Apache Superset

Apache Superset 是一个数据可视化和数据探索平台。「 Apache Superset is a Data Visualization and Data Exploration Platform. 」

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Apache Superset 是一个现代的、企业级的商业智能 Web 应用程序。

「 此项目过去被命名为** Caravel **和** Panoramix ** 」

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Apache Superset

Apache Superset 是一款数据探索和可视化 Web 应用程序。

Superset 提供:

  • 一个直观的界面,用于探索和可视化数据集,以及创建交互式仪表板。
  • 各种漂亮的可视化来展示您的数据。
  • 简单,无代码的用户流程可以深入挖掘并切割暴露仪表板下的数据。仪表板和图表可作为深入分析的起点。
  • 最先进的SQL编辑器/ IDE,提供丰富的元数据浏览器,以及从任何结果集创建可视化的简单工作流程。
  • 可扩展的高粒度安全模型,允许谁可以访问哪些产品功能和数据集的复杂规则。与主要身份验证后端集成(数据库,OpenID,LDAP,OAuth,REMOTE_USER,...)
  • 轻量级语义层,允许通过定义维度和指标来控制数据源向用户公开的方式
  • 开箱即用支持大多数讲SQL的数据库
  • 与Druid的深度集成允许Superset在切割和切割大型实时数据集时保持快速
  • 快速加载仪表板,带有可配置的缓存


Superset 通过 SQLAlchemy 支持许多 SQL方言,SQLAlchemy 是一个与大多数 最常见的数据库 兼容的 Python ORM。

当前支持的 SQL 数据库的列表:

还应该支持其他具有适当 DB-API 驱动程序和 SQLAlchemy 方言的数据库引擎。

Apache Druid

除了能够查询您的关系数据库之外,Superset 还与 Druid(一个实时分布式列存储)进行深度集成。 在查询 Druid 时,Superset 可以在实时数据集之上查询大量数据。 请注意,Superset 不需要以任何方式运行 Druid,它只是它可以查询的另一个数据库后端。

以下是来自 http://druid.io 网站的 Druid 说明:

Druid是一个开源分析数据存储,专为事件数据的商业智能(OLAP)查询而设计。 德鲁伊提供低延迟(实时)数据摄取,灵活的数据探索和快速数据聚合。 现有的德鲁伊部署已经扩展到数万亿事件和数PB的数据。 德鲁伊最适合为分析仪表板和应用程序提供支持。





有兴趣参与?休闲黑客?请看 Contributing.MD

谁在使用 Apache Superset?

这里列出了一些花时间发送公关让组织的组织名单 世界知道他们正在使用Superset。加入我们不断发展的社区!



First version: vz 整理于2019/07/18

Second version: vz 整理于2021/11/07


Name With Ownerapache/superset
Primary LanguageTypeScript
Program languagePython (Language Count: 14)
PlatformWindows, Docker, Linux, Mac
License:Apache License 2.0
Release Count488
Last Release Namesuperset-helm-chart-0.12.9 (Posted on )
First Release Name0.2.0 (Posted on 2015-09-05 13:43:22)
Created At2015-07-21 18:55:34
Pushed At2024-04-13 10:58:53
Last Commit At2024-04-12 16:07:49
Stargazers Count58.6k
Watchers Count1.5k
Fork Count12.5k
Commits Count15k
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count10143
Issue Open Count527
Pull Requests Count12305
Pull Requests Open Count278
Pull Requests Close Count3092
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private


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A modern, enterprise-ready business intelligence web application.

Why Superset? |
Supported Databases |
Installation and Configuration |
Release Notes |
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Contributor Guide |
Resources |
Organizations Using Superset

Why Superset?

Superset is a modern data exploration and data visualization platform. Superset can replace or augment proprietary business intelligence tools for many teams. Superset integrates well with a variety of data sources.

Superset provides:

  • A no-code interface for building charts quickly
  • A powerful, web-based SQL Editor for advanced querying
  • A lightweight semantic layer for quickly defining custom dimensions and metrics
  • Out of the box support for nearly any SQL database or data engine
  • A wide array of beautiful visualizations to showcase your data, ranging from simple bar charts to geospatial visualizations
  • Lightweight, configurable caching layer to help ease database load
  • Highly extensible security roles and authentication options
  • An API for programmatic customization
  • A cloud-native architecture designed from the ground up for scale

Screenshots & Gifs

Video Overview


Large Gallery of Visualizations

Craft Beautiful, Dynamic Dashboards

No-Code Chart Builder

Powerful SQL Editor

Supported Databases

Superset can query data from any SQL-speaking datastore or data engine (Presto, Trino, Athena, and more) that has a Python DB-API driver and a SQLAlchemy dialect.

Here are some of the major database solutions that are supported:

A more comprehensive list of supported databases along with the configuration instructions can be found here.

Want to add support for your datastore or data engine? Read more here about the technical requirements.

Installation and Configuration

Extended documentation for Superset

Get Involved

Contributor Guide

Interested in contributing? Check out our
to find resources around contributing along with a detailed guide on
how to set up a development environment.


  • Superset "In the Wild" - open a PR to add your org to the list!
  • Feature Flags - the status of Superset's Feature Flags.
  • Standard Roles - How RBAC permissions map to roles.
  • Superset Wiki - Tons of additional community resources: best practices, community content and other information.
  • Superset SIPs - The status of Superset's SIPs (Superset Improvement Proposals) for both consensus and implementation status.

Superset 2.0!

Understanding the Superset Points of View

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