
由教师创建,Gibbon 是解决教育者每天遇到的实际问题的学校平台。(Created by teachers, Gibbon is the school platform which solves real problems encountered by educators every day.)

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Gibbon 是免费、开源和灵活的,可以满足各种学校的需求。

gibbon 成立于 2010年10月, 以应对缺乏强大、可用和开源的学校平台。从一开始, gibbon 就被设计为灵活、可扩展和可主题, 同时旨在帮助教师完成他们的工作。该项目旨在为所有学校, 无论其规模或资源, 都能提供提供有效学习、教学和学校管理所需的系统。gibbon 是使用 php、mysql、jquery、git、atom 和其他开放工具构建的。

Gibbon由一组核心模块组成,这些模块提供了不同类型学校通常需要的功能。 对于系统内的不同用户角色,可以轻松打开或关闭这些模块中的每一个。 可以通过使用其他模块来扩展此核心功能(有关详细信息,请参阅Extend)。 下面的视频和功能列表提供了系统中可用核心功能的摘要。



Name With OwnerGibbonEdu/core
Primary LanguagePHP
Program languagePHP (Language Count: 6)
PlatformLinux, Mac, Windows
License:GNU General Public License v3.0
Release Count50
Last Release Namev26.0.00 (Posted on )
First Release Namev7.0.00 (Posted on )
Created At2013-09-11 22:24:34
Pushed At2024-04-28 06:15:19
Last Commit At
Stargazers Count444
Watchers Count59
Fork Count288
Commits Count6.4k
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count136
Issue Open Count9
Pull Requests Count1457
Pull Requests Open Count15
Pull Requests Close Count126
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private

Gibbon Core

The Core repository represents the bulk of Gibbon, including all of its primary functionality. The core can be extended through the use of modules and themes, which are provided separately. See the Extend page for more info.

Gibbon is open source, and maintained for the benefit of teachers, students, parents and schools.


For full documentation, visit

Installation & Support

For installation instructions, visit Getting Started: Installing Gibbon

For support visit or see our documentation.

Cutting Edge

If you want to run the latest version of Gibbon, prerelease, you can get the source from our GitHub repository. Remember, though, it is not stable, and you may lose data. This is not for the faint of heart.

For installation instructions, visit Getting Started: Installing Gibbon, and make sure to follow the additional instructions for Cutting Edge Code.


We welcome community contribution and aim to ensure Gibbon is an open and friendly environment. Information about contributing, submitting issues, and pull requests can be found in the following docs:

  • Contributor Guide - Learn more about how you can contribute to Gibbon, from code to non-code contributions alike.

  • Code of Conduct - Our pledge to foster a welcoming community and a positive environment for anyone to participate in.

  • Developer Workflow - If you want to get involved in the development process, check out our workflow and GitHub repository. Generally there will be a development branch with the latest code, as per our Development Road Map.


Gibbon is licensed under GNU General Public License v3.0. You can obtain a copy of the license here.

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