
An express route initialization and configuration module.

  • Owner: krakenjs/express-enrouten
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Route configuration middleware for expressjs.

Note: express-enrouten >=1.0 is only compatible with express >=4.0.
For express 3.x support, please use express-enrouten 0.3.x.



var express = require('express'),
    enrouten = require('express-enrouten');

var app = express();
app.use(enrouten({ ... }));
// or app.use('/foo', enrouten({ ... }));


express-enrouten supports routes via configuration and convention.

app.use(enrouten({ directory: 'routes' }));


The directory configuration option (optional) is the path to a directory.
Specify a directory to have enrouten scan all files recursively to find files
that match the controller-spec API. With this API, the directory structure
dictates the paths at which handlers will be mounted.

controllers, -user, -create.js, -list.js
// create.js
module.exports = function (router) {'/', function (req, res) {
    directory: 'controllers'

Routes are now:



The index configuration option (optional) is the path to the single file to
load (which acts as the route 'index' of the application).

    index: 'routes/'
// index.js
module.exports = function (router) {

    router.get('/', index);
    router.all(passport.protect).get('/account', account);

    // etc...


The routes configuration option (optional) is an array of route definition objects.
Each definition must have a path and handler property and can have an optional
method property (method defaults to 'GET').

Optionally, a middleware property can be provided to specify an array of middleware functions
(with typical req, res and next arguments) for that specific route.

Note that a handler has a different function signature than a controller. While a
controller takes a single argument (a router), a handler takes the typical
req and res pair.

    routes: [
        { path: '/',    method: 'GET', handler: require('./routes/index') },
        { path: '/foo', method: 'GET', handler: require('./routes/foo') },
        { path: '/admin', method: 'GET', handler: require('./routes/foo'), middleware: [isAuthenticated] }


The routerOptions configuration option (optional) allows additional options to be
specified on each Router instance created by express-enrouten. Please see the
Express API documentation for complete
documentation on each possible option.

app.set('case sensitive routing', true);
    directory: 'controllers',
    routerOptions: {
        caseSensitive: true

Named Routes

For index and directory configurations there is also support for named routes.
The normal express router that is passed in will always behave as such, but in addition
it can be used to name a route, adding the name and path to app.locals.enrouten.routes.
For example:

'use strict';

module.exports = function (router) {

    router({ path: '/user/:id', name: 'user-info' })
        .get(function (req, res) {


Controller Files

A 'controller' is defined as any require-able file which exports a function
that accepts a single argument. Any files with an extension of .js (or .coffee
if CoffeeScript is registered) will be loaded and if it exports a function that
accepts a single argument then this function will be called. NOTE: Any file in
the directory tree that matches the API will be invoked/initialized with the
express router object.

// Good :)
// controllers/controller.js
module.exports = function (router) {
    router.get('/', function (req, res) {
        // ...

// Bad :(
// Function does not get returned when `require`-ed, use `module.exports`
exports = function (router) {
    // ...

// Bad :(
// controllers/other-file-in-same-controller-directory.js
modules.exports = function (config) {
    // `config` will be an express Router
    // ...

// Acceptable :)
// controllers/config.json - A non-js file (ignored)
// controllers/README.txt - A non-js file (ignored)
// controllers/util.js - A js file that has a different API than the spec (ignored)
module.exports = {
    importantHelper: function () {



$ npm run-script lint


$ npm test


$ npm run-script cover && open coverage/lcov-report/index.html


Name With Ownerkrakenjs/express-enrouten
Primary LanguageJavaScript
Program languageJavaScript (Language Count: 1)
Release Count13
Last Release Namev1.3.0 (Posted on 2016-01-29 14:59:52)
First Release Namev0.1.0 (Posted on 2013-12-09 20:08:07)
Created At2013-09-30 18:57:00
Pushed At2018-03-19 18:16:46
Last Commit At2015-05-12 14:24:32
Stargazers Count171
Watchers Count27
Fork Count38
Commits Count150
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count41
Issue Open Count17
Pull Requests Count43
Pull Requests Open Count4
Pull Requests Close Count13
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private
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