
A Java 8 compatibility kit for Scala.

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A Java 8 compatibility kit for Scala.

The API is currently still experimental: we do not yet guarantee source or binary compatibility with future releases.

Functional Interfaces for Scala functions

A set of Functional Interfaces
for scala.FunctionN. These are designed for convenient construction of Scala functions
using Java 8 lambda syntax.


import scala.concurrent.*;
import static scala.compat.java8.JFunction.*;

class Test {
	private static Future<Integer> futureExample(Future<String> future, ExecutionContext ec) {
	    return -> s.toUpperCase()), ec).map(func(s -> s.length()), ec);

More Examples / Documentation

Converters between scala.FunctionN and java.util.function

A set of converters that enable interconversion between Java's standard
Functional Interfaces defined in java.util.function and Scala's Function0,
Function1, and Function2 traits. These are intended for use when you
already have an instance of a java.util.function and need a Scala function,
or have a Scala function and need an instance of a java.util.function.

The .asScala extension method will convert a java.util.function to the corresponding
Scala function. The .asJava extension method will convert a Scala function to
the most specific corresponding Java functional interface. If you wish to obtain
a less specific functional interface, there are named methods that start with asJava
and continue with the name of the Java functional interface. For instance, the
most specific interface corresponding to the Scala function val rev = (s: String) => s.reverse
is UnaryOperator[String], and that is what rev.asJava will produce. However,
asJavaFunction(rev) will return a java.util.function.Function[String, String] instead.

The asJava methods can also be called conveniently from Java. There are additional
asScalaFrom methods (e.g. asScalaFromUnaryOperator) that will perform the
functional-interface-to-Scala-function conversion; this is primarily of use when calling
from Java since the .asScala extension method is more convenient in Scala.

Usage examples

In Scala:

import java.util.function._
import scala.compat.java8.FunctionConverters._

val foo: Int => Boolean = i => i > 7
def testBig(ip: IntPredicate) = ip.test(9)
println(testBig(foo.asJava))  // Prints true

val bar = new UnaryOperator[String]{ def apply(s: String) = s.reverse }
List("cod", "herring").map(bar.asScala)    // List("doc", "gnirrih")

def testA[A](p: Predicate[A])(a: A) = p.test(a)
println(testA(asJavaPredicate(foo))(4))  // Prints false

// println(testA(foo.asJava)(4))  <-- doesn't work
//                                    IntPredicate does not extend Predicate!

In Java:

import java.util.function.*;
import scala.compat.java8.FunctionConverters;

class Example {
  String foo(UnaryOperator<String> f) {
    return f.apply("halibut");
  String bar(scala.Function1<String, String> f) {
    return foo(functionConverters.asJavaUnaryOperator(f));
  String baz(Function<String, String> f) {
    return bar(functionConverters.asScalaFromFunction(f));

Converters between scala.concurrent and java.util.concurrent

Converters between scala.Option and java.util classes Optional, OptionalDouble, OptionalInt, and OptionalLong.

A set of extension methods to enable explicit conversion between Scala Option and the Java 8
optional types, Optional,
and OptionalLong.

Note that the four Java classes have no inheritance relationship despite all encoding optional types.

Usage example

import scala.compat.java8.OptionConverters._

class Test {
  val o = Option(2.7)
  val oj = o.asJava        // Optional[Double]
  val ojd = o.asPrimitive  // OptionalDouble
  val ojds = ojd.asScala   // Option(2.7) again

Converters from Scala collections to Java 8 Streams

Scala collections gain seqStream and parStream as extension methods that produce a Java 8 Stream
running sequentially or in parallel, respectively. These are automatically specialized to a primitive
type if possible, including automatically applied widening conversions. For instance, List(1,2).seqStream
produces an IntStream, and so does List(1.toShort, 2.toShort).parStream. Maps additionally have
seqKeyStream, seqValueStream, parKeyStream, and parValueStream methods.

Scala collections also gain accumulate and stepper methods that produce utility collections that
can be useful when working with Java 8 Streams. accumulate produces an Accumulator or its primitive
counterpart (DoubleAccumulator, etc.), which is a low-level collection designed for efficient collection
and dispatching of results to and from Streams. Unlike most collections, it can contain more than
Int.MaxValue elements.

stepper produces a Stepper which is a fusion of Spliterator and Iterator. Steppers underlie the Scala
collections' instances of Java 8 Streams. Steppers are intended as low-level building blocks for streams.
Usually you would not create them directly or call their methods but you can implement them alongside custom
collections to get better performance when streaming from these collections.

Java 8 Streams gain toScala[Coll] and accumulate methods, to make it easy to produce Scala collections
or Accumulators, respectively, from Java 8 Streams. For instance,[Vector] will collect the
contents of a Stream into a scala.collection.immutable.Vector. Note that standard sequential builders
are used for collections, so this is best done to gather the results of an expensive computation.

Finally, there is a Java class, ScalaStreamSupport, that has a series of stream methods that can be used to
obtain Java 8 Streams from Scala collections from within Java.

Performance Considerations

For sequential operations, Scala's iterator almost always equals or exceeds the performance of a Java 8 stream. Thus,
one should favor iterator (and its richer set of operations) over seqStream for general use. However, long
chains of processing of primitive types can sometimes benefit from the manually specialized methods in DoubleStream,
IntStream, and LongStream.

