
osTicket 是一个广泛使用和值得信赖的开源支持工单系统。(osTicket is a widely-used and trusted open source support ticket system. )

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osTicket是一个广泛使用和值得信赖的开源支持工单系统。 它将通过电子邮件、网络表单和电话创建的查询无缝路由到一个简单易用、多用户、基于Web的客户支持平台。 osTicket包含了更多的功能和工具,而不是市场上大多数昂贵(和复杂的)支持工单系统。 最好的部分是完全免费。

osTicket的核心功能不仅是竞争对手,而且还超过了大多数高价位的服务台解决方案 - 您可以免费访问所有功能(无特征矩阵!)。
  • 自定义提交用户时收集的数据,以帮助直接解决问题。
  • 您可以创建自定义的数据列表以添加到每个故障单或特定的帮助主题,供客户端在创建故障单时选择。 自定义字段/表单/列表可以添加到创建的每个网络票据,或仅在选择特定帮助主题时显示。 它们可以配置为最适合您的业务需求。
  • 支持丰富的文本或HTML电子邮件,并允许在员工回复中提供丰富的文本标记,并将内部注释发布到票证线程。
  • 自动回复模板还包含丰富的文字,可以通过添加您的徽标,进一步将您的帮助台品牌化给客户。 图片和视频可以在响应时添加到票据中。 (可以说,SCREEN SHOTS!)
  • 定义将收到的工单路由到正确的部门或工作人员以及操作触发器的规则。
  • 通过使用过滤器系统,osTicket可以让您自动创建和路由工单。 设置退票、自动部门分配或甚至发送预设回复等动作!
  • 网络工单的可配置帮助主题。 路线查询不暴露内部部门或优先事项。
  • 通过路由到预定的部门,可以简化工单以加快响应时间。 结合自定义表单,您可以设计一个特定帮助主题的表单,以收集特定请求的其他信息。
  • 工单锁定机制,允许工作人员在响应期间锁定工单,并避免冲突或双重响应。
  • 避免多个代理同时响应同一张工单! 您设置锁定在工单上的时间量。 当工单被锁定时,其他人员无法响应工单,直到锁定过期。
  • 在各部门之间转机,以确保正确的人员正在处理。 向工作人员或团队分配工单。
  • 工单可以在帮助主题或部门到达时自动分配,但如果需要重新分配,那该怎么办? 没问题! 您可以重新分配工作人员或一队工作人员的工单,或者一起转移到不同的部门。 转帐和作业笔记将作为工单线程中的内部备注记录,以便您可以跟踪工单已路由到哪里进行处理。
  • 当打开新工单或收到消息时,可配置的自动答复发送出去。
  • 自动回复可以被格式化以从工单中提取信息来个性化电子邮件。 osTicket支持占位符变量,例如%{ticket.name.first},当发送自动响应时,它将成为用户的名字。 可以为每个部门编辑和定制自动响应,并与帮助主题相关联。
  • 向工作人员票添加内部备注。 活动日志让您看到事件发生时所发生的事件或行动,以及谁。
  • SLA计划允许您跟踪工单和到期日期而不用麻烦。
  • 在逾期到期日收到逾期警报和通知,并优先升级。 创建无限数量的SLA计划,并将其分配给帮助主题,部门或工单过滤器。
  • 所有支持请求和响应都在线存档。 用户可以使用电子邮件和工单登录。 没有用户帐号或注册需要提交工单。


Name With OwnerosTicket/osTicket
Primary LanguagePHP
Program languagePHP (Language Count: 8)
PlatformLinux, Mac, Windows
License:GNU General Public License v2.0
Release Count111
Last Release Namev1.18.1 (Posted on 2023-10-25 15:47:37)
First Release Namev1.8-dpr (Posted on 2013-10-17 21:22:21)
Created At2013-08-12 19:10:14
Pushed At2024-04-22 19:02:45
Last Commit At2019-07-26 10:42:33
Stargazers Count3.1k
Watchers Count230
Fork Count1.6k
Commits Count8.7k
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count4001
Issue Open Count814
Pull Requests Count1862
Pull Requests Open Count322
Pull Requests Close Count415
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private


osTicket is a widely-used open source support ticket system. It seamlessly
integrates inquiries created via email, phone and web-based forms into a
simple easy-to-use multi-user web interface. Manage, organize and archive
all your support requests and responses in one place while providing your
customers with accountability and responsiveness they deserve.

