
SchoolTool是一个开源的,基于Web的学生信息系统,专为发展中国家的学校设计。(SchoolTool is an open source, web based student information system designed for schools in the developing world.)

  • Owner: mattva01/schooltool
  • Platform: Linux, Docker
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SchoolTool是一个开源的,基于Web的学生信息系统,专为发展中国家的学校设计,通过Ubuntu Linux安装程序和软件包管理系统为翻译,本地化和自动部署以及更新提供强大支持。

SchoolTool是一套免费的学校管理软件,用Python语言开发。 由于它可以轻松安装并且无需许可费用,学校可以将SchoolTool用于单一目的,由学校内的个别教师或小型团队使用,或作为整体学校综合学生信息系统使用,包括人口统计、成绩册、出勤、日历和报告。

SchoolTool最新版本是2.8.5,其官方网站: 不可访问(2018年12月)。但其主项目仓库仍然在更新(。如果想测试或使用建议直接访问该仓库,当然最简洁的方式是采用docker,这里推荐github上的一个相关项目:“在Docker容器中运行SchoolTool”(。


Name With Ownermattva01/schooltool
Primary LanguagePython
Program languagePython (Language Count: 5)
PlatformLinux, Docker
Release Count0
Created At2014-06-11 14:55:07
Pushed At2014-06-11 16:28:40
Last Commit At2014-06-11 16:28:32
Stargazers Count10
Watchers Count2
Fork Count28
Commits Count9.9k
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count0
Issue Open Count0
Pull Requests Count0
Pull Requests Open Count0
Pull Requests Close Count0
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private


SchoolTool: the Global Student Information System, Website:, Documentation:, Mailing list:, Bug tracker:


SchoolTool is an open source, web based student information system designed for
schools in the developing world, with strong support for translation,
localization and automated deployment and updates on Ubuntu.

System requirements

On Ubuntu (or Debian), you can install the needed tools and libraries by::

$ make ubuntu-environment

If that suceeded, you can skip to Building SchoolTool from Source_.

What is being installed, is detailed below.

Basic C development tools::

$ sudo apt-get install build-essential

Python development libraries and virtualenv::

$ sudo apt-get install python-dev python-virtualenv

Unicode library::

$ sudo apt-get install libicu-dev

Python Imaging Library, to build it you need freetype and jpeg development libraries::

$ sudo apt-get install libfreetype6-dev libjpeg62-dev

gettext, needed to compile translations::

$ sudo apt-get install gettext

For PDF generation to work need fonts::

$ sudo apt-get install ttf-liberation

Other tools::

$ sudo apt-get install libxslt1-dev enscript

Building SchoolTool from source

Run make to download and install all the required zope packages into
the eggs folder::

$ make

It is a good idea to run tests to check the installation::

$ make test ftest

If you are running from a bzr checkout, you need to compile translation

$ make compile-translations

Creating a SchoolTool Instance

An "instance" is a set of configuration files and data directories, that contain
everything needed to run a server for one school.

Let's create one::

$ make instance

An instance of SchoolTool is created in the instance directory.

Database is ZODB_, in a single file instance/Data.fs.

Location of the database, logs, and a few other options can be changed in a
configuration file instance/schooltool.conf.

One of the options is developer mode, that allows you to add sample data,
introspect the database, and other useful things. Uncomment a
line that says devmode on. You don't want to leave this on for a production
server, however.

.. _ZODB:

Running SchoolTool

To start::

$ make run

Once the server is running, go to in the browser.

Server is started on local port 7080. You can change the port in the file

You will most likely want to make SchoolTool available on port 80. But this port
is reserved for the web the server. You will have to configure a virtual host or
a path in web server configuration. See Virtual Hosting_.

Securing SchoolTool

Beware that the file which contains the database, Data.fs, is not given any
special permissions to prevent it from being read by other users by default.
You will have to change the umask or the permissions of the file manually to
prevent unauthorized access.

By default a user with administrator privileges is created in the new database., Username: manager, Password: schooltool

You SHOULD change the password after your first login by clicking on SchoolTool Administrator in the top right and then Change password in the left sidebar.

