
创意细胞自动机浏览器游戏。(Creative cellular automata browser game)

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“想象一下当风吹落落叶时的凉爽现象。该游戏用粉末(点)模拟这种现象!” -- DAN-BAL。

这是一款基于 rust(通过 wasm)、webgl 和一些 JS 粘合在一起的落沙游戏。


我们的目标是创造一个有趣的细胞自动机环境,并支持与其他玩家分享有趣的创造。最终,我希望这个平台能够通过可编程的细胞自动机 API 支持编辑和上传你自己的元素。


# build the wasm once:
cd crate && wasm-pack build && cd ..;
npm install;
npm run start;
# then in a seperate terminal:
cargo watch -s 'wasm-pack build'

继承了我之前在 javascriptlua 方面的努力。


(The first version translated by vz on 2020.07.05)


Name With OwnerMaxBittker/sandspiel
Primary LanguageRust
Program languageRust (Language Count: 8)
PlatformLinux, Mac, Windows
License:MIT License
Release Count0
Created At2018-10-20 18:48:17
Pushed At2024-02-05 20:48:42
Last Commit At2024-01-17 09:26:12
Stargazers Count2.9k
Watchers Count26
Fork Count195
Commits Count334
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count160
Issue Open Count91
Pull Requests Count34
Pull Requests Open Count35
Pull Requests Close Count38
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private


"Imagine the cool phenomenon when the wind blows the falling leaves. This game simulates the phenomenon with powder (dots)!" -DAN-BALL

This is a falling sand game built in rust (via wasm), webgl, and some JS glueing things together.

You can play online or read a longer post on the project

The goal was to produce an cellular automata environment that's interesting to play with and supports the sharing and forking of fun creations with other players.
Ultimately, I want the platform to support editing and uploading of your own elements via a programmable cellular automata API.

?️ Build:

# build the wasm once:
cd crate && wasm-pack build && cd ..;
npm install;
npm run start;

# then in a seperate terminal:
cargo watch -s 'wasm-pack build'

a successor to my previous efforts in javascript and lua

Fluid simulation code adopted from

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