
Eucalyptus 云计算平台。「 Eucalyptus Cloud-computing Platform. 」

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Eucalyptus 是用于构建与 Amazon Web Services 兼容的私有云和混合云的开源软件。


  • Eucalyptus 分为五个组件:云控制器,Walrus(海象),集群控制器,存储控制器,节点控制器。还有一个可选的专有 VMware 代理插件,可从 Eucalyptus Systems 获得。这些组件是软件服务,分为三层:云,集群和节点。您可以根据业务、安全性和资源需求在同一物理服务器或不同的物理服务器上安装组件。
  • 节点控制器需要 libvirt 和 KVM。
  • Eucalyptus 依赖的库在 INSTALL 文件中有详细描述。
  • 您必须选择几种网络模式中的一种,这些模式在安装指南中有所描述。您的系统和网络要求将根据您选择的模式而有所不同。
  • 通常,您需要两个 IP 地址范围。第一个范围是私有的,仅在 Eucalyptus 系统中使用。第二个范围是公共的,可以在最终用户和 VM 实例之间路由。这两个集合必须是 Eucalyptus 独有的,不会被网络中的其他组件或应用程序使用。静态模式仅需要一个可用的IP地址范围,系统模式不需要可用的 IP 地址范围。


Eucalyptus 是根据 BSD 许可证发布的。有关更多信息,请参阅 LICENSE 文件。

构建 Eucalyptus

有关构建 Eucalyptus 的信息,请参阅 INSTALL 文件。




Name With Ownereucalyptus/eucalyptus
Primary LanguageJava
Program languageMakefile (Language Count: 12)
Release Count61
Last Release Namev4.4.2 (Posted on 2017-08-30 09:26:21)
First Release Name1.4 (Posted on )
Created At2011-05-24 20:36:49
Pushed At2021-07-21 20:42:24
Last Commit At2017-11-08 13:47:05
Stargazers Count835
Watchers Count118
Fork Count258
Commits Count26.5k
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count0
Issue Open Count0
Pull Requests Count56
Pull Requests Open Count0
Pull Requests Close Count54
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private

Eucalyptus Cloud Platform

Eucalyptus is open source software for building Amazon Web Services-compatible private and hybrid clouds.

Requirements and Technical Notes

  • Eucalyptus is broken into five components: Cloud Controller, Walrus,
    Cluster Controller, Storage Controller, Node Controller. There is also
    an optional, proprietary VMware broker plugin, available from Eucalyptus
    Systems. These components are software services and are arranged in
    three layers: cloud, cluster, and nodes. You can install the components
    on the same physical server or on separate physical servers as business,
    security, and resource needs dictate.

  • The Node Controller requires libvirt and KVM.

  • The libraries that Eucalyptus depends on are described in detail in
    the INSTALL file.

  • You will have to choose one of several network modes, which are
    described in the installation guide. Your system's and network's
    requirements will vary based on which mode you choose.

  • Generally, you will need two IP address ranges. The first range
    is private, to be used only within the Eucalyptus system itself. The
    second range is public, to be routable to and from end-users and VM
    instances. Both sets must be unique to Eucalyptus, not in use by other
    components or applications within your network. Static mode requires
    only one available IP address range, and system mode does not require
    an available IP address range.


Eucalyptus is published under a BSD license. For more information, see the LICENSE file.

Building Eucalyptus

For information about building Eucalyptus, see the INSTALL file.

Useful Information for Future Trivia Games

The product name "Eucalyptus" was originally an acronym, derived from "Elastic Utility Computing Architecture for Linking Your Programs To Useful Systems."

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