
BackupPC 是一个高性能的企业级系统、用于备份到服务器的磁盘。(BackupPC is a high-performance, enterprise-grade system for backing up to a server's disk.)

  • Owner: backuppc/backuppc
  • Platform: Linux, Mac, Windows
  • License:: GNU General Public License v3.0
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BackupPC 是一个高性能的企业级系统,用于备份到服务器的磁盘。


可以从以下位置获取最新版本的 BackupPC:

如需要安装 perl 模块 BackupPC::XS,可从以下位置获得:

从这里获得服务器端 rsync:

如果您将SMB用于 WinXX 客户端,则需要 Samba 发行版中的 smbclient 和 nmblookup。

要安装 BackupPC,请以 root 身份运行这些命令:

tar zxf BackupPC-__VERSION__.tar.gz
cd BackupPC-__VERSION__

这将自动确定一些系统信息并提示您输入安装路径。请使用 perldoc 查看 提供的各种选项。


BackupPC 是一种高性能的企业级系统,用于将 Linux、WinXX 和 MacOS PC 和笔记本电脑备份到服务器磁盘。 BackupPC 具有高度可配置性,易于安装和维护。

鉴于磁盘和 raid 系统的成本不断降低,将大量机器备份到服务器的本地磁盘或网络存储上现在是实用且经济的。这就是 BackupPC 所做的。对于某些站点,这可能是完整的备份解决方案。对于其他站点,可以通过定期将服务器备份到磁带来创建其他永久存档。各种开源系统可用于备份到磁带。

BackupPC 是用 Perl 编写的,通过 SMB(使用 Samba)、rsync 或 tar 通过 ssh/rsh/nfs 提取备份数据。它坚固、可靠、文档齐全,可在 GitHub 上免费获得。


  • 巧妙的池化方案可最大限度地减少磁盘存储和磁盘 IO。相同或不同 PC 的多个备份中的相同文件仅存储一次,从而大大节省了磁盘存储空间。
  • 磁盘使用的一个例子:95台笔记本电脑,每个完整备份平均每个3.6GB,每个增量平均约0.3GB。每台笔记本电脑存储三个每周完整备份和六个增量备份大约是1200GB的原始数据,但由于池和压缩只需要150GB。
  • 不需要客户端软件。标准 smb 协议用于在 WinXX 客户端上提取备份数据。在 *nix 客户端上,使用 rsync 或 tar over ssh/rsh/nfs 来备份数据。各种替代方案都可以:rsync 也可以通过运行 rsyncd/cygwin 与 WinXX 一起使用。同样,如果将 smb 导出为 smb 共享,则可以使用 smb 备份 *nix 文件系统。
  • 强大的 http/cgi 用户界面允许管理员查看日志文件、配置、当前状态,并允许用户启动和取消备份以及从备份中浏览和恢复文件。
  • 灵活的恢复选项。可以直接从 CGI 界面从任何备份下载单个文件。也可以从 CGI 界面下载任何备份中所选文件或目录的 Zip 或 Tar 存档。最后,CGI 界面还支持直接还原到所选文件或目录的客户端计算机(使用 SMB、rsync 或 tar)。
  • 支持笔记本电脑仅间歇性连接到网络并具有动态 IP 地址(DHCP)的移动环境。
  • 灵活的配置参数允许并行执行多个备份,指定要备份的共享、备份或不备份的目录、完整和增量备份的各种计划、用户的电子邮件提醒计划等。配置参数可以在系统范围内设置,也可以在每台PC上设置。
  • 如果最近未备份其 PC,则会定期向用户发送电子邮件提醒。电子邮件内容、时间和策略是可配置的。
  • 在 Linux 和 Solaris 主机以及 Linux、Win95、Win98、Win2000 和 WinXP 客户端上进行了测试。
  • 详细文档。
  • 开源由 GitHub 托管,可在 GPL 下免费获得。


此版本中提供了 doc/BackupPC.pod 或 doc/BackupPC.html 中的完整文档。您可以用 perldoc 阅读doc/BackupPC.pod 或使用任何浏览器阅读 doc/BackupPC.html 的 。您还可以在以下位置查看文档和常用信息:


在 github 上也有发布:

或 SourceForge:

我们鼓励您订阅 上提供的任何邮件列表:

backuppc-announce 列表经过审核,仅用于重要公告(例如:新版本)。这是低流量。您只需订阅一个用户并宣布:backuppc-users 也会在 backuppc-announce 上收到任何消息。

backuppc-devel 列表仅适用于正在使用BackupPC的开发人员。不要在那里发布问题或支持请求。但是这个清单上应该进行详细的技术讨论。

要将消息发布到 backuppc-users 列表,请发送电子邮件至



版权所有(C)2001-2018 Craig Barratt。版权所有。



(Second edition: vz revised at 2019.09.18)


