
我们的开源静默拍卖应用 BidHub 的 iOS 客户端。(iOS client for BidHub, our open-source silent auction app.)

  • Owner: HubSpot/BidHub-iOS
  • Platform: iOS
  • License:: Apache License 2.0
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BidHub iOS

适用于 HubSpot 开源静音拍卖应用的 iOS 客户端。有关拍卖应用程序项目的概述,请查看我们的博客文章


如果您还没有,那么您将需要按照 BidHub 云代码存储库 中的说明设置 Parse。记下您的应用程序ID和客户端密钥(Parse> Settings> Keys)。搞定?

我们使用 CocoaPods 进行依赖管理((以及许多其他事情))。如果您没有 Cocoapods,请先安装它:sudo gem install cocoapods。

然后,git 克隆这个存储库。在 AuctionApp 目录中,运行 pod install,它将告诉CocoaPods 获取所有应用程序的依赖项。然后,只需在 Xcode 中打开 AuctionApp.xcworkspace(而不是 AuctionApp.xcodeproj —— 这将破坏 CocoaPods)。

编辑 AuctionApp/AppDelegate.swift,将和替换为从 Parse 复制的应用程序ID和客户端密钥。运行应用程序,你应该全部......几乎!尝试出价。要密切关注操作,请查看 Web面板,您可以在其中查看所有项目和出价。

Push 还没有运行,但您应该能够看到 Test Object 7 并对其进行出价。如果您已启动并运行 Android 应用,并已对测试对象出价,您的 Android 手机将收到一个时髦的推送通知。


您可以根据自己的喜好更改一些特定于 HubSpot 的图像:

  • loginBlurredBackground 是登录背景
  • AppIcon 是应用程序图标(你会看到它的去向)


为 iOS 设备设置推送需要一些工作。这是一个严峻的考验,但也是可控的考验,而且Parse提供了很好的文档。按照他们的指导进行第四步,你就会没事的。步骤5和以上包括添加推送到应用程序,我们已经做了。


Name With OwnerHubSpot/BidHub-iOS
Primary LanguageObjective-C
Program languageSwift (Language Count: 3)
License:Apache License 2.0
Release Count0
Created At2014-12-10 20:17:18
Pushed At2016-08-15 14:58:22
Last Commit At2015-09-05 19:51:48
Stargazers Count44
Watchers Count170
Fork Count32
Commits Count20
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count1
Issue Open Count1
Pull Requests Count3
Pull Requests Open Count1
Pull Requests Close Count1
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private

BidHub iOS

iOS client for HubSpot's open-source silent auction app. For an overview of the auction app project, check out our blog post about it!

Getting started

If you haven't yet, you're going to want to set up Parse by following the instructions in the BidHub Cloud Code repository. Make a note of your application ID and client key (Parse > Settings > Keys). All set?

We use CocoaPods for dependency management (and a whole lot of other things). If you don't have Cocoapods, install it first: sudo gem install cocoapods.

Then, git clone this repository. From the AuctionApp directory, run pod install, which will tell CocoaPods to grab all of the app's dependencies. Then, just open AuctionApp.xcworkspace (not AuctionApp.xcodeproj - this will break CocoaPods) in Xcode.

Edit AuctionApp/AppDelegate.swift, replacing <your app id> and <your client key> with the application ID and client key you copied from Parse. Run the app and you should be all set... almost! Try bidding on something. To keep an eye on the action, check out the Web Panel where you can see all your items and bids.

Push isn't going to work yet, but you should be able to see Test Object 7 and bid on it. If you have the Android app up and running, and already bid on the Test Object, your Android phone will receive a sassy push notification.


There's a few HubSpot-specific images that you can change to your liking:

  • loginBlurredBackground is the login background
  • AppIcon is the app icon (you see where this is going)


Setting up push for iOS devices takes a bit of work. It's an ordeal, but a manageable ordeal, and it's been well documented by Parse. Follow their guide up to Step 4 and you'll be fine. Steps 5 and beyond cover adding push to the app, which we've already done.

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