
Elasticsearch的Kibana分析和搜索仪表板。(Kibana analytics and search dashboard for Elasticsearch. )

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Kibana 是你进入弹性堆栈(Elastic Stack)的窗口。 具体来说,它是一个开放源代码的(Apache Licensed)、用于 Elasticsearch 的基于浏览器的分析和搜索仪表板。


如果你只是想尝试一下Kibana,请查看 Elastic Stack 入门页面,给它一个惊喜。

如果你有兴趣更深入地了解 Kibana 的功能,请前往 Kibana 入门页面

使用 Kibana 版本

如果你想在生产中使用 Kibana 版本,可以对其进行测试,或者只是玩一玩。

构建和运行 Kibana,和/或贡献代码

你可能想在本地构建 Kibana,以贡献一些代码,测试最新的功能,或尝试一个开放的PR。


访问 获取完整的 Kibana 文档。

关于构建文档的信息,请看 elastic/docs 的 README。


理想情况下,你运行的 Elasticsearch 和 Kibana 的版本号应该是一致的。如果你的 Elasticsearch 的版本号比 Kibana 的版本号要早,或者主版本号比 Kibana 的版本号要新,那么 Kibana 将无法运行。如果 Elasticsearch 的小号或补丁号比 Kibana 新,那么 Kibana 服务器将记录一个警告。


Situation Example Kibana version Example ES version Outcome
Versions are the same. 5.1.2 5.1.2 green_heart OK
ES patch number is newer. 5.1.2 5.1.5 warning Logged warning
ES minor number is newer. 5.1.2 5.5.0 warning Logged warning
ES major number is newer. 5.1.2 6.0.0 no_entry_sign Fatal error
ES patch number is older. 5.1.2 5.1.0 warning Logged warning
ES minor number is older. 5.1.2 5.0.0 no_entry_sign Fatal error
ES major number is older. 5.1.2 4.0.0 no_entry_sign Fatal error


  • 如果你发现了一个bug或者想申请一个功能,请创建一个 GitHub Issue。请检查以确保其他人没有为同一主题创建过问题。
  • 使用 Kibana 需要帮助?在我们的 Kibana Discuss Forum 上提问,社区成员或 Elastic 工程师会很乐意帮助你。


Name With Ownerelastic/kibana
Primary LanguageTypeScript
Program languageJavaScript (Language Count: 18)
PlatformDocker, Linux, Mac, Windows
Release Count395
Last Release Namedeploy@1713161715 (Posted on 2024-04-15 06:15:19)
First Release Namev3.0.0-m1 (Posted on 2013-04-04 08:09:44)
Created At2013-01-26 04:00:59
Pushed At2024-04-21 18:24:18
Last Commit At
Stargazers Count19.3k
Watchers Count846
Fork Count7.9k
Commits Count73.6k
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count63491
Issue Open Count9532
Pull Requests Count105160
Pull Requests Open Count1192
Pull Requests Close Count10957
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private


Kibana is your window into the Elastic Stack. Specifically, it's a browser-based analytics and search dashboard for Elasticsearch.

Getting Started

If you just want to try Kibana out, check out the Elastic Stack Getting Started Page to give it a whirl.

If you're interested in diving a bit deeper and getting a taste of Kibana's capabilities, head over to the Kibana Getting Started Page.

Using a Kibana Release

If you want to use a Kibana release in production, give it a test run, or just play around:

Building and Running Kibana, and/or Contributing Code

You might want to build Kibana locally to contribute some code, test out the latest features, or try
out an open PR:


Visit for the full Kibana documentation.

For information about building the documentation, see the README in elastic/docs.

Version Compatibility with Elasticsearch

Ideally, you should be running Elasticsearch and Kibana with matching version numbers. If your Elasticsearch has an older version number or a newer major number than Kibana, then Kibana will fail to run. If Elasticsearch has a newer minor or patch number than Kibana, then the Kibana Server will log a warning.

Note: The version numbers below are only examples, meant to illustrate the relationships between different types of version numbers.

Situation Example Kibana version Example ES version Outcome
Versions are the same. 5.1.2 5.1.2 💚 OK
ES patch number is newer. 5.1.2 5.1.5 ⚠️ Logged warning
ES minor number is newer. 5.1.2 5.5.0 ⚠️ Logged warning
ES major number is newer. 5.1.2 6.0.0 🚫 Fatal error
ES patch number is older. 5.1.2 5.1.0 ⚠️ Logged warning
ES minor number is older. 5.1.2 5.0.0 🚫 Fatal error
ES major number is older. 5.1.2 4.0.0 🚫 Fatal error

Questions? Problems? Suggestions?

  • If you've found a bug or want to request a feature, please create a GitHub Issue.
    Please check to make sure someone else hasn't already created an issue for the same topic.
  • Need help using Kibana? Ask away on our Kibana Discuss Forum and a fellow community member or
    Elastic engineer will be glad to help you out.
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