
Tomboy 和 Gnote 的 CLI 界面。「CLI interface to Tomboy and Gnote」

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Scout : A CLI interface to Tomboy notes and Gnote

Scout is an interface to Tomboy notes or Gnote that uses DBus to
communicate. It presents a command-line interface and
tries to be as simple to use as possible. Different actions
can be taken to interact with Tomboy or Gnote. Actions are simple
to create, making the application easily extensible.

Current actions make it possible to list note names, display note contents,
search for text inside notes and to delete notes.


To run scout, you need to have two python packages:

  • setuptools: so that actions can plugin to the right script entry point
  • dbus-python: this is how scout talks to Tomboy/Gnote

You will also need to have libdbus installed before those python libraries in
order for the dbus-python library to be useful. In theory, though if you have
already installed Tomboy or Gnote beforehand you should already have this
library on your system.

Finally, you also need your note application to be running, otherwise you might
be getting errors about the dbus interface being inexistant.

Using pip

Note that for pip to be able to install dbus-python, you need to have
the libdbus-1 and libdbus-glib1 headers installed beforehand. In debian you can
install them with:

# apt install libdbus-1-dev libdbus-glib-1-dev

The requirements.txt file can be used to install libraries with versions that
were tested during development:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Using distro packages

An alternative to the method above is to install the requirements with
distribution packages. In Debian you could use the following command:

# apt-get install python-setuptools python-dbus

On Fedora or Centos, use the following:

# yum install python-setuptools dbus-python


From source

To install scout from the source archive, you can use pip inside the source

scout$ sudo pip install .

You can also build a binary distribution and then install from this file:

scout$ python bdist_wheel
scout$ sudo pip install build/scout*.whl

To see a short summary of what has changed between versions, consult the
changelog wiki page.


To use scout the first argument must be an action name. For example, say you
want to get a list of all non-template notes. You can call the following:

$ scout list

Arguments can be given to actions. The arguments available differ from one
action to the other. For example,
the "search" action requires an element to search for:

$ scout search "text to search for"

You can obtain help on how to execute scout by giving it a "-h" or "--help"
argument. This will list the currently available actions you can use with
scout. To obtain more detail on what arguments can be used with an action, use
the option "-h" or "--help" and specify an action name at the same time. Both
of the two following commands call the detailed help for the action "display":

$ scout --help display
$ scout display -h

Choosing the application

Scout can be used with either Tomboy or Gnote. Scout detects which one of
them is currently installed. If only one of them is present, it will
automatically connect to it.

However, in a context where both Tomboy and Gnote are installed, Scout cannot
determine which one to use unless it is specified as an argument to the command
line or in a configuration file.

A system-wide configuration file can be placed in ''/etc/scout.cfg''. Each
user can also create a configuration file in their home directory (e.g. either
''~/.scout/config'' or ''~/.config/scout/config''). Values in the user
configuration file will override those set in the system-wide configuration.
The configuration file should follow the Windows INI file format. To select the
application, the "application" option in the "scout" section should be set to
either Tomboy or Gnote. Ex. (Tomboy):

application: Tomboy

The command line argument takes precedence over the value set in the
configuration file. Here's how to list notes from Gnote:

scout list --application=Gnote

Mailing list

If you have any questions about how to use Scout, if you want to report or
discuss a problem you currently have, or if you want to contribute patches (see
below), you should subscribe to the [mailing list].

The list is public, so anyone can view the archives on the list's web page
without having to log in, but in order to send messages to the list, you must
be subscribed to it. If you want to subscribe but don't have a google account
(and don't want one), just send a message to


All contributions to the code are welcome. Contributed code should come with
new unit tests for added functions and new or modified acceptance tests for
command line interface modifications. The main repository is on GitHub. Send
patches to the [mailing list] (See the section about the list for more

Commit messages should contain a "Signed-off-by:" line with you name and e-mail
address, in the same fashion as contributions to git or the Linux kernel. This
line attests that you are willing to license your code under the same license
as the one used by the project (e.g. BSD). To add such a line with git, use the
"-s" argument to git-commit.

Development environment

The recommended way to have a development environement is to create a
python virtualenv and then install requirements with pip as shown above:

$ python3 -m venv ve
$ source ve/bin/activate
(ve) $ pip install -r requirements.txt

You will also need to install the test requirements:

(ve) $ pip install -r test-requirements.txt

Finally, install scout in the venv in "develop" mode so that you can execute
it to test it, and that changes to the source code show up instantly when
executing scout anew:

(ve) $ pip install -e .


Once inside a developement environment (see previous section), the tests can
be run using one of two methods. The first one is through like

(ve) $ python test

The second method, being the fastest and most flexible one, is by calling
nose's nosetests script. Three configuration files are included in the base
directory to make running the tests easier. From the base directory:

(ve) $ nostests -c nose.cfg

The three files are named "nose.cfg", "nose.unit.cfg", "nose.functional.cfg"
and they serve in running all tests, only unit tests, and only functional
tests, respectively. Only the file "nose.unit.cfg" shows test coverage since
this measure is only relevant with those tests alone.

One useful trick with git to make running tests easier is to set an alias in
the following manner (make sure to use single quotes, the ! and $ characters
are interpreted by bash if it is inside double quotes):

$ git config --global alias.test '!nosetests -c $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)/nose.cfg'

You can then run tests in the following manner:

$ git test

And finally, to rerun only the tests that failed during the last run, you can
use the following:

$ git test --failed


Scout can be used, distributed and modified. All files are under a BSD license
with the exception of the "" script which is under a GPLv2
license. "" was written by Avery Pennarun for the "bup"

A copy of the BSD license should be available with the source code. Also, a
short license notice can be found in all files.


Name With Ownerlelutin/scout
Primary LanguagePython
Program languagePerl (Language Count: 2)
Release Count7
Last Release Namev1.0 (Posted on )
First Release Namev0.1 (Posted on 2009-12-01 23:03:57)
Created At2009-11-20 00:23:37
Pushed At2022-09-07 03:42:05
Last Commit At2022-09-06 23:41:56
Stargazers Count24
Watchers Count4
Fork Count3
Commits Count189
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count36
Issue Open Count11
Pull Requests Count5
Pull Requests Open Count0
Pull Requests Close Count0
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private
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