How osTicket works for you

  1. Users create tickets via your website, email, or phone
  2. Incoming tickets are saved and assigned to agents
  3. Agents help your users resolve their issues

osTicket is an attractive alternative to higher-cost and complex customer
support systems; simple, lightweight, reliable, open source, web-based and
easy to setup and use. The best part is, it's completely free.


  • HTTP server running Microsoft® IIS or Apache
  • PHP version 7.0 to 7.3, 7.3 is recommended
  • mysqli extension for PHP
  • MySQL database version 5.5


  • gd, gettext, imap, json, mbstring, and xml extensions for PHP
  • APC module enabled and configured for PHP


osTicket now supports bleeding-edge installations. The easiest way to
install the software and track updates is to clone the public repository.
Create a folder on you web server (using whatever method makes sense for
you) and cd into it. Then clone the repository (the folder must be empty!):

git clone https://github.com/osTicket/osTicket

And deploy the code into somewhere in your server's www root folder, for

cd osTicket
php manage.php deploy --setup /var/www/htdocs/osticket/

Then you can configure your server if necessary to serve that folder, and
visit the page and install osTicket as usual. Go ahead and even delete
setup/ folder out of the deployment location when you’re finished. Then,
later, you can fetch updates and deploy them (from the folder where you
cloned the git repo into)

git pull
php manage.php deploy -v /var/www/htdocs/osticket/


osTicket supports upgrading from 1.6-rc1 and later versions. As with any
upgrade, strongly consider a backup of your attachment files, database, and
osTicket codebase before embarking on an upgrade.

To trigger the update process, fetch the osTicket tarball from either
the osTicket github page
or from the osTicket website. Extract the tarball
into the folder of your osTicket codebase. This can also be accomplished
with the zip file, and a FTP client can of course be used to upload the new
source code to your server.

Any way you choose your adventure, when you have your codebase upgraded to
osTicket-1.7, visit the /scp page of you ticketing system. The upgrader will
be presented and will walk you through the rest of the process. (The couple
clicks needed to go through the process are pretty boring to describe).

Upgrading from v1.6

WARNING: If you are upgrading from osTicket 1.6, please ensure that all
your files in your upload folder are both readable and writable to your
http server software. Unreadable files will not be migrated to the
database during the upgrade and will be effectively lost.

After upgrading, we recommend migrating your attachments to the database or
to the new filesystem plugin. Use the file command-line applet to perform
the migration.

php manage.php file migrate --backend=6 --to=D

View the UPGRADING.txt file for other todo items to complete your upgrade.


Visit the Documentation or the
forum. And if you'd like professional help
managing your osTicket installation,
commercial support is available.


Create your own fork of the project and use
git-flow to create a new feature. Once
the feature is published in your fork, send a pull request to begin the
conversation of integrating your new feature into osTicket.



The interface for osTicket is now completely translatable. Language packs
are available on the download page. If you
do not see your language there, join the Crowdin
project and request to have your language added. Languages which reach 100%
translated are are significantly reviewed will be made available on the
osTicket download page.

The software can also be translated in place in our [JIPT site]
(http://jipt.i18n.osticket.com). Once you have a Crowdin account, login and
translate the software in your browser!

Localizing strings in new code requires usage of a few rules.


osTicket is released under the GPL2 license. See the included LICENSE.txt
file for the gory details of the General Public License.

osTicket is supported by several magical open source projects including:

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