
Beautiful and expressive Sparklines React component

  • Owner: borisyankov/react-sparklines
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  • License:: MIT License
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Beautiful and expressive sparklines component for React

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Live demos and docs:


npm install react-sparklines --save

Run demo

npm install
npm start


Import the Sparklines components that you need; for example to generate a simple chart:

import React from 'react';
import { Sparklines } from 'react-sparklines';
<Sparklines data={[5, 10, 5, 20, 8, 15]} limit={5} width={100} height={20} margin={5}>

Sparklines component is a container with the following properties:

data - the data set used to build the sparkline

limit - optional, how many data points to display at once

width, height - dimensions of the generated sparkline in the SVG viewbox. This will be automatically scaled (i.e. responsive) inside the parent container by default.

svgWidth, svgHeight - If you want absolute dimensions instead of a responsive component set these attributes.

preserveAspectRatio - default: 'none', set this to modify how the sparkline should scale

margin - optional, offset the chart

min, max - optional, bound the chart

Basic Sparkline

import React from 'react';
import { Sparklines, SparklinesLine } from 'react-sparklines';
<Sparklines data={[5, 10, 5, 20]}>
  <SparklinesLine color="blue" />


import React from 'react';
import { Sparklines, SparklinesBars } from 'react-sparklines';
<Sparklines data={[5, 10, 5, 20]}>
  <SparklinesBars />


import React from 'react';
import { Sparklines, SparklinesLine, SparklinesSpots } from 'react-sparklines';
<Sparklines data={sampleData}>
    <SparklinesLine style={{ fill: "none" }} />
    <SparklinesSpots />

Reference Line

import React from 'react';
import { Sparklines, SparklinesLine, SparklinesReferenceLine } from 'react-sparklines';
<Sparklines data={sampleData}>
    <SparklinesLine />
    <SparklinesReferenceLine type="mean" />

Normal Band

import React from 'react';
import { Sparklines, SparklinesLine, SparklinesNormalBand } from 'react-sparklines';
<Sparklines data={sampleData}>
    <SparklinesLine style={{ fill: "none" }}/>
    <SparklinesNormalBand />


Name With Ownerborisyankov/react-sparklines
Primary LanguageJavaScript
Program languageJavaScript (Language Count: 1)
License:MIT License
Release Count0
Created At2015-06-27 20:15:06
Pushed At2023-11-26 02:35:42
Last Commit At2017-07-27 15:46:34
Stargazers Count2.8k
Watchers Count40
Fork Count192
Commits Count149
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count89
Issue Open Count51
Pull Requests Count27
Pull Requests Open Count15
Pull Requests Close Count9
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private
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