
可视化任何城市内的所有道路。「Visualization of all roads within any city

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使用 overpass API 从 OpenStreetMap 提取数据。尽管该 API 是免费的(只要您遵循 ODbL 许可),但它可能会受到速率的限制,有时会很慢。毕竟,我们正在下载一个区域中的数千条道路!

为了提高下载性能,我索引了约 3,000 个人口超过 100,000 的城市,并将其存储为非常简单的 protobuf 格式。城市存储在此 github 存储库中的缓存中。

名称解析由 nominatim 完成 -- 对于您在搜索框中键入的任何查询,它都会返回区域 ID 列表。我首先检查缓存的城市列表中的区域 ID,如果缓存中不存在区域,则会回退到立交桥。


在简单的 UI 软件工程师的背后,还可以找到脚本功能。您可以在城市道路上开发程序。city-script 中提供了一些示例。场景 API 记录在这里:



我用一款非常老的三星手机渲染西雅图的道路时没有打嗝,不过当我尝试东京(有 140 万段)时,手机的速度非常慢。




如果您喜欢这项工作,并希望在您的项目中使用它 -- 非常欢迎您这样做!

让我知道怎么回事。您也可以在这里赞助我的项目 -- 你的资金将被用于更棒的和免费的数据可视化中。


# install dependencies
npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev

# build for production with minification
npm run build

# build for production and view the bundle analyzer report
npm run build --report


源代码已获得 MIT 许可。

(The first version translated by vz on 2020.07.26)


Name With Owneranvaka/city-roads
Primary LanguageJavaScript
Program languageJavaScript (Language Count: 5)
PlatformLinux, Mac, Windows
License:MIT License
Release Count29
Last Release Namerelease-20230426190238 (Posted on )
First Release Namerelease-20200119095954 (Posted on )
Created At2020-01-19 16:42:16
Pushed At2024-01-28 18:23:59
Last Commit At
Stargazers Count5.9k
Watchers Count84
Fork Count434
Commits Count103
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count52
Issue Open Count29
Pull Requests Count0
Pull Requests Open Count3
Pull Requests Close Count22
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private


Render every single road in any city at once:


How it is made?

The data is fetched from OpenStreetMap using overpass API. While that API
is free (as long as you follow ODbL licenses), it can be rate-limited and sometimes it is slow. After all
we are downloading thousands of roads within an area!

To improve the performance of download, I indexed ~3,000 cities with population larger than 100,000 people and
stored into a very simple protobuf format. The cities are stored into a cache in this github repository.

The name resolution is done by nominatim - for any query that you type
into the search box it returns list of area ids. I check for the area id in my list of cached cities first,
and fallback to overpass if area is not present in cache.


The rendering of the city is limited by the browser and video card memory capacity. I was able to render Seattle
roads without a hiccup on a very old samsung phone, though when I tried Tokyo (with 1.4m segments) the phone
was very slow.

Selecting area that has millions of roads (e.g. a Washington state) may cause the page to crash even on a
powerful device.

Luckily, most of the cities can be rendered without problems, resulting in a beautiful art.


If you like this work and want to use it in your projects - you are more than welcome to do so!

Please let me know how it goes. You can also sponsor my projects here - your funds will be dedicated to more awesome and free data visualizations.

Local development

# install dependencies
npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev

# build for production with minification
npm run build

# build for production and view the bundle analyzer report
npm run build --report


The source code is licensed under MIT license

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