, and doesn't rely on CGO. This means you can run
applications in other languages and still keep cross compilation.

Import wazero and extend your Go application with code written in any language!


The best way to learn wazero is by trying one of our examples.

For the impatient, here's how invoking a factorial function looks in wazero:

func main() {
	// Choose the context to use for function calls.
	ctx := context.Background()

	// Read a WebAssembly binary containing an exported "fac" function.
	// * Ex. (func (export "fac") (param i64) (result i64) ...
	source, err := os.ReadFile("./path/to/fac.wasm")
	if err != nil {

	// Create a new WebAssembly Runtime.
	r := wazero.NewRuntime()
	defer r.Close(ctx) // This closes everything this Runtime created.

	// Instantiate the module and return its exported functions
	module, err := r.InstantiateModuleFromCode(ctx, source)
	if err != nil {

	// Discover 7! is 5040
	fmt.Println(module.ExportedFunction("fac").Call(ctx, 7))

Note: fac.wasm was compiled from fac.wat, in the WebAssembly 1.0
Text Format, it could have been written in another language that compiles to
(targets) WebAssembly, such as AssemblyScript, C, C++, Rust, TinyGo or Zig.

Deeper dive

The former example is a pure function. While a good start, you probably are
wondering how to do something more realistic, like read a file. WebAssembly
Modules (Wasm) are sandboxed similar to containers. They can't read anything
on your machine unless you explicitly allow it.

The WebAssembly Core Specification is a standard, governed by W3C process, but
it has no scope to specify how system resources like files are accessed.
Instead, WebAssembly defines "host functions" and the signatures they can use.
In wazero, "host functions" are written in Go, and let you do anything
including access files. The main constraint is that WebAssembly only allows
numeric types.

For example, you can grant WebAssembly code access to your console by exporting
a function written in Go. The below function can be imported into standard
WebAssembly as the module "env" and the function name "log_i32".

_, err := r.NewModuleBuilder("env").
	ExportFunction("log_i32", func(v uint32) {
		fmt.Println("log_i32 >>", v)
if err != nil {

The WebAssembly community has subgroups which maintain work that may not
result in a Web Standard. One such group is the WebAssembly System Interface
(WASI), which defines functions similar to Go's x/sys/unix.

The wasi_snapshot_preview1 tag of WASI is widely implemented, so wazero
bundles an implementation. That way, you don't have to write these functions.

For example, here's how you can allow WebAssembly modules to read
"/work/home/a.txt" as "/a.txt" or "./a.txt":

_, err := wasi.InstantiateSnapshotPreview1(ctx, r)
if err != nil {

config := wazero.NewModuleConfig().WithFS(os.DirFS("/work/home"))
module, err := r.InstantiateModule(ctx, compiled, config)

While we hope this deeper dive was useful, we also provide examples
to elaborate each point. Please try these before raising usage questions as
they may answer them for you!


There are two runtime configurations supported in wazero: Compiler is default:

If you don't choose, ex wazero.NewRuntime(), Compiler is used if supported. You can also force the interpreter like so:

r := wazero.NewRuntimeWithConfig(wazero.NewRuntimeConfigInterpreter())


Interpreter is a naive interpreter-based implementation of Wasm virtual
machine. Its implementation doesn't have any platform (GOARCH, GOOS) specific
code, therefore interpreter can be used for any compilation target available
for Go (such as riscv64).


Compiler compiles WebAssembly modules into machine code ahead of time (AOT),
during Runtime.CompileModule. This means your WebAssembly functions execute
natively at runtime. Compiler is faster than Interpreter, often by order of
magnitude (10x) or more. This is done while still having no host-specific

If interested, check out the RATIONALE.md and help us optimize further!


Both runtimes pass WebAssembly 1.0 spectests on supported platforms:

Runtime Usage amd64 arm64 others
Interpreter wazero.NewRuntimeConfigInterpreter()
Compiler wazero.NewRuntimeConfigCompiler()

Support Policy

The below support policy focuses on compatability concerns of those embedding
wazero into their Go applications.


wazero is an early project, so APIs are subject to change until version 1.0.

We expect wazero 1.0 to be at or before Q3 2022, so please practice the
current APIs to ensure they work for you!


wazero has no dependencies except Go, so the only source of conflict in your
project's use of wazero is the Go version.

To simplify our support policy, we adopt Go's Release Policy (two versions).

This means wazero will remain compilable and tested on the version prior to the
latest release of Go.

For example, once Go 1.29 is released, wazero may use a Go 1.28 feature.


wazero has two runtime modes: Interpreter and Compiler. The only supported operating
systems are ones we test, but that doesn't necessarily mean other operating
system versions won't work.

We currently test Linux (Ubuntu and scratch), MacOS and Windows as packaged by
GitHub Actions.

  • Interpreter
    • Linux is tested on amd64 (native) as well arm64 and riscv64 via emulation.
    • MacOS and Windows are only tested on amd64.
  • Compiler
    • Linux is tested on amd64 (native) as well arm64 via emulation.
    • MacOS and Windows are only tested on amd64.

wazero has no dependencies and doesn't require CGO. This means it can also be
embedded in an application that doesn't use an operating system. This is a main
differentiator between wazero and alternatives.

We verify zero dependencies by running tests in Docker's scratch image.
This approach ensures compatibility with any parent image.

wazero is a registered trademark of Tetrate.io, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries


Name With Ownertetratelabs/wazero
Primary LanguageGo
Program languageGo (Language Count: 8)
PlatformLinux, Mac, Windows
License:Apache License 2.0
Release Count26
Last Release Namev1.7.1 (Posted on )
First Release Namev1.0.0-pre.1 (Posted on )
Created At2020-05-04 10:16:32
Pushed At2024-04-30 08:23:47
Last Commit At
Stargazers Count4.6k
Watchers Count43
Fork Count232
Commits Count1.8k
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count319
Issue Open Count14
Pull Requests Count1780
Pull Requests Open Count0
Pull Requests Close Count98
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private
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