Project structure


GPL.txt the GNU General Public License, version 2
README.txt this file
CHANGES.txt release change log

Makefile makefile for building extension modules distutils setup script for building extension modules

bin/ scripts
build/ temporary files are placed here during build process
coverage/ unit test coverage reports (produced by make coverage)
reports/ html version of the above (make coverage-reports-html)
docs/ documentation
instance/ configuration and data
log/ log files
paste.ini WSGI server configuration
schooltool.conf schooltool configuration
site.zcml site definition
var/ data files
Data.fs the database
src/ source code
schooltool/ Python package 'schooltool'


There are two sets of automated tests: unit tests and functional tests.
Unit tests (sometimes also called programmer tests) test individual components
of the system. Functional tests (also called customer or acceptance tests)
test only externally visible behaviour of the whole system.

Tests themselves are scattered through the whole source tree. Subdirectories
named tests contain unit tests, while subdirectories named ftests contain
functional tests.

To run all unit tests::

$ bin/test -u

To run all functional tests::

$ bin/test -f

The test runner has more options and features. To find out about them::

$ bin/test -h

Unit test coverage

All code should be covered by unit tests. The test runner can help you look
for untested code by producing code coverage reports.

To generate unit test coverage reports, run::

$ make coverage

This command will run the full SchoolTool unit test suite and produce a
number of files (one for each Python module) in ./coverage/. Every
report file contains the source of the corresponding Python module.
Each source line is annotated with a number that shows how many times
this line was reached during testing. Watch out for lines marked with
>>>>>> as they indicate code that is not unit tested.

A prettier HTML version of the coverage reports can be generated with::

$ make coverage-reports-html

Look at HTML files in ./coverage/reports/. You should have enscript installed
for syntax highlighting source files.

The HTML version of coverage reports is published nightly at


Translation template is src/schooltool/locales/schooltool.pot, there are
translatable strings extracted from source. Translation templates are used
to update translations and create new ones. To regenerate the template::

$ make extract-translations

Translation files live in src/schooltool/locales. There is a
directory for each language that contains a subdirectory
LC_MESSAGES that contains the compiled .mo files.
The .mo files must be present if schooltool is to use them and are
built by the command::

$ make compile-translations

To start a new translation, use src/schooltool/locales/schooltool.pot as a
template (copy it to YOUR_LANG.po). Generate .mo files with msgfmt (or
make compile-translations).

Virtual hosting

SchoolTool provides support for virtual hosting with Apache's mod_proxy_. The
standard instance is running on port 7080. You want to make it available on port 80. Add the following to your Apache configuration,
best place it in a separate file /etc/apache/sites-available/

<VirtualHost *:80>

<Proxy *>
    order allow,deny
    allow from all
    deny from none

ProxyPass /

You need to enable Apache modules mod_proxy and mod_proxy_http::

$ sudo a2enmod proxy_http

Then enable the site and restart apache::

$ sudo a2ensite
$ sudo service apache reload

If you cannot, or don't want to, setup a subdomain for schooltool, you can make
it available at a custom path on another site, e.g.
Place the path before the last ++ in the URL, and put it somewhere in
the configuration of that site::

ProxyPass /schooltool

For more information, see Setting Up Virtual Hosting_ in Zope documentation.

.. _mod_proxy:
.. _Setting Up Virtual Hosting:


It is recommmended to use HTTPS/SSL to best protect your users. The
configuration is similar, just use port 443 and https instead of http::

<VirtualHost *:443>

SSLEngine On
SSLCertificateFile /etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem

<Proxy *>
        order allow,deny
        allow from all
        deny from none

ProxyPass / http://localhost:7080/

For SSL to work, you need a SSL certificate. Read Ubuntu documentation on
OpenSSL_ about creating one.

.. _OpenSSL:

The mod_ssl module has to be enabled::

$ sudo a2enmod ssl

When you get this working, you may want to redirect users that connect through
regular HTTP to the secure site. Remove the ProxyPass for port 80 and
replace it with a Redirect::

<VirtualHost *:80>
Redirect /

SchoolTool is copyright (c) 2003-2011 Shuttleworth Foundation

All files in the src/schooltool directory are part of SchoolTool, and
are (c) Shuttleworth Foundation, with the exception of translations in
src/schooltool/locales, which are under the copyright of their
original contributors via Launchpad at .

Unless otherwise stated, files in src/schooltool are released under the
terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
any later version.

Files in the same directory as this README file are (c) Shuttleworth
Foundation, with the exception of GPL, which is a copy of the Free Software
Foundation's General Public License, and is (c) FSF.

SchoolTool is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see

You can find the full copy of the GNU General Public License in a file called
GPL.txt in the project directory.

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