Name With Ownerbackuppc/backuppc
Primary LanguagePerl
Program languagePerl (Language Count: 4)
PlatformLinux, Mac, Windows
License:GNU General Public License v3.0
Release Count38
Last Release Name4.4.0 (Posted on )
First Release Name1.5.0 (Posted on )
Created At2013-03-28 15:07:07
Pushed At2024-02-28 11:28:26
Last Commit At2022-05-10 10:13:29
Stargazers Count1.3k
Watchers Count75
Fork Count180
Commits Count889
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count363
Issue Open Count155
Pull Requests Count133
Pull Requests Open Count8
Pull Requests Close Count15
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private


BackupPC is a high-performance, enterprise-grade system for backing up to a server's disk.

Quick Start

The latest version of BackupPC can be fetched from:

You'll need to install the perl module BackupPC::XS, available from:

and the server-side rsync from:

If you will use SMB for WinXX clients, you will need smbclient and
nmblookup from the Samba distribution.

To install BackupPC run these commands as root:

tar zxf BackupPC-__VERSION__.tar.gz
cd BackupPC-__VERSION__

This will automatically determine some system information and prompt you
for install paths. Do perldoc to see the various options
that provides.


BackupPC is a high-performance, enterprise-grade system for backing
up Linux, WinXX, and MacOS PCs and laptops to a server's disk.
BackupPC is highly configurable and easy to install and maintain.

Given the ever decreasing cost of disks and raid systems, it is now
practical and cost effective to backup a large number of machines onto
a server's local disk or network storage. This is what BackupPC does.
For some sites, this might be the complete backup solution. For other
sites, additional permanent archives could be created by periodically
backing up the server to tape. A variety of Open Source systems are
available for doing backup to tape.

BackupPC is written in Perl and extracts backup data via SMB (using Samba),
rsync, or tar over ssh/rsh/nfs. It is robust, reliable, well documented
and freely available as Open Source on GitHub.


  • A clever pooling scheme minimizes disk storage and disk IO. Identical
    files across multiple backups of the same or different PCs are stored
    only once resulting in substantial savings in disk storage.

  • One example of disk use: 95 laptops with each full backup averaging
    3.6GB each, and each incremental averaging about 0.3GB. Storing
    three weekly full backups and six incremental backups per laptop
    is around 1200GB of raw data, but because of pooling and compression
    only 150GB is needed.

  • No client-side software is needed. The standard smb protocol is used
    to extract backup data on WinXX clients. On *nix clients, either rsync
    or tar over ssh/rsh/nfs is used to backup the data. Various alternatives
    are possible: rsync can also be used with WinXX by running rsyncd/cygwin.
    Similarly, smb could be used to backup *nix file systems if they are
    exported as smb shares.

  • A powerful http/cgi user interface allows administrators to view log
    files, configuration, current status and allows users to initiate and
    cancel backups and browse and restore files from backups.

  • Flexible restore options. Single files can be downloaded from
    any backup directly from the CGI interface. Zip or Tar archives
    for selected files or directories from any backup can also be
    downloaded from the CGI interface. Finally, direct restore to
    the client machine (using SMB, rsync or tar) for selected files
    or directories is also supported from the CGI interface.

  • Supports mobile environments where laptops are only intermittently
    connected to the network and have dynamic IP addresses (DHCP).

  • Flexible configuration parameters allow multiple backups to be performed
    in parallel, specification of which shares to backup, which directories
    to backup or not backup, various schedules for full and incremental
    backups, schedules for email reminders to users and so on. Configuration
    parameters can be set system-wide or also on a per-PC basis.

  • Users are sent periodic email reminders if their PC has not
    recently been backed up. Email content, timing and policies
    are configurable.

  • Tested on Linux and Solaris hosts, and Linux, Win95, Win98, Win2000
    and WinXP clients.

  • Detailed documentation.

  • Open Source hosted by GitHub and freely available under GPL.


Complete documentation is available in this release in doc/BackupPC.pod
or doc/BackupPC.html. You can read doc/BackupPC.pod with perldoc and
doc/BackupPC.html with any browser. You can also see the documentation
and general information at:

The source code is available on Github at:

and releases are available on github:

or SourceForge:

You are encouraged to subscribe to any of the mail lists available

The backuppc-announce list is moderated and is used only for
important announcements (eg: new versions). It is low traffic.
You only need to subscribe to one of users and announce: backuppc-users
also receives any messages on backuppc-announce.

The backuppc-devel list is only for developers who are working on BackupPC.
Do not post questions or support requests there. But detailed technical
discussions should happen on this list.

To post a message to the backuppc-users list, send an email to

Do not send subscription requests to this address!

Copyright (C) 2001-2018 Craig Barratt. All rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License.

See the LICENSE file.

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