Note that although iterator typically has superior performance in a sequential context, the advantage is modest
(usually less than 50% higher throughput for iterator).

For parallel operations, parStream and even seqStream.parallel meets or exceeds the performance of Scala parallel
collections methods (invoked with .par). Especially for small collections, the difference can be substantial. In
some cases, when a Scala (parallel) collection is the ultimate result, Scala parallel collections can have an advantage
as the collection can (in some cases) be built in parallel.

Because the wrappers are invoked based on the static type of the collection, there are also cases where parallelization
is inefficient when interfacing with Java 8 Streams (e.g. when a collection is typed as Seq[String] so might have linear
access like List, but actually is a WrappedArray[String] (ArraySeq on 2.13) that can be efficiently parallelized) but can be efficient
with Scala parallel collections. The parStream method is only available when the static type is known to be compatible
with rapid parallel operation; seqStream can be parallelized by using .parallel, but may or may not be efficient.

If the operations available on Java 8 Streams are sufficient, the collection type is known statically with enough precision
to enable parStream, and an Accumulator or non-collection type is an acceptable result, Java 8 Streams will essentially
always outperform the Scala parallel collections.

Scala Usage Example

import scala.compat.java8.StreamConverters._

object Test {
  val m = collection.immutable.HashMap("fish" -> 2, "bird" -> 4)
  val s = m.parValueStream.sum          // 6, potientially computed in parallel
  val t = m.seqKeyStream.toScala[List]  // List("fish", "bird")
  val a = m.accumulate                  // Accumulator[(String, Int)]

  val n = a.stepper.fold(0)(_ + _._1.length) +
          a.parStream.count             // 8 + 2 = 10

  val b =, 3L, 4L)).
          accumulate                    // LongAccumulator
	val l =[List]                    // List(2L, 3L, 4L)

Using Java 8 Streams with Scala Function Converters

Scala can emit Java SAMs for lambda expressions that are arguments to methods that take a Java SAM rather than
a Scala Function. However, it can be convenient to restrict the SAM interface to interactions with Java code
(including Java 8 Streams) rather than having it propagate throughout Scala code.

Using Java 8 Stream converters together with function converters allows one to accomplish this with only a modest
amount of fuss.


import scala.compat.java8.FunctionConverters._
import scala.compat.java8.StreamConverters._

def mapToSortedString[A](xs: Vector[A], f: A => String, sep: String) =
  xs.parStream.                     // Creates[String]
    map[String](f.asJava).sorted.   // Maps A to String and sorts (in parallel)
    toArray.mkString(sep)           // Back to an Array to use Scala's mkString

Note that explicit creation of a new lambda will tend to lead to improved type inference and at least equal

def mapToSortedString[A](xs: Vector[A], f: A => String, sep: String) =
    map[String](a => f(a)).sorted.  // Explicit lambda creates a SAM wrapper for f

Java Usage Example

To convert a Scala collection to a Java 8 Stream from within Java, it usually
suffices to call on your collection xs. If xs is
a map, you may wish to get the keys or values alone by using fromKeys or
fromValues. If the collection has an underlying representation that is not
efficiently parallelized (e.g. scala.collection.immutable.List), then
fromAccumulated (and fromAccumulatedKeys and fromAccumulatedValues) will
first gather the collection into an Accumulator and then return a stream over
that accumulator. If not running in parallel, from is preferable (faster and
less memory usage).

Note that a Scala Iterator cannot fulfill the contract of a Java 8 Stream
(because it cannot support trySplit if it is called). Presently, one must
call fromAccumulated on the Iterator to cache it, even if the Stream will
be evaluated sequentially, or wrap it as a Java Iterator and use static
methods in Spliterator to wrap that as a Spliterator and then a Stream.

Here is an example of conversion of a Scala collection within Java 8:

import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer;
import scala.compat.java8.ScalaStreamSupport;

public class StreamConvertersExample {
  public int MakeAndUseArrayBuffer() {
    ArrayBuffer<String> ab = new ArrayBuffer<String>();
    return -> x.length()).sum();  // 6+7 = 13

Converters between scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration and java.time.Duration

Interconversion between Java's standard java.time.Duration type
and the scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration types. The Java Duration does
not contain a time unit, so when converting from FiniteDuration the time unit used
to create it is lost.

For the opposite conversion a Duration can potentially express a larger time span than
a FiniteDuration, for such cases an exception is thrown.

Example of conversions from the Java type ways:

import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.compat.java8.DurationConverters._

val javaDuration: java.time.Duration = 5.seconds.toJava
val finiteDuration: FiniteDuration = javaDuration.toScala

From Java:

import scala.compat.java8.DurationConverters;
import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration;

DurationConverters.toScala(Duration.of(5, ChronoUnit.SECONDS));
DurationConverters.toJava(FiniteDuration.create(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS));


Name With Ownerscala/scala-java8-compat
Primary LanguageScala
Program languageScala (Language Count: 2)
License:Apache License 2.0
Release Count38
Last Release Namev1.0.2 (Posted on )
First Release Namev0.1.0 (Posted on )
Created At2014-03-11 17:58:08
Pushed At2024-04-21 21:04:42
Last Commit At
Stargazers Count435
Watchers Count32
Fork Count102
Commits Count510
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count59
Issue Open Count10
Pull Requests Count214
Pull Requests Open Count3
Pull Requests Close Count25
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private
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