
R-powered custom visual. Based on exponential smoothing time series forecasting

  • Owner: microsoft/PowerBI-visuals-forcasting-exp
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R-powered custom visual. Based on exponential smoothing time series forecasting

forcasting-exp screenshot


Use forecasting today to optimize for tomorrow! Time series forecasting is the use of a model to predict future values based on previously observed values.

It is one of the prime tools of any buisness analyst used to predict demand and inventory, budgeting, sales quotas, marketing campaigns and procurement. Accurate forecasts lead to better decisions. Current visual implements well known exponential smoothing method for the forecasting. The prediction is based on trend and seasonality modeling. You can control the algorithm parameters and the visual attributes to suit your needs.

Highlighted features:

  • NEW: support for tooltips on hover and selection
  • The underlying algorithm requires the input data to be equally spaced time series
  • Seasonal factor can be found automatically or set by user
  • The choice of additive or multiplicative effect of each component can be found automatically or set by user

R package dependencies(auto-installed): graphics, scales, forecast, zoo, ggplot2, htmlWidgets, XML, plotly

Supports R versions: R 3.3.1, R 3.3.0, MRO 3.3.1, MRO 3.3.0, MRO 3.2.2

See also Time Series Forecasting Chart at Microsoft Office store


Name With Ownermicrosoft/PowerBI-visuals-forcasting-exp
Primary LanguageR
Program languageR (Language Count: 3)
Release Count0
Created At2016-10-09 12:11:56
Pushed At2023-06-02 20:39:08
Last Commit At2018-04-26 12:09:33
Stargazers Count30
Watchers Count15
Fork Count35
Commits Count18
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count3
Issue Open Count3
Pull Requests Count7
Pull Requests Open Count1
Pull Requests Close Count3
Has Wiki Enabled
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