
Swift System provides idiomatic interfaces to system calls and low-level currency types.

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Swift System

Swift System provides idiomatic interfaces to system calls and low-level currency types. Our vision is for System to act as the single home for low-level system interfaces for all supported Swift platforms.

Multi-platform not Cross-platform

System is a multi-platform library, not a cross-platform one. It provides a separate set of APIs and behaviors on every supported platform, closely reflecting the underlying OS interfaces. A single import will pull in the native platform interfaces specific for the targeted OS.

Our immediate goal is to simplify building cross-platform libraries and applications such as SwiftNIO and SwiftPM. System does not eliminate the need for #if os() conditionals to implement cross-platform abstractions, but it does make it safer and more expressive to fill out the platform-specific parts.


import SystemPackage

let message: String = "Hello, world!" + "\n"
let path: FilePath = "/tmp/log"
let fd = try FileDescriptor.open(
  path, .writeOnly, options: [.append, .create], permissions: .ownerReadWrite)
try fd.closeAfter {
  _ = try fd.writeAll(message.utf8)

Adding SystemPackage as a Dependency

To use the SystemPackage library in a SwiftPM project,
add the following line to the dependencies in your Package.swift file:

.package(url: "https://github.com/apple/swift-system", from: "0.0.1"),

Because SystemPackage is under active development,
source-stability is only guaranteed within minor versions (e.g. between 0.0.3 and 0.0.4).
If you don't want potentially source-breaking package updates,
use this dependency specification instead:

.package(url: "https://github.com/apple/swift-system", .upToNextMinor(from: "0.0.1")),

Finally, include "SystemPackage" as a dependency for your executable target:

let package = Package(
    // name, platforms, products, etc.
    dependencies: [
        .package(url: "https://github.com/apple/swift-system", from: "0.0.1"),
        // other dependencies
    targets: [
        .target(name: "MyTarget", dependencies: [
            .product(name: "SystemPackage", package: "swift-system"),
        // other targets


Name With Ownerapple/swift-system
Primary LanguageSwift
Program languageSwift (Language Count: 4)
License:Apache License 2.0
Release Count9
Last Release Name1.2.1 (Posted on )
First Release Name0.0.1 (Posted on )
Created At2020-09-25 00:14:13
Pushed At2024-05-13 13:23:41
Last Commit At
Stargazers Count1.2k
Watchers Count153
Fork Count95
Commits Count263
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count34
Issue Open Count21
Pull Requests Count98
Pull Requests Open Count21
Pull Requests Close Count20
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private
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