
当 BidHub 在做它的事情时,密切注视它。(Keep an eye on BidHub while it's doing its thing.)

  • Owner: HubSpot/BidHub-WebAdmin
  • Platform: Web browsers
  • License:: Apache License 2.0
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BidHub Web 管理

小小的 web 应用程序,可以查看 BidHub 拍卖的当前状态,项目赢家和一些简洁的统计数据。 BidHub 是 HubSpot 的开源静默拍卖应用程序 —— 有关该项目的概述,请查看我们关于它的博客文章

如果您还没有设置 Parse 并没有遵循 BidHub云代码存储库 中的说明,那么这对您来说是完全无用的。


假设您已经设置了Parse,请从 Parse> Settings> Keys 获取您的应用程序 ID 和REST API 密钥(而不是您的客户端密钥)。 然后,只需 git 克隆此存储库并编辑controllers.js,用适当的值替换应用程序 id 和 REST API 键。

在 Chrome 中打开 index.html,你就可以开始了!把它放在任何 web 服务器上,以便于访问。


Name With OwnerHubSpot/BidHub-WebAdmin
Primary LanguageHTML
Program languageJavaScript (Language Count: 2)
PlatformWeb browsers
License:Apache License 2.0
Release Count0
Created At2014-12-10 20:27:58
Pushed At2015-03-27 15:20:55
Last Commit At2015-03-27 11:20:55
Stargazers Count18
Watchers Count168
Fork Count31
Commits Count5
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count0
Issue Open Count0
Pull Requests Count0
Pull Requests Open Count0
Pull Requests Close Count0
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private

BidHub Web Administration

Small little web app to see the current status, item winners, and some neat stats for a BidHub auction. BidHub is HubSpot's open-source silent auction app - for an overview of the project, check out our blog post about it!

This will be entirely useless to you if you haven't set up Parse and followed the instructions in the BidHub Cloud Code repository.



Assuming you've already set up Parse, get your application ID and REST API key (not your client key) from Parse > Settings > Keys. Then, just git clone this repository and edit controllers.js, replacing <your app id> and <your REST API key> with the appropriate values.

Open index.html in Chrome and you're good to go! Put this on any web server for easy